require 'active_support/inflector' module ClassAction class ActionNotAvailable < RuntimeError end class << self def included(target) target.extend ClassMethods setup target end def setup(target) target.class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def class_action @_class_action end RUBY end end module ClassMethods def class_action(*actions, klass: nil) actions.each do |action| action_class = klass || const_get(action.to_s.camelize) raise ArgumentError, "ClassAction does not support anonymous classes" if class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def #{action} _execute_class_action :#{action}, #{} end RUBY inject_class_action_mimes action.to_s, action_class end end private # Injects the mimes (formats) that the action responds to into the controller # mimes_for_respond_to hash. def inject_class_action_mimes(action, klass) # If no responders or a default responder is given, we don't do anything. return if klass.responders.empty? || klass.responders.has_key?(:any) mimes = mimes_for_respond_to.dup # Make sure no extra mimes are allowed for the action. mimes.each do |mime, restrictions| next if klass.responders.key?(mime) exclude_class_action_in_mime_type mime, restrictions, action end # Include all action mimes. klass.responders.each do |mime, _block| mimes[mime] ||= { :only => [] } include_class_action_in_mime_type mime, mimes[mime], action end self.mimes_for_respond_to = mimes end def include_class_action_in_mime_type(mime, restrictions, action) if restrictions && restrictions[:except] && restrictions[:except].include?(action) logger.warn "Warning: action #{action} (ClassAction) responds to `#{mime}` but it does not accept this mime type" elsif restrictions && restrictions[:only] && !restrictions[:only].include?(action) restrictions[:only] << action end end def exclude_class_action_in_mime_type(mime, restrictions, action) restrictions[:except] ||= [] restrictions[:except] << action if !restrictions[:except].include?(action) end end def view_context view_context = super if class_action # Extend the current view context with the action helpers. view_context.singleton_class.send :include, class_action.class.helpers end view_context end private def _execute_class_action(name, klass) @_class_action = @_class_action._execute end end if defined?(AbstractController::Rendering::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES) AbstractController::Rendering::DEFAULT_PROTECTED_INSTANCE_VARIABLES << '@_class_action' end require 'class_action/version' require 'class_action/action'