require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/spec_helper.rb" describe Adyen do describe '.load_config' do it "should set the environment correctly from the gonfiguration" do Adyen.load_config(:environment => 'from_config') Adyen.environment.should == 'from_config' end it "should recursively set settings for submodules" do Adyen.load_config(:SOAP => { :username => 'foo', :password => 'bar' }, :Form => { :default_parameters => { :merchant_account => 'us' }}) Adyen::SOAP.username.should == 'foo' Adyen::SOAP.password.should == 'bar' Adyen::Form.default_parameters.should == { :merchant_account => 'us' } end it "should raise an error when using a non-existing module" do lambda { Adyen.load_config(:Unknown => { :a => 'b' }) }.should raise_error end it "should raise an error when using a non-existing setting" do lambda { Adyen.load_config(:blah => 1234) }.should raise_error end it "should set skins from a hash configuration" do Adyen.load_config(:Form => {:skins => { :first => { :skin_code => '1234', :shared_secret => 'abcd' }, :second => { :skin_code => '5678', :shared_secret => 'efgh' }}}) Adyen::Form.skins.should == { :first => {:skin_code => "1234", :name => :first, :shared_secret => "abcd" }, :second => {:skin_code => "5678", :name => :second, :shared_secret => "efgh" }} end end describe Adyen::Encoding do it "should a hmac_base64 correcly" do encoded_str = Adyen::Encoding.hmac_base64('bla', 'bla') encoded_str.should == '6nItEkVpIYF+i1RwrEyQ7RHmrfU=' end it "should gzip_base64 correcly" do encoded_str = Adyen::Encoding.gzip_base64('bla') encoded_str.length.should == 32 end end describe Adyen::Formatter::DateTime do it "should accept dates" do Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_date( match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/) end it "should accept times" do Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_time( match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}Z$/) end it "should accept valid time strings" do Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_time('2009-01-01T11:11:11Z').should match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}\:\d{2}\:\d{2}Z$/) end it "should accept valid time strings" do Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_date('2009-01-01').should match(/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/) end it "should raise on an invalid time string" do lambda { Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_time('2009-01-01 11:11:11') }.should raise_error end it "should raise on an invalid date string" do lambda { Adyen::Formatter::DateTime.fmt_date('2009-1-1') }.should raise_error end end describe Adyen::Formatter::Price do it "should return a Fixnum with digits only when converting to cents" do Adyen::Formatter::Price.in_cents(33.76).should be_kind_of(Fixnum) end it "should return a BigDecimal when converting from cents" do Adyen::Formatter::Price.from_cents(1234).should be_kind_of(BigDecimal) end end end