## v5.3.3 January 29 2024 #### Modified - Bump required version to the minimum officially supported Ruby version. ## v5.3.2 November 23 2023 #### Modified - Return source event data when a client configured with crypto is unable to decrypt it (can be not encrypted data or encrypted with different options). ## v5.3.1 November 03 2023 #### Modified - Update license information. ## v5.3.0 October 16 2023 #### Added - Add crypto module that allows to configure SDK to encrypt and decrypt messages. #### Fixed - Improved security of crypto implementation by adding enhanced AES-CBC cryptor. ## v5.2.2 March 14 2023 #### Fixed - Fix issue which raised an exception when PubNub client has been configured with a secret key. ## v5.2.1 December 13 2022 #### Fixed - Fix format which is used to return server data from `get_message_actions` method call. ## v5.2.0 December 12 2022 #### Added - Add api which allow to work with message actions endpoints. #### Modified - Migrate test suite run from Travis to GitHub Actions. ## v5.1.2 November 23 2022 #### Fixed - Fix issue because of which channel hasn't been encoded properly with endpoint call. ## v5.1.1 October 26 2022 #### Fixed - Fix issue because of which `callback` and `http_sync` provided during client configuration not used when missing in method call. ## v5.1.0 July 26 2022 #### Added - Add support for spaces and users permissions in grant_token. - Add user_id and deprecate uuid when creating new pubnub instance. ## v5.0.0 January 13 2022 #### Modified - BREAKING CHANGES: uuid is required parameter to create PubNub instance. ## v4.8.0 December 16 2021 #### Added - Add revoke token feature. ## v4.7.1 November 24 2021 #### Added - Add new method `all_history_messages` which return messages from requested interval or `since` / `before` date in single object. #### Fixed - Fix exception raised when optional start / end not passed to `paged_history`. ## v4.7.0 November 09 2021 #### Added - Grant_token allows generation of signed token with permissions for channels, channel groups and uuids. ##### v4.6.2 - Add new `sdks` section to `.pubnub.yml` with information about available artifacts and distribution variants. ##### v4.6.1 - Exclude `spec` and `fixtures` from built gem file. - Fix Ruby SDK repository location under `sdks` section in `.pubnub.yml`. - Add new section to `.pubnub.yml` file with information about SDK and destribution types. ##### v4.6.0 - BREAKING CHANGE: Add randomized initialization vector usage by default for data encryption / decryption in publish / subscribe / history API calls. - Fix issue which caused Object request body encryption when `cipher_key` is set. ##### v4.5.0 - Add support for APNS2 device/channel management. ##### v4.4.0 - Add simplified Objects API support with UUID and Channel metadata / membership management. - Add uuid and parameter to Grant API along with new Objects permissions: `get`, `update` and `join`. ##### v4.3.0 - Add `delete` permission for `channel` to Grant. ##### v4.2.7 - Don't suppress runtime errors. ##### v4.2.6 - History can now respond with message meta information. - Added official support for Ruby 2.7.X - History properly decrypts messages when using the "include_token" parameter. ##### v4.2.5 - Updated Subscribe endpoint tests to use an unsorted channels list. - Fixed Message Counts channel timetokens by disabling alphabetic sorting of the channels list. ##### v4.2.4 - Update Grant, Revoke and Audit PAM tests to use v2 paths instead of v1. - Replace event name with full endpoint path in PAM signatures, for compatibility with PAM v2 signatures. Addresses the following PRs from [@stefan-qsd](https://github.com/stefan-qsd): [#112](https://github.com/pubnub/ruby/pull/112). - Change paths for PAM endpoints from v1 to v2. - Update PAM signature generator to correctly sort the query string parameters based on key instead of combined key and value. ##### 4.2.3 * Resolved issue with subscribe loop where the connection was reinitiated after receiving a 4xx error code from the server ##### 4.2.2 * Resolved issue with multiple timetokens in message counts endpoint ##### 4.2.1 * Updated listener methods ##### 4.2.0 * Added objects feature ##### 4.1.6 * Added signal feature ##### 4.1.5 * Update dependency dry-validation * Includes minimum Ruby version requirement of 2.4+ ##### 4.0.28 * Added Concurrent-ruby Gem * Removed Celluloid ##### 4.0.25 * Added Telemetry ##### 4.0.24 * Added #delete_messages method * Improved timeout error handling (thanks @f1sherman) ##### 4.0.23 * Fixed HereNow envelope generation ##### 4.0.22 * Fixed signature generation and channel name escaping ##### 4.0.21 * Fixed signature generation ##### 4.0.20 * Allowing using multiple cipher keys ##### 4.0.19 * Fixed sync subscribe. ##### 4.0.16 * Fixed missing channel group parameter in Leave event ##### 4.0.15 * Fixed PAM signature when some special characters are present ##### 4.0.13 * Changed init message log level to debug * Added ttl parameter for publish ##### 4.0.12 * Added alert on catchup failure (REQUEST_MESSAGE_COUNT_EXCEEDED) ##### 4.0.11 * Added super admin mode (Enabled when secret key is set on Pubnub::Client init) ##### 4.0.10 * Better single events timeout handling * DRYed envelope formatting a bit ##### 4.0.9 * Removed json dependency * Updated dependecies ##### 4.0.8 * Updated dry-validation * Dropped support for ruby 2.0 ##### 4.0.7 * Added message decrypting in history ##### 4.0.6 * channel and channels are the same argument * channel_group and channel_groups are the same argument * added `with_presence` flag for subscibe, default false. ##### 4.0.5 * Required CGI ##### 4.0.2 * Added #subscribe_filter for client ##### 4.0.1 * Updated dry-validation and EnvelopeSchema ##### 4.0.0 * Removed auth_key and uuid setters (#set_auth_key, #auth_key=, #set_uuid, #uuid=) * Added #subscribed_to, #current_region, #region=, #current_heartbeat ##### 3.8.3 * Restored auth_key and uuid setters. Important notice: they will be removed in v4 of this library. ##### 3.8.2 * Added :include_token parameter to history call. ##### 3.8.1 * Updated celluloid dependency. ##### 3.8.0 * Release of celluloid version of pubnub gem. It's complete rewrite but public API doesn't change.