# frozen_string_literal: true # = DuplicateChecking # # This mixin provides a way for ActiveRecord classes to find and squash duplicates. # # Example: # # # Define your class # class Thing < Calagator::ApplicationRecord # # Load the mixin into your class # include DuplicateChecking # # # Declare attributes that should be ignored during duplicate checks # duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes :random_value # # # Declare associations that should be ignored during duplicate squashing # duplicate_squashing_ignores_associations :tags # # # Declare an optional scope to be applied in find_duplicates_by_type # duplicate_finding_scope -> { active } # end # # # Set duplicates on objects # foo1 = Thing.create!!:name => "foo") # foo2 = Thing.create!(:name => "foo", :duplicate_of => foo1) # bar = Thing.create!(:name => "bar") # # # Check whether record is set as duplicate # foo1.duplicate? # => false # foo2.duplicate? # => true # bar.duplicate? # => false # # # Find duplicate of a record # foo3.find_exact_duplicates # => [foo1, foo2] # bar.find_exact_duplicates # => nil require "calagator/duplicate_checking/duplicate_finder" require "calagator/duplicate_checking/duplicate_squasher" module Calagator module DuplicateChecking DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN = :duplicate_of_id DEFAULT_SQUASH_METHOD = :mark DUPLICATE_CHECKING_IGNORES_ATTRIBUTES = Set.new((%w[created_at updated_at id] + [DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN]).map(&:to_sym)) def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end def duplicate? duplicate_of.present? end alias_method :marked_as_duplicate?, :duplicate? def primary? !duplicate? end # Return the ultimate primary for a record, which may be the record itself. def originator parent = self seen = Set.new loop do return parent if parent.primary? if seen.include?(parent) raise DuplicateCheckingError, "Loop detected in duplicates chain at #{parent.class}##{parent.id}" end seen << parent parent = parent.duplicate_of end end # Return either an Array of exact duplicates for this record, or nil if no exact duplicates were found. # # Note that this method requires that all associations are set before this method is called. def find_exact_duplicates matchable_attributes = attributes.reject do |key, _value| self.class.duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes.include?(key.to_sym) end duplicates = self.class.where(matchable_attributes).reject { |t| t.id == id } duplicates.presence end module ClassMethods def self.extended(klass) klass.instance_eval do cattr_accessor(:_duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes) { Set.new } cattr_accessor(:_duplicate_squashing_ignores_associations) { Set.new } cattr_accessor(:_duplicate_finding_scope) { -> { all } } cattr_accessor(:_after_squashing_duplicates) { ->(primary) {} } belongs_to :duplicate_of, class_name: name, foreign_key: DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN has_many :duplicates, class_name: name, foreign_key: DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN scope :marked_duplicates, -> { where("#{table_name}.#{DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN} IS NOT NULL") } scope :non_duplicates, -> { where("#{table_name}.#{DUPLICATE_MARK_COLUMN} IS NULL") } end end # Return set of attributes that should be ignored for duplicate checking def duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes(*args) unless args.empty? _duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes.merge(args.map(&:to_sym)) end DUPLICATE_CHECKING_IGNORES_ATTRIBUTES + _duplicate_checking_ignores_attributes end # Return set of associations that will be ignored during duplicate squashing def duplicate_squashing_ignores_associations(*args) unless args.empty? _duplicate_squashing_ignores_associations.merge(args.map(&:to_sym)) end _duplicate_squashing_ignores_associations end def duplicate_finding_scope(*args) self._duplicate_finding_scope = args.first unless args.empty? _duplicate_finding_scope end def after_squashing_duplicates(*args) self._after_squashing_duplicates = args.first unless args.empty? _after_squashing_duplicates end # Return Hash of duplicate events grouped by the +type+. def find_duplicates_by_type(type) DuplicateFinder.new(self, type.split(",")).find do |scope| scope.instance_exec(&duplicate_finding_scope) end end # Squash duplicates. Options accept ActiveRecord instances or IDs. # # Options: # :duplicates => ActiveRecord instance(s) to mark as duplicates # :primary => ActiveRecord instance to use as the primary record def squash(primary, duplicates) DuplicateSquasher.new(primary, duplicates, name.downcase).squash.tap do |squasher| after_squashing_duplicates.call(primary) unless squasher.failure end end end end class DuplicateCheckingError < RuntimeError end end