Class Tag
In: app/models/tag.rb
Parent: ActiveRecord::Base



size  [RW] 

Public Class methods

Returns an array of tags with a size attribute This takes the same arguments as find, plus the additional `:sizes` option, which contols the number of sizes the tag cloud will have. The default number of sizes is 5.


    # File app/models/tag.rb, line 26
26:   def{})
27:     sizes = (options.delete(:sizes) || 5) - 1
28:     sizes = 1 if sizes < 1
29:     tags = counts(options)
30:     return [] if tags.blank?
32:     min = nil
33:     max = nil
34:     tags.each do |t|
35:       t.count = t.count.to_i
36:       min = t.count if (min.nil? || t.count < min)
37:       max = t.count if (max.nil? || t.count > min)
38:     end
40:     divisor = ((max - min) / sizes) + 1
41:     tags.each do |t|
42:       t.size = ("%1.0f" % (t.count * 1.0 / divisor)).to_i
43:     end
45:     tags
46:   end


    # File app/models/tag.rb, line 52
52:   def self.columns_for_index
53:     [ {:label => "Name", :method => :name, :order => "name" },
54:       {:label => "Usages", :method => :tagging_count },
55:       {:label => "Updated On", :method => :updated_on_string, :order => "updated_at"}  ]
56:   end

Returns an array of tags with a count attribute


    # File app/models/tag.rb, line 12
12:   def self.counts(options={})
13:     with_scope(:find => { 
14:         :select => ",, count(*) as count", 
15:         :joins => :taggings, 
16:         :group => ",", 
17:         :order => "count desc," }) do
18:       all(options)
19:     end
20:   end

Public Instance methods


    # File app/models/tag.rb, line 58
58:   def render
59:     @taggings = @content_block.taggings.paginate(:page => params[:page])
60:   end


    # File app/models/tag.rb, line 48
48:   def tagging_count
49:     taggings.count
50:   end
