# The {ActivityObject} is any object that receives actions. Examples are # creating post, liking a comment, contacting a user. # # = ActivityObject subtypes # All post, comment and user are {SocialStream::Models::Object objects}. # Social Stream privides 3 {ActivityObject} subtypes, {Post}, {Comment} and # {Actor}. The application developer can define as many {ActivityObject} subtypes # as required. # Objects are added to +config/initializers/social_stream.rb+ # class ActivityObject < ActiveRecord::Base attr_reader :_activity_parent_id # ActivityObject is a supertype of SocialStream.objects supertype_of :object acts_as_taggable has_many :activity_object_audiences, :dependent => :destroy has_many :relations, :through => :activity_object_audiences has_many :activity_object_activities, :dependent => :destroy has_many :activities, :through => :activity_object_activities has_many :received_actions, :class_name => "ActivityAction", :dependent => :destroy, :autosave => true has_many :followers, :through => :received_actions, :source => :actor, :conditions => { 'activity_actions.follow' => true } # Associations for indexing has_many :author_actions, :class_name => "ActivityAction", :conditions => { :author => true } has_many :owner_actions, :class_name => "ActivityAction", :conditions => { :owner => true } has_many :activity_object_properties, :dependent => :destroy has_many :object_properties, :through => :activity_object_properties, :source => :property has_many :activity_object_holders, :class_name => "ActivityObjectProperty", :foreign_key => :property_id, :dependent => :destroy has_many :object_holders, :through => :activity_object_holders, :source => :activity_object before_validation :fill_owner_id, :fill_user_author_id, :fill_relation_ids, :if => lambda { |obj| obj.object_type != "Actor" } validates_presence_of :object_type validate :allowed_relations, :if => lambda { |obj| obj.object_type != "Actor" } # TODO: This is currently defined in lib/social_stream/models/object.rb # # Need to fix activity_object_spec_helper before activating it # # validates_presence_of :author_id, :owner_id, :user_author_id, :unless => :acts_as_actor? # after_create :create_post_activity, :unless => :acts_as_actor? scope :authored_by, lambda { |subject| joins(:received_actions). merge(ActivityAction.sent_by(subject).where(:author => true)) } scope :not_authored_by, lambda { |subject| joins(:received_actions). merge(ActivityAction.not_sent_by(subject).where(:author => true)) } scope :owned_by, lambda { |subject| joins(:received_actions). merge(ActivityAction.sent_by(subject).where(:owner => true)) } scope :followed, order("activity_objects.follower_count DESC") scope :followed_by, lambda { |subject| joins(:received_actions). merge(ActivityAction.sent_by(subject).where(:follow => true)) } scope :shared_with, lambda { |subject| joins(:activity_object_audiences). merge(ActivityObjectAudience.where(:relation_id => Relation.ids_shared_with(subject))) } # Obtain the {ActivityAction} between this {ActivityObject} # and the {Actor} identified by actor_id def received_action_by(actor_id) received_actions. find{ |a| a.actor_id == actor_id } end # Obtain received_action_by(actor_id) or create it if it does # not exist def received_action_by!(actor_id) received_action_by(actor_id) || received_actions.build(:actor_id => actor_id) end # Get the first {ActivityAction} that has activated the role flag def received_role_action(role) received_actions. find{ |a| a.__send__ "#{ role }?" } end %w{ author user_author owner }.each do |role| code = <<-EOC def #{ role }_id # def author_id received_role_action(:#{ role }). # received_role_action(:author). try(:actor_id) # try(:actor_id) end # end def #{ role }_id=(actor_id) # def author_id=(actor_id) action = # action = received_action_by!(actor_id) # received_action_by!(actor_id) # action.#{ role } = true # action.author = true # actor_id # actor_id end # end def #{ role } # def author received_role_action(:#{ role }). # received_role_action(:author). try(:actor) # try(:actor) end # end def #{ role }=(actor) # def author=(actor) self.#{ role }_id = # self.author_id = Actor.normalize_id(actor) # Actor.normalize_id(actor) end # end def #{ role }_subject # def author_subject #{ role }.subject # author.subject end # end EOC class_eval code, __FILE__, __LINE__ - code.lines.count - 2 end # subject was the author, user author or owner of this {ActivityObject}? def authored_or_owned_by?(subject) return false if subject.blank? received_actions. merge(ActivityAction.authored_or_owned_by(subject)). any? end # Was the author represented when this {ActivityObject} was created? def represented_author? author_id != user_author_id end # The object of this activity object def object subtype_instance.is_a?(Actor) ? subtype_instance.subject : subtype_instance end # Does this {ActivityObject} has {Actor}? def acts_as_actor? object_type == "Actor" end def actor! actor || raise("Unknown Actor for ActivityObject: #{ inspect }") end # Return the {Action} model to an {Actor} def action_from(actor) received_actions.sent_by(actor).first end # The activity in which this activity_object was created def post_activity activities.includes(:activity_verb).where('activity_verbs.name' => 'post').first end # Build the post activity when this object is not saved def build_post_activity Activity.new :author => author, :user_author => user_author, :owner => owner, :relation_ids => relation_ids end def _activity_parent @_activity_parent ||= Activity.find(_activity_parent_id) end def _activity_parent_id=(id) self.relation_ids = Activity.find(id).relation_ids @_activity_parent_id = id end private def fill_owner_id return if owner_id.present? || author_id.blank? self.owner_id = author_id end def fill_user_author_id return if user_author_id.present? || author_id.blank? || author.subject_type != "User" self.user_author_id = author_id end def fill_relation_ids return if relation_ids.present? || author.blank? || owner.blank? @valid_relations = true self.relation_ids = owner.activity_relation_ids end # validate method # # check relations are included in def allowed_relations return if @valid_relations allowed_rels = owner.relations.allowing('read', 'activity') + Relation::Single.allowing('read', 'activity') if (relation_ids - allowed_rels.map(&:id)).any? errors.add(:relation_ids, "not allowed: #{ relation_ids }, author_id: #{ author_id }, owner_id: #{ owner_id }") end end def create_post_activity create_activity "post" end def create_update_activity create_activity "update" end def create_activity(verb) a = Activity.new :verb => verb, :author_id => author_id, :user_author => user_author, :owner => owner, :relation_ids => relation_ids, :parent_id => _activity_parent_id a.activity_objects << self a.save! end end