module ActiveRemote module Integration extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do unless singleton_methods.include?(:cache_timestamp_format) ## # :singleton-method: # Indicates the format used to generate the timestamp format in the cache key. # This is +:number+, by default. # def self.cache_timestamp_format :number end end end ## # Returns a String, which can be used for constructing an URL to this # object. The default implementation returns this record's guid as a String, # or nil if this record's unsaved. # # user = => 'Phusion') # user.to_param # => "GUID-1" # def to_param self[:guid] && self[:guid].to_s end ## # Returns a cache key that can be used to identify this record. # # ==== Examples # # # => "products/new" # => "derp-5").cache_key # => "people/derp-5-20071224150000" (include updated_at) # => "derp-5").cache_key # => "products/derp-5" # def cache_key case when new_record? then "#{}/new" when ::ActiveRemote.config.default_cache_key_updated_at? && (timestamp = self[:updated_at]) then timestamp = timestamp.utc.to_s(self.class.cache_timestamp_format) "#{}/#{self.to_param}-#{timestamp}" else "#{}/#{self.to_param}" end end end end