require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' require "teeth/scan_rails_logs" # special shout out to Willem van Bergen, author of request-log-analyzer: # # Thanks for the log samples! describe "Rails Request Log Lexer", "when lexing Rails 1.x logs" do it "should extract the Controller, action, IP, timestamp and HTTP verb from a ``Processing'' line" do line = %q{Processing PageController#demo (for at 2008-12-10 16:28:09) [GET]} result = line.scan_rails_logs result[:teaser].first.should == "Processing" result[:controller_action].first.should == "PageController#demo" result[:ipv4_addr].first.should == "" result[:http_method].first.should == "GET" result[:datetime].first.should == "2008-12-10 16:28:09" end it "should give a hash with :cache_hit => not falsy value for a cache hit" do cache_hit = %q{Filter chain halted as [#{}, :layout=>nil, :cache_path=>#}>] rendered_or_redirected.} cache_hit.scan_rails_logs[:cache_hit].should be_true cache_hit.scan_rails_logs[:teaser].first.should == "Filter chain halted" end it "should extract an error, error_message, line of code, source code file, and stack_trace from a ``RuntimeError'' line" do line = %q{RuntimeError (Cannot destroy employee): /app/models/employee.rb:198:in `before_destroy' } result = line.scan_rails_logs puts "###\n" + result.inspect result[:error].first.should == "RuntimeError" result[:error_message].first.should == "Cannot destroy employee" result[:file_and_line].first.should == "/app/models/employee.rb:198" end it "should extract the duration, view duration, db duration, HTTP status code, and url from a ``Completed'' line for Rails 1.x" do rails_1x = %q{Completed in 0.21665 (4 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.00926 (4%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK []} result = rails_1x.scan_rails_logs result[:teaser].first.should == "Completed in" result[:duration_s].first.should == "0.21665" result[:view_s].first.should == "0.00926" result[:db_s].first.should == "0.00000" result[:http_response].first.should == "200" result[:url].first.should == "" end it "should also process a different 1.x ``Completed'' line correctly" do alt_1x = %q{Completed in 0.04180 (23 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02667 (63%) | DB: 0.00259 (6%) | 200 OK [http://localhost/]} result = alt_1x.scan_rails_logs puts result.inspect result[:teaser].first.should == "Completed in" result[:duration_s].first.should == "0.04180" result[:view_s].first.should == "0.02667" result[:db_s].first.should == "0.00259" result[:http_response].first.should == "200" result[:url].first.should == "http://localhost/" end it "should extract the relevant components from a ``Completed'' line for Rails 2.x" do rails_2x = %q{Completed in 614ms (View: 120, DB: 31) | 200 OK [http://floorplanner.local/demo]} result = rails_2x.scan_rails_logs result[:teaser].first.should == "Completed in" result[:duration_ms].first.should == "614" result[:view_ms].first.should == "120" result[:db_ms].first.should == "31" result[:http_response].first.should == "200" result[:url].first.should == "http://floorplanner.local/demo" end it "should extract the duration and partial from a ``Rendered'' line for rails 2.x" do rendered_2x = "Rendered shared/_analytics (0.2ms)" #puts "(rendered 2.x): " + rendered_2x.scan_rails_logs.inspect rendered_2x.scan_rails_logs[:partial].first.should == "shared/_analytics" rendered_2x.scan_rails_logs[:render_duration_ms].first.should == "0.2" end it "should extract the duration and partial from a ``Rendered'' line for rails 1.x" do rendered_1x = "Rendered layouts/_doc_type (0.00001)" #puts "(rendered 1.x): " + rendered_1x.scan_rails_logs.inspect rendered_1x.scan_rails_logs[:partial].first.should == "layouts/_doc_type" rendered_1x.scan_rails_logs[:render_duration_s].first.should == "0.00001" end it "should skip session id lines" do session_id = %q{Session ID: BAh7CToMcmVmZXJlciIbL3ByaXNjaWxsYS9wZW9wbGUvMjM1MCIKZmxhc2hJ} { |k| k.to_s}.sort.should == ["id", "message"] end it "should not return a teaser for session id continuation lines" do session_id_contd = "ZWR7ADoNbGFuZ3VhZ2VvOhNMb2NhbGU6Ok9iamVjdBI6CUB3aW4wOg1AY291" session_id_contd.scan_rails_logs[:teaser].should be_nil end it "should give a non falsy value for :end_session_id at for the last line of a session id" do session_id_end_1 = "bmxfTkw6DEBzY3JpcHQwOg5AZmFsbGJhY2sw--48cbe3788ef27f6005f8e999610a42af6e90ffb3" session_id_end_1.scan_rails_logs[:end_session_id].should_not be_nil session_id_end_2 = "X2lkaQIyBw==--3ad1948559448522a49d289a2a89dc7ccbe8847a" session_id_end_2.scan_rails_logs[:end_session_id].should_not be_nil end end