= SendGrid WEB API gem for Rails 3 {}[http://travis-ci.org/kylejginavan/sendgrid_webapi] {Gem Version}[http://badge.fury.io/rb/sendgrid_webapi] {}[https://codeclimate.com/github/kylejginavan/sendgrid_webapi] SendGrid WEB API gem allow you to retrieve information such as statistics, bounces, spam reports, unsubscribes, send email and other information. == Rails 3 configuration In your Gemfile: for sendgrid v3 support gem 'sendgrid_webapi', '0.0.3' for sendgrid v2 support gem 'sendgrid_webapi', '0.0.2' == Usage examples === Creating client object: client = SendGridWebApi::Client.new("apikey") == Modules === Bounces This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that have bounced from emails that you've delivered. # Retrieve all of your bounces. # A maximum of 500 bounces will be returned per query. # You can use the offset and limit parameters to retrieve more or less than 500 results. # You can use the start_time and end_time parameters to filter by time frames. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/bounces-api/retrieve-all-bounces # i.e client.bounces.get({ "on_behalf_of": "sub_user_email"}) # i.e using limit/offset: client.bounces.get({ on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", limit: 100, offset: 1 }) client.bounces.get (options) # This method will delete all bounces from the given email. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/bounces-api/delete-a-bounce # i.e: client.bounces.delete( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", email: "email@to.delete" }) client.bounces.delete(options) # Deprecated: Count is no longer supported on SendGrid v3. # As an alternative, SendGrid recommends to query depending on time frames since `get` limit is 500. # Deprecated, under the hood it's doing a get an returning the count client.blocks.count * options are available here: https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/bounces-api === Blocks This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that were blocked by their ISP. These emails are not suppressed and are just for information. # Retrieve all of your blocks. # A maximum of 500 blocks will be returned per query. # You can use the offset and limit parameters to retrieve more or less than 500 results. # You can use the start_time and end_time parameters to filter by time frames. #* https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/blocks-api/retrieve-all-blocks # i.e: client.blocks.get({ on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", limit: 100, offset: 1 }) client.blocks.get(options) # This method will delete all blocks from the given email # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/blocks-api/delete-blocks # i.e: client.blocks.delete( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", email: "email@example.com" }) client.blocks.delete(options) # Deprecated: Count is no longer supported on SendGrid v3. # As an alternative, SendGrid recommends to query depending on time frames since `get` limit is 500. client.blocks.count * options are available here: https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/blocks-api === Invalid Email This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that you've sent to that are invalid email addresses. # Retrieve a list of all invalid email addresses. # You can use the offset and limit parameters to retrieve a custom number of results. # You can use the start_time and end_time parameters to filter by time frames. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/invalid-e-mails-api/retrieve-all-invalid-emails # i.e: client.invalid_emails.get({ on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", limit: 100, offset: 1 }) client.invalid_emails.get(options) # This method will delete all invalid_emails from the given email # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/invalid-e-mails-api/delete-a-specific-invalid-email # i.e: client.invalid_emails.delete( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", email: "email@example.com" }) client.invalid_emails.delete(options) * options are available here: https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/invalid-e-mails-api === Spam Report This module allows you to retrieve and delete email addresses that have marked your emails as SPAM. # Retrieve a list of all spam reports. # You can use the offset and limit parameters to retrieve a custom number of results. # You can use the start_time and end_time parameters to filter by time frames. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/spam-reports-api/retrieve-all-spam-reports # i.e: client.spam.get({ on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", limit: 100, offset: 1 }) client.spam.get(options) # This method will delete all spam_reports from the given email. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/spam-reports-api/delete-a-specific-spam-report # i.e: client.spam.delete( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", email: "email@example.com" }) client.spam.delete(options) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/spam_reports.html === Unsubscribes This module allows you to add, retrieve and delete email addresses that were unsubscribed from your emails. # Example @email_client.send(:unsubscribes).delete( { email: "test@example.com", on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email" }) # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/suppressions-global-suppressions/add-recipient-addresses-to-the-global-suppression-group # i.e: client.unsubscribes.add( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email, recipient_emails: ["test@example.com"] }) client.unsubscribes.add(options) # Retrieve a list of all email address that are globally suppressed. # You can use the offset and limit parameters to retrieve a custom number of results. # You can use the start_time and end_time parameters to filter by time frames. # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/suppressions-global-suppressions/retrieve-all-global-suppressions # client.unsubscribes.get({ on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", limit: 100, offset: 1 }) client.unsubscribes.get(options) # This method will delete all unsubscribes from the given email # * https://docs.sendgrid.com/api-reference/suppressions-global-suppressions/delete-a-global-suppression # i.e: client.unsubscribes.delete( { on_behalf_of: "sub_user_email", email: "email@example.com" }) client.unsubscribes.delete(options) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/unsubscribes.html === Parse Email This module allows you to add, edit, or delete your email parse settings. client.parse_email.add(:hostname => "www.example.com", :url => "www.domain.com/parse.php", :spam_check => 1) client.parse_email.get(options) client.parse_email.delete(:hostname => "www.example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/parse_settings.html === Event Notification URL This module allows you to add, edit, or delete an event notification URL for your account. client.event_notification.set(:url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com") client.event_notification.get(options) client.event_notification.delete(options) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Webhooks/event.html === Stats This module allows you to retrieve statistical data on a range of metrics including requests, bounces, spam reports, categories, and others. client.stats.get(options) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/Statistics/index.html === Profile This module allows you to retrieve and update your profile information such as credentials and email address. client.profile.get(options) client.profile.set(options) client.profile.set_password(:password => "foo", :confirm_password => "foo") client.profile.set_username(:username => "yournewusername@domain.com") client.profile.set_email(:email => "yournewusername@domain.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Web_API/profile.html === Mail This module allows you to send email. client.mail.send(:to => "test@test.com", :subject => "test", :text => "some body", :from => "test@example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/Code_Examples/ruby.html == SubUser === Creating client object: client = SendGridWebApi::Client.new("apikey") client.sub_user == Modules === Management SubUsers Retrieve/Create/Enable/Disable your subusers. Change a subuser email address and username. Docs can be found here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/index.html Create a sub_user client.sub_user.management.add(:username => "sub_user", :website => "example.com", :password => "somepass", :confirm_password => "somepass", :first_name => "homero", :last_name => "simpson", :address => "555 anystreet", :city => "any city",:state => "CA", :zip => "91234", :email => "sub_user@example.com", :country => "US", :phone => "555-555") Get sub_users list client.sub_user.management.get This prevents them from sending out emails with SendGrid client.sub_user.management.disable(:user => "sub_user") Enable a subuser so they may start sending out emails again. This call will not enable website access client.sub_user.management.enable(:user => "sub_user") Allow a subuser to login to the SendGrid.com website client.sub_user.management.website_enable(:user => "sub_user") Disable a subuser to login to the SendGrid.com website client.sub_user.management.website_disable(:user => "sub_user") Allows you to update your subusers profile information client.sub_user.management.update(:user => "sub_user", :first_name => "change_named") client.sub_user.management.update_password(:user => "sub_user", :password => "somepassword", :confirm_password => "somepassword") client.sub_user.management.update_username(:user => "sub_user", :username => "newusername") client.sub_user.management.update_email(:user => "sub_user", :email => "newemail") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subusers.html === Bounces This module allows you to manage bounce records of your subusers. client.sub_user.bounces.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.bounces.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_bounces.html === Invalid Email This module allows you to manage invalid emails of your subusers. client.sub_user.invalid_emails.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.invalid_emails.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/invalid_emails.html === Spam Report This module allows you to manage spam reports of your subusers. client.sub_user.spam.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.spam.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_spam_reports.html === Unsubscribes This module allows you to manage unsubscribes of your subusers. client.sub_user.unsubscribes.add(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") client.sub_user.unsubscribes.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.unsubscribes.delete(:user => "sub_user", :email => "email@example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/subuser_unsubscribes.html === Parse Email This module allows you to setup subusers parse settings client.sub_user.parse_email.add(:user => "sub_user", :hostname => "www.example.com", :url => "www.domain.com/parse.php", :spam_check => 1) client.sub_user.parse_email.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.parse_email.delete(:user => "sub_user", :hostname => "www.example.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/parse_settings.html === Event Notification URL This module allows you to manage subusers event notification url. client.sub_user.event_notification.set(:user => "sub_user", :url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com") client.sub_user.event_notification.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.event_notification.delete(:user => "sub_user", :url => "http://www.yourposturlhere.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/event_notification_url.html === Stats This module allows you to see statistics regarding your subusers. client.sub_user.stats.get(:user => "sub_user") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/statistics.html === Limits This module allows you to manage the rate of emails your subusers are able to send client.sub_user.limits.get(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.limits.set_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "200", :period=> "daily") client.sub_user.limits.reset(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400", :period=> "daily") client.sub_user.limits.increment_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400") client.sub_user.limits.decrement_credits(:user => "sub_user", :credits=> "400") To remove all limits from your sub_user client.sub_user.limits.delete(:user => "sub_user") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/account_limits.html === Monitor Records Make sure your subusers arent sending out spam by getting a sample of their outgoing messages client.sub_user.monitor_records.create(:name => "testmonitor", :frequency => 10000, :email => "test@test.com") client.sub_user.monitor_records.edit(:name => "testmonitor", :new_frequency => 10) client.sub_user.monitor_records.add_user(:user => "sub_user", :name => "testmonitor") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/monitor_records.html === IP Management List all IP addresses you have under your account and retrieve details about them To obtain a complete list of all IP's and which are free, taken or available. See params in the link client.sub_user.ip_management.get(:user => "sub_user") To get the ip that is using your sub_user client.sub_user.ip_management.usage_ip(:user => "sub_user") To assign one ip to your sub_user client.sub_user.ip_management.assign_ip(:user => "sub_user", :ip => ["IP1", "IP2"]) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/ip_management.html === WhiteLabel Manage whitelabel settings for your subusers To retrieve a list of all whitelabel domains client.sub_user.whitelabel.get(:user => "sub_user") To set a subusers whitelabel domain client.sub_user.whitelabel.add(:user => "sub_user", :mail_domain => "email.sendgrid.com") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/whitelabel.html === IFrame Allow users to manage your subusers via iframe using our site client.sub_user.iframe.get(:user => "sub_user") * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/automatic_login.html === Authentication This module allows you to check subusers password to see if its valid. client.sub_user.auth.login(:user => "sub_user", :password => "somepass"). * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/authenticate_a_subuser.html === Apps This module allows you to setup subusers app settings. client.sub_user.apps.list(:user => "sub_user") client.sub_user.apps.activate(:user => "sub_user", :name => "opentrack") client.sub_user.apps.deactivate(:user => "sub_user", :name => "opentrack") client.sub_user.apps.current_settings(:user => "sub_user", :name => "eventnotify") client.sub_user.apps.customize(:user => "sub_user", :name => "eventnotify", :processed => "0", :dropped => "1", :deferred => "1", :delivered => "0", :bounce => "1", :click => "1", :open => "1", :unsubscribe => "1", :spamreport => "1", :url => "http://someurl.com/listener")) * options are available here: http://sendgrid.com/docs/API_Reference/Customer_Subuser_API/apps.html === Apikey This module allows you to manage apikeys client.apikey.management.get client.apikey.management.get({ on_behalf_of: "SUB_USERNAME" }) client.apikey.management.get({ apikey_id: "APIKEY_ID" }) client.apikey.management.get({ on_behalf_of: "SUB_USERNAME" }) client.apikey.management.create({ "name" => "APIKEY NAME", "scopes" => ["mail.send"] }) client.apikey.management.create({ on_behalf_of: "SUB_USERNAME", "name" => "APIKEY NAME", "scopes" => ["mail.send"] }) client.apikey.management.update("APIKEY_ID", { "name" => "NEW APIKEY NAME"}) client.apikey.management.update("APIKEY_ID", { on_behalf_of: "SUB_USERNAME", "name" => "NEW APIKEY NAME"}) client.apikey.management.delete("APIKEY_ID") client.apikey.management.delete("APIKEY_ID", { on_behalf_of: "SUB_USERNAME" }) * options are available here: https://sendgrid.com/docs/api-reference/ == Helper === Create Sub User this helper allows you to create a sub_user and enable apps that you want, passing a array with the sub_user data define the data user_hash = {:website => "someurl.com", :password => "somepass", :confirm_password => "somepass", :first_name => "home", :last_name => "simpson", :address => "555 anystreet", :city => "any city", :state => "CA" , :zip => "91234", :email => "email@email.com", :country => "US", :phone => "555-555"} apps = { :opentrack => {:name => "eventnotify", :processed => "0", :dropped => "1", :deferred => "1", :delivered => "0", :bounce => "1", :click => "1", :open => "1", :unsubscribe => "1", :spamreport => "1", :url => "https://agencieshq.com/sendgrid/v1/listener"}, :clicktrack => {:enable_text => "1"}, :opentrack => {} } users = {"username" => {:account => user_hash, :applications => apps, :assigned_ips => ["IP"]}} call the helper create_sub_user_account("sendgrid user", "sendgrid pass", users) === Run SendGrid Query this helper allows you run a sengrid request and raise if it doesn't return successfull run_sendgrid_query("sendgrid user", "sendgrid pass") do #some sendgrid request @client.sub_user.apps.activate(:user => "user", :name => "twitter") end == HTTP Return codes === 4xx The API call had an error in the parameters. The gem will return ApiException raise. === 5xx The API call was unsuccessful. The gem will return ApiException raise. == CONTRIBUTORS: * Kyle J. Ginavan. * Mauro Torres - http://github.com/chebyte