require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb' class TestS3 < Test::Unit::TestCase RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT = 'Right test message' def setup @s3 =, TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key) @bucket = 'right_s3_awesome_test_bucket_000B1' @bucket2 = 'right_s3_awesome_test_bucket_000B2' @key1 = 'test/woohoo1/' @key2 = 'test1/key/woohoo2' @key3 = 'test2/A%B@C_D&E?F+G=H"I' @key1_copy = 'test/woohoo1_2' @key1_new_name = 'test/woohoo1_3' @key2_new_name = 'test1/key/woohoo2_new' @s =, TestCredentials.aws_secret_access_key) end #--------------------------- # Rightscale::S3Interface #--------------------------- def test_01_create_bucket assert @s3.create_bucket(@bucket), 'Create_bucket fail' end def test_02_list_all_my_buckets assert{|bucket| bucket[:name]}.include?(@bucket), "#{@bucket} must exist in bucket list" end def test_03_list_empty_bucket assert_equal 0, @s3.list_bucket(@bucket).size, "#{@bucket} isn't empty, arrgh!" end def test_04_put assert @s3.put(@bucket, @key1, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, 'x-amz-meta-family'=>'Woohoo1!'), 'Put bucket fail' assert @s3.put(@bucket, @key2, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, 'x-amz-meta-family'=>'Woohoo2!'), 'Put bucket fail' assert @s3.put(@bucket, @key3, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, 'x-amz-meta-family'=>'Woohoo3!'), 'Put bucket fail' end def test_05_get_and_get_object assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) { @s3.get(@bucket, 'undefined/key') } data1 = @s3.get(@bucket, @key1) assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, data1[:object], "Object text must be equal to '#{RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT}'" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key1), "Get_object text must return '#{RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT}'" assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', data1[:headers]['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key3), "Get_object text must return '#{RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT}'" end def test_06_head assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', @s3.head(@bucket,@key1)['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" end def test_07_streaming_get resp = assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) do @s3.get(@bucket, 'undefined/key') do |chunk| resp += chunk end end resp = data1 = @s3.get(@bucket, @key1) do |chunk| resp += chunk end assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, resp, "Object text must be equal to '#{RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT}'" assert_equal @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key1), resp, "Streaming iface must return same as non-streaming" assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', data1[:headers]['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" end def test_08_keys keys = @s3.list_bucket(@bucket).map{|b| b[:key]} assert_equal keys.size, 3, "There should be 3 keys" assert(keys.include?(@key1)) assert(keys.include?(@key2)) assert(keys.include?(@key3)) end def test_09_copy_key #--- test COPY # copy a key assert @s3.copy(@bucket, @key1, @bucket, @key1_copy) # check it was copied well assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key1_copy), "copied object must have the same data" # check meta-headers were copied headers = @s3.head(@bucket, @key1_copy) assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', headers['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" #--- test REPLACE assert @s3.copy(@bucket, @key1, @bucket, @key1_copy, :replace, 'x-amz-meta-family' => 'oooops!') # check it was copied well assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key1_copy), "copied object must have the same data" # check meta-headers were overwrittenn headers = @s3.head(@bucket, @key1_copy) assert_equal 'oooops!', headers['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'oooops!'" end def test_10_move_key # move a key assert @s3.move(@bucket, @key1, @bucket, @key1_new_name) # check it's data was moved correctly assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key1_new_name), "moved object must have the same data" # check meta-headers were moved headers = @s3.head(@bucket, @key1_new_name) assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', headers['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" # check the original key is not exists any more keys = @s3.list_bucket(@bucket).map{|b| b[:key]} assert(!keys.include?(@key1)) end def test_11_rename_key # rename a key assert @s3.rename(@bucket, @key2, @key2_new_name) # check the new key data assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, @s3.get_object(@bucket, @key2_new_name), "moved object must have the same data" # check meta-headers headers = @s3.head(@bucket, @key2_new_name) assert_equal 'Woohoo2!', headers['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo2!'" # check the original key is not exists any more keys = @s3.list_bucket(@bucket).map{|b| b[:key]} assert(!keys.include?(@key2)) end def test_12_retrieve_object assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) { @s3.retrieve_object(:bucket => @bucket, :key => 'undefined/key') } data1 = @s3.retrieve_object(:bucket => @bucket, :key => @key1_new_name) assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, data1[:object], "Object text must be equal to '#{RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT}'" assert_equal 'Woohoo1!', data1[:headers]['x-amz-meta-family'], "x-amz-meta-family header must be equal to 'Woohoo1!'" end def test_13_delete_folder assert_equal 1, @s3.delete_folder(@bucket, 'test').size, "Only one key(#{@key1}) must be deleted!" end def test_14_delete_bucket assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) { @s3.delete_bucket(@bucket) } assert @s3.clear_bucket(@bucket), 'Clear_bucket fail' assert_equal 0, @s3.list_bucket(@bucket).size, 'Bucket must be empty' assert @s3.delete_bucket(@bucket) assert !{|bucket| bucket[:name]}.include?(@bucket), "#{@bucket} must not exist" end #--------------------------- # Rightscale::S3 classes #--------------------------- def test_20_s3 # create bucket bucket = @s.bucket(@bucket, true) assert bucket # check that the bucket exists assert{|b|}.include?(@bucket) # delete bucket assert bucket.clear assert bucket.delete end def test_21_bucket_create_put_get_key bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, true) # check that the bucket exists assert{|b|}.include?(@bucket) assert bucket.keys.empty? # put data assert bucket.put(@key3, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, {'family'=>'123456'}) # get data and compare assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, bucket.get(@key3) # get key object key = bucket.key(@key3, true) assert_equal Rightscale::S3::Key, key.class assert key.exists? assert_equal '123456', key.meta_headers['family'] end def test_22_keys bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # create first key key3 = Rightscale::S3::Key.create(bucket, @key3) key3.refresh assert key3.exists? assert_equal '123456', key3.meta_headers['family'] # create second key key2 = Rightscale::S3::Key.create(bucket, @key2) assert !key2.refresh assert !key2.exists? assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) { key2.head } # store key key2.meta_headers = {'family'=>'111222333'} assert key2.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) # make sure that the key exists assert key2.refresh assert key2.exists? assert key2.head # get its data assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, key2.get # drop key assert key2.delete assert !key2.exists? end def test_23_rename_key bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # -- 1 -- (key based rename) # create a key key = bucket.key('test/copy/1') key.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) original_key = key.clone assert key.exists?, "'test/copy/1' should exist" # rename it key.rename('test/copy/2') assert_equal 'test/copy/2', assert key.exists?, "'test/copy/2' should exist" # the original key should not exist assert !original_key.exists?, "'test/copy/1' should not exist" # -- 2 -- (bucket based rename) bucket.rename_key('test/copy/2', 'test/copy/3') assert bucket.key('test/copy/3').exists?, "'test/copy/3' should exist" assert !bucket.key('test/copy/2').exists?, "'test/copy/2' should not exist" end def test_24_copy_key bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # -- 1 -- (key based copy) # create a key key = bucket.key('test/copy/10') key.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) # make copy new_key = key.copy('test/copy/11') # make sure both the keys exist and have a correct data assert key.exists?, "'test/copy/10' should exist" assert new_key.exists?, "'test/copy/11' should exist" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, key.get assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, new_key.get # -- 2 -- (bucket based copy) bucket.copy_key('test/copy/11', 'test/copy/12') assert bucket.key('test/copy/11').exists?, "'test/copy/11' should exist" assert bucket.key('test/copy/12').exists?, "'test/copy/12' should exist" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, bucket.key('test/copy/11').get assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, bucket.key('test/copy/12').get end def test_25_move_key bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # -- 1 -- (key based copy) # create a key key = bucket.key('test/copy/20') key.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) # move new_key = key.move('test/copy/21') # make sure both the keys exist and have a correct data assert !key.exists?, "'test/copy/20' should not exist" assert new_key.exists?, "'test/copy/21' should exist" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, new_key.get # -- 2 -- (bucket based copy) bucket.copy_key('test/copy/21', 'test/copy/22') assert bucket.key('test/copy/21').exists?, "'test/copy/21' should not exist" assert bucket.key('test/copy/22').exists?, "'test/copy/22' should exist" assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, bucket.key('test/copy/22').get end def test_26_save_meta bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # create a key key = bucket.key('test/copy/30') key.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) assert key.meta_headers.blank? # store some meta keys meta = {'family' => 'oops','race' => 'troll'} assert_equal meta, key.save_meta(meta) # reload meta assert_equal meta, key.reload_meta end def test_27_clear_delete bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # add another key bucket.put(@key2, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT) # delete 'folder' assert_equal 1, bucket.delete_folder(@key1).size # delete assert_raise(Rightscale::AwsError) { bucket.delete } bucket.delete(true) end # Grantees def test_30_create_bucket bucket = @s.bucket(@bucket, true, 'public-read') assert bucket end def test_31_list_grantees bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # get grantees list grantees = bucket.grantees # check that the grantees count equal to 2 (root, AllUsers) assert_equal 2, grantees.size end def test_32_grant_revoke_drop bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # Take 'AllUsers' grantee grantee =,'') # Check exists? assert grantee.exists? # Add grant as String assert grantee.grant('WRITE') # Add grants as Array assert grantee.grant(['READ_ACP', 'WRITE_ACP']) # Check perms count assert_equal 4, grantee.perms.size # revoke 'WRITE_ACP' assert grantee.revoke('WRITE_ACP') # Check manual perm removal method grantee.perms -= ['READ_ACP'] grantee.apply assert_equal 2, grantee.perms.size # Check grantee removal if it has no permissions assert grantee.perms = [] assert grantee.apply assert !grantee.exists? # Check multiple perms assignment assert grantee.grant('FULL_CONTROL', 'READ', 'WRITE') assert_equal ['FULL_CONTROL','READ','WRITE'].sort, grantee.perms.sort # Check multiple perms removal assert grantee.revoke('FULL_CONTROL', 'WRITE') assert_equal ['READ'], grantee.perms # check 'Drop' method assert grantee.drop assert !grantee.exists? assert_equal 1, bucket.grantees.size # Delete bucket bucket.delete(true) end def test_33_key_grantees # Create bucket bucket = @s.bucket(@bucket, true) # Create key key = bucket.key(@key1) assert key.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, 'public-read') # Get grantees list (must be == 2) grantees = key.grantees assert grantees assert_equal 2, grantees.size # Take one of grantees and give him 'Write' perms grantee = grantees[0] assert grantee.grant('WRITE') # Drop grantee assert grantee.drop # Drop bucket bucket.delete(true) end def test_34_bucket_create_put_with_perms bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, true) # check that the bucket exists assert{|b|}.include?(@bucket) assert bucket.keys.empty? # put data (with canned ACL) assert bucket.put(@key1, RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, {'family'=>'123456'}, "public-read") # get data and compare assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, bucket.get(@key1) # get key object key = bucket.key(@key1, true) assert_equal Rightscale::S3::Key, key.class assert key.exists? assert_equal '123456', key.meta_headers['family'] end def test_35_key_put_with_perms bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) # create first key key1 = Rightscale::S3::Key.create(bucket, @key1) key1.refresh assert key1.exists? assert key1.put(RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, "public-read") # get its data assert_equal RIGHT_OBJECT_TEXT, key1.get # drop key assert key1.delete assert !key1.exists? end def test_36_set_amazon_problems original_problems = RightAws::S3Interface.amazon_problems assert(original_problems.length > 0) RightAws::S3Interface.amazon_problems= original_problems << "A New Problem" new_problems = RightAws::S3Interface.amazon_problems assert_equal(new_problems, original_problems) RightAws::S3Interface.amazon_problems= nil assert_nil(RightAws::S3Interface.amazon_problems) end def test_37_access_logging bucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false) targetbucket = Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket2, true) # Take 'AllUsers' grantee grantee =,'') assert grantee.grant(['READ_ACP', 'WRITE']) assert bucket.enable_logging(:targetbucket => targetbucket, :targetprefix => "loggylogs/") sleep 10 assert_equal({:enabled => true, :targetbucket => @bucket2, :targetprefix => "loggylogs/"}, bucket.logging_info) assert bucket.disable_logging # check 'Drop' method assert grantee.drop end def test_40_delete_buckets Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket, false).delete(true) Rightscale::S3::Bucket.create(@s, @bucket2, false).delete(true) end end