b0VIM 8.0Zh-J+joshJoshs-MacBook-Pro.local~josh/Projects/fastlane/fastlane/spaceship/lib/spaceship/test_flight/base.rb 3210#"! Utp'ad u 'u_+|'   a ` P F E < a > $  y u t end end end end raw_data.to_json def to_json end end this_class.client subclass.define_singleton_method(:client) do this_class = self def self.inherited(subclass) # https://apidock.com/rails/v4.2.7/Class/class_attribute # Essentially, we are making a class-inheritable-accessor as described here: # # Have subclasses inherit the client from their superclass ## end @client raise "Please login using `Spaceship::Tunes.login('user', 'password')`" unless @client # Need to handle not having a client but this shouldn't ever happen end end @client = Client.client_with_authorization_from(Spaceship::Tunes.client) if @client.nil? || @client.team_id != Spaceship::Tunes.client.team_id # Initialize new client if new or if team changed if Spaceship::Tunes.client # Verify there is a client that can be used def self.client class Base < Spaceship::Base module TestFlightmodule Spaceshiprequire_relative '../tunes/tunes_client'require_relative '../base'