# frozen_string_literal: true module ReactOnRails module WebpackerUtils # TODO: V13 code should be cleaned up so that the webpacker gem is required. # This check should only be done at startup. def self.using_webpacker? return @using_webpacker if defined?(@using_webpacker) @using_webpacker = ReactOnRails::Utils.gem_available?("webpacker") end def self.webpacker_webpack_production_config_exists? webpacker_webpack_config_abs_path = File.join(Rails.root, "config/webpack/production.js") File.exist?(webpacker_webpack_config_abs_path) end def self.dev_server_running? return false unless using_webpacker? Webpacker.dev_server.running? end # This returns either a URL for the webpack-dev-server, non-server bundle or # the hashed server bundle if using the same bundle for the client. # Otherwise returns a file path. def self.bundle_js_uri_from_webpacker(bundle_name) # Note Webpacker 3.4.3 manifest lookup is inside of the public_output_path # [2] (pry) ReactOnRails::WebpackerUtils: 0> Webpacker.manifest.lookup("app-bundle.js") # "/webpack/development/app-bundle-c1d2b6ab73dffa7d9c0e.js" # Next line will throw if the file or manifest does not exist hashed_bundle_name = Webpacker.manifest.lookup!(bundle_name) # Support for hashing the server-bundle and having that built # the webpack-dev-server is provided by the config value # "same_bundle_for_client_and_server" where a value of true # would mean that the bundle is created by the webpack-dev-server is_server_bundle = bundle_name == ReactOnRails.configuration.server_bundle_js_file if Webpacker.dev_server.running? && (!is_server_bundle || ReactOnRails.configuration.same_bundle_for_client_and_server) "#{Webpacker.dev_server.protocol}://#{Webpacker.dev_server.host_with_port}#{hashed_bundle_name}" else File.expand_path(File.join("public", hashed_bundle_name)).to_s end end def self.webpacker_source_path Webpacker.config.source_path end def self.webpacker_public_output_path # Webpacker has the full absolute path of webpacker output files in a Pathname Webpacker.config.public_output_path.to_s end def self.manifest_exists? Webpacker.config.public_manifest_path.exist? end def self.webpacker_source_path_explicit? # WARNING: Calling private method `data` on Webpacker::Configuration, lib/webpacker/configuration.rb config_webpacker_yml = Webpacker.config.send(:data) config_webpacker_yml[:source_path].present? end def self.check_manifest_not_cached return unless using_webpacker? && Webpacker.config.cache_manifest? msg = <<-MSG.strip_heredoc ERROR: you have enabled cache_manifest in the #{Rails.env} env when using the ReactOnRails::TestHelper.configure_rspec_to_compile_assets helper To fix this: edit your config/webpacker.yml file and set cache_manifest to false for test. MSG puts wrap_message(msg) exit! end end end