7.3.36. logical_table_remove Summary

New in version 5.0.5.

logical_table_remove removes tables and their columns for the specified logical table. If there are one or more indexes against key of the tables and their columns, they are also removed.

If you specify the part of a shard, table of the shard isn't removed. logical_table_remove just deletes records in the table.

For example, there are the following records in a table:

  • Record1: 2016-03-18 00:30:00
  • Record2: 2016-03-18 01:00:00
  • Record3: 2016-03-18 02:00:00

logical_table_remove deletes "Record1" and "Record2" when you specify range as between 2016-03-18 00:00:00 and 2016-03-18 01:30:00. logical_table_remove doesn't delete "Record3". logical_table_remove doesn't remove the table.

New in version 6.0.1: You can also remove tables and columns that reference the target table and tables related with the target shard by using dependent parameter.

New in version 6.0.9: You can remove broken tables and columns as much as possible by using force parameter. Syntax

This command takes many parameters.

The required parameters are logical_table and shard_key:

logical_table_remove logical_table
                     [force=no] Usage

You specify logical table name and shard key what you want to remove.

This section describes about the followings:

  • Basic usage
  • Removes parts of a logical table
  • Unremovable cases
  • Removes with related tables
  • Removes broken tables as much as possible
  • Decreases used resources Basic usage

Register sharding plugin to use this command in advance.

Execution example:

plugin_register sharding
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

You can remove all tables for the logical table by specifying only logical_table and shard_key.

Here are commands to create 2 shards:

Execution example:

table_create  Logs_20160318 TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Logs_20160318 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
table_create  Logs_20160319 TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Logs_20160319 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

You can confirm existing shards by logical_shard_list:

Execution example:

logical_shard_list --logical_table Logs
# [
#   [
#     0,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531
#   ],
#   [
#     {
#       "name": "Logs_20160318"
#     },
#     {
#       "name": "Logs_20160319"
#     }
#   ]
# ]

You can remove all shards:

Execution example:

logical_table_remove \
  --logical_table Logs \
  --shard_key timestamp
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

There are no shards after you remove all shards:

Execution example:

logical_shard_list --logical_table Logs
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], []] Removes parts of a logical table

You can specify range of shards by the following parameters:

  • min
  • min_border
  • max
  • max_border

See the following documents of logical_select for each parameter:

If the specified range doesn't cover all records in a shard, table for the shard isn't removed. Target records in the table are only deleted.

If the specified range covers all records in a shard, table for the shard is removed.

Here is a logical table to show the behavior. The logical table has two shards:

Execution example:

table_create  Logs_20160318 TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Logs_20160318 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
load --table Logs_20160318
{"timestamp": "2016-03-18 00:30:00"},
{"timestamp": "2016-03-18 01:00:00"},
{"timestamp": "2016-03-18 02:00:00"}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 3]
table_create  Logs_20160319 TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Logs_20160319 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
load --table Logs_20160319
{"timestamp": "2016-03-19 00:30:00"},
{"timestamp": "2016-03-19 01:00:00"}
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], 2]

There are the following records in Logs_20160318 table:

  • Record1: "2016-03-18 00:30:00"
  • Record2: "2016-03-18 01:00:00"
  • Record3: "2016-03-18 02:00:00"

There are the following records in Logs_20160319 table:

  • Record1: "2016-03-19 00:30:00"
  • Record2: "2016-03-19 01:00:00"

The following range doesn't cover "Record1" in Logs_20160318 table but covers all records in Logs_20160319 table:

Parameter Value
min "2016-03-18 01:00:00"
min_border "include"
max "2016-03-19 01:30:00"
max_border "include"

logical_table_remove with the range deletes "Record2" and "Record3" in Logs_20160318 table but doesn't remove Logs_20160318 table. Because there is "Record1" in Logs_20160318 table.

logical_table_remove with the range removes Logs_20160319 table because the range covers all records in Logs_20160319 table.

Here is an example to use logical_table_remove with the range:

Execution example:

logical_table_remove \
  --logical_table Logs \
  --shard_key timestamp \
  --min "2016-03-18 01:00:00" \
  --min_border "include" \
  --max "2016-03-19 01:30:00" \
  --max_border "include"
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

dump shows that there is "Record1" in Logs_20160318 table:

Execution example:

# plugin_register sharding
# table_create Logs_20160318 TABLE_NO_KEY
# column_create Logs_20160318 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# load --table Logs_20160318
# [
# ["_id","timestamp"],
# [1,1458228600.0]
# ] Unremovable cases

There are some unremovable cases. See Unremovable cases for details. Because logical_table_remove uses the same checks. Removes broken tables as much as possible

New in version 6.0.9.

If the target tables are broken, you can't remove them. But you can remove them as much as possible by using force parameter.

If you specify --force yes, they are removed as much as possible. You can also use --dependent yes with --force yes.

Here is a sample schema to show how --force yes behavior:

Execution example:

table_create  Logs_20160320 TABLE_NO_KEY
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Logs_20160320 timestamp COLUMN_SCALAR Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
table_create  Timestamps TABLE_PAT_KEY Time
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]
column_create Timestamps logs_20160320_timestamp \
  COLUMN_INDEX Logs_20160320 timestamp
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

You can't remove Logs_20160320 when Timestamps.logs_20160320_timestamp is broken:

Execution example:

logical_table_remove \
  --logical_table Logs \
  --shard_key timestamp
# [
#   [
#     -55,
#     1337566253.89858,
#     0.000355720520019531,
#     "object corrupt: <[column][remove][index] hook has a dangling reference: <Logs_20160320.timestamp> -> <Timestamps.logs_20160320_",
#     [
#       [
#         "Groonga::Sharding::LogicalTableRemoveCommand.remove_table",
#         "/home/kou/work/c/groonga.clean/plugins/sharding/logical_table_remove.rb",
#         156
#       ]
#     ]
#   ]
# ]

You can remove Logs_20160320 and its columns by using --force yes parameter even when Timestamps.logs_20160320_timestamp is broken:

Execution example:

logical_table_remove \
  --logical_table Logs \
  --shard_key timestamp \
  --force yes
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], true]

Logs_20160320, its columns and Timestamps.logs_20160320_timestamp are removed:

Execution example:

object_exist Logs_20160320
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], false]
object_exist Logs_20160320.timestamp
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], false]
object_exist Timestamps.logs_20160320_timestamp
# [[0, 1337566253.89858, 0.000355720520019531], false]

--force yes parameter is a dangerous parameter. Normally, you don't need to use it. Decreases used resources

You can decrease resources for this command. See Decreases used resources for details. Because logical_table_remove uses the same logic as table_remove. Parameters

This section describes parameters of logical_table_remove. Required parameters

There are required parameters. logical_table

Specifies logical table name. It means table name without _YYYYMMDD postfix. If you use actual table such as Logs_20150203, Logs_20150203 and so on, logical table name is Logs.

See also logical_table. shard_key

Specifies column name which is treated as shared key.

See also shard_key. Optional parameters

There are optional parameters. min

Specifies the minimum value of shard_key column.

See also min. min_border

Specifies whether the minimum value is included or not. include and exclude are available. The default is include.

See also min_border. max

Specifies the maximum value of shard_key column.

See also max. max_border

Specifies whether the maximum value is included or not. include and exclude are available. The default is include.

See also max_border. dependent

New in version 6.0.1.

Specifies whether tables and columns that depend on the target shard are also removed or not.

Here are conditions for dependent. If table or column satisfies one of the conditions, the table or column depends on the target shard:

  • Tables and columns that reference the target shard
  • Tables for the shard (= The table has the same _YYYYMMDD postfix as the target shard and is referenced from the target shard)

If this value is yes, tables and columns that depend on the target shard are also removed. Otherwise, they aren't removed. If there are one or more tables that reference the target shard, an error is returned. If there are tables for the shared, they are not touched.

You should use this parameter carefully. This is a danger parameter.

See Removes with related tables how to use this parameter. force

New in version 6.0.9.

Specifies whether you want to remove target tables and columns even if some problems exist.

You should use this parameter carefully. This is a danger parameter.

See Removes broken tables as much as possible how to use this parameter. Return value

The command returns true as body on success such as:

[HEADER, true]

If the command fails, error details are in HEADER.

See Output format for HEADER.