unit uBookStore; interface type IBasket = interface(IInvokable) ['{22B4BAF3-88E6-456D-9DE5-F6BAC743A655}'] function Total:integer; end; function NewBasket(aBasket: TArray): IBasket; implementation uses System.SysUtils, System.Generics.collections, System.Math; const seriesBooks = '12345'; cNumberOfBooks = 5; cDiscounts: array[1..cNumberOfBooks] of extended = (1.00, 0.95, 0.90, 0.80, 0.75); type TBasket = class(TInterfacedObject, IBasket) private fSingleBookPrice: integer; fBasket: string; fIntList: TList; class function Head(inStr: string): string; static; class function Tail(inStr: string): string; static; class function ConvertIntArrayToString(const aIntArray: TArray): string; static; function DiscountPercentage(inStr : string): extended; function GroupBasket:TArray; function NumberOfDifferentBooks(inStr : string):integer; public function Total:integer; constructor Create(aBasket: TArray); end; function NewBasket(aBasket: TArray): IBasket; begin result := TBasket.Create(aBasket); end; class function TBasket.Head(inStr : string):string; begin result := inStr.Remove(1); end; class function TBasket.Tail(inStr : string):string; begin result := inStr.Remove(0,1); end; class function TBasket.ConvertIntArrayToString(const aIntArray: TArray): string; var arrayItem: integer; begin result := ''; if length(aIntArray) > 0 then for arrayItem in aIntArray do result := result + arrayItem.ToString; end; constructor TBasket.Create(aBasket: TArray); begin fSingleBookPrice := 800; fIntList := TList.Create; fIntList.AddRange(aBasket); fIntList.Sort; fBasket := ConvertIntArrayToString(aBasket); end; function TBasket.GroupBasket:TArray; var lStrArray: TArray; wrkBasket: string; tmpStr : string; thisBook : string; Index : integer; StrCount : integer; begin wrkBasket := fBasket; StrCount := 1; SetLength(lStrArray,StrCount); thisBook := Head(wrkBasket); while wrkBasket.Length > 0 do begin Index := 0; repeat tmpStr := lStrArray[Index]; if thisBook.Length > 0 then begin if not tmpStr.Contains(thisBook) then begin tmpStr := tmpStr + thisBook; lStrArray[Index] := tmpStr; wrkBasket := Tail(wrkBasket); thisBook := Head(wrkBasket); end else if (Index = StrCount - 1) then begin inc(StrCount); SetLength(lStrArray,StrCount); end; inc(Index); end; until (Index = StrCount) or wrkBasket.IsEmpty; end; result := lStrArray; end; function TBasket.Total:integer; var subBaskets : TArray; subResult : array[0..1] of integer; lSortedBasket : TArray; function computeTotal: integer; var wrkSubBasket: string; totalBooks : integer; subTotal : integer; begin result := 0; for wrkSubBasket in subBaskets do begin totalBooks := wrkSubBasket.Length; subTotal := totalBooks * round(fSingleBookPrice * DiscountPercentage(wrkSubBasket)); Result := Result + subTotal; end; end; begin fillchar(subResult, sizeof(integer), #0); subBaskets := GroupBasket; subResult[0] := computeTotal; lSortedBasket := fIntList.ToArray; fBasket := ConvertIntArrayToString(lSortedBasket); subBaskets := GroupBasket; subResult[1] := computeTotal; result := min(subResult[0], subResult[1]); end; function TBasket.DiscountPercentage(inStr : string):extended; var numDiffBooks: integer; begin numDiffBooks := NumberOfDifferentBooks(inStr); result := CDiscounts[numDiffBooks]; end; function TBasket.NumberOfDifferentBooks(inStr : string):integer; var Book: char; begin result := 0; for Book in seriesBooks do if inStr.Contains(Book) then inc(result); end; end.