The Instrumentation module can be used to simulate key presses, touch events, file events and capturing of the screen. The Instrumentation module will be available to any process that requests it. No properties are defined, only methods. Simulates a single key event, based upon the supplied parameter. The character that will be pushed onto the input stream for the underlying OS. Simluates a string, based upon the supplied paramter. The string that will be pushed onto the input stream for the underlying OS. Simulate a touch event, this can either be a left down, left down and mouse move and left up. To draw something correctly, this function must be called multiple times by the user. For instance, when drawing a line, the first call will be to be mouse down, then the second call will be to mouse move, and the final call will be to mouse up. This will draw line. You cannot pass through an array of co-ordinates or button presses. The event type represents the state of the touch event and where it is on the screen. Currently, the three values that can be used are 0, 1 and 2. The absolute x co-ordinate, cannot be negative. The absolute y co-ordinate, cannot be negative. Capture the contents of the screen and save it. On WMCE it is a Bitmap. The name of the file to be used for saving the screen buffer. The result of the screen capture method. -1 for failure and 1 for success. Return the amount of memory that the process is using. Currently on Windows, this just returns the amount of memory the device has, on Android, it can return size of the running process. A value greater than 0. Delete the file at the specified location. The name of the file to be deleted. -1 if deletion fails, 1 if deleted Delete the file at the specified location. The name of the file to search for. -1 if error occured, 0 if file not found, 1 if file found. Generate, PB_ONMETA and PB_NAVIGATE messages 1.0.0