# NOTE: run bin/format-filters after changing this file opal_unsupported_filter "language" do fails "Ruby String literals with a magic frozen comment produce different objects for literals with the same content in different files if the other file doesn't have the comment" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "Ruby String literals with a magic frozen comment produce different objects for literals with the same content in different files if they have different encodings" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "Ruby String literals with a magic frozen comment produce the same object each time" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "Ruby String literals with a magic frozen comment produce the same object for literals with the same content in different files" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "Ruby String literals with a magic frozen comment produce the same object for literals with the same content" # NoMethodError: undefined method `tmp' for # fails "The defined? keyword for pseudo-variables returns 'expression' for __ENCODING__" # Expected "constant" == "expression" to be truthy but was false fails "The defined? keyword when called with a method name having a module as receiver returns nil if the method is private" # Expected "method" to be nil fails "The private keyword changes the visibility of the existing method in the subclass" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("foo" was returned) fails "The private keyword changes visibility of previously called method" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised ("foo" was returned) fails "The private keyword changes visibility of previously called methods with same send/call site" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (2 was returned) fails "The private keyword is overridden when a new class is opened" # Expected NoMethodError but no exception was raised (1 was returned) fails "The private keyword marks following methods as being private" # Expected ["foo", "bar", "to_json", "guard", "guard_not", "with_feature", "without_feature", "new_fd", "new_io", "should", "should_not", "version_is", "ruby_version_is", "kernel_version_is", "suppress_warning", "suppress_keyword_warning", "should_receive", "should_not_receive", "stub!", "mock", "mock_int", "mock_numeric", "evaluate", "before", "after", "describe", "it", "it_should_behave_like", "context", "specify", "it_behaves_like", "ruby_bug", "conflicts_with", "big_endian", "little_endian", "platform_is", "platform_is_not", "quarantine!", "not_supported_on", "as_superuser", "as_real_superuser", "as_user", "argf", "argv", "new_datetime", "with_timezone", "fixture", "flunk", "cp", "mkdir_p", "rm_r", "touch", "mock_to_path", "nan_value", "infinity_value", "bignum_value", "max_long", "min_long", "fixnum_max", "fixnum_min", "ruby_exe_options", "resolve_ruby_exe", "ruby_exe", "ruby_cmd", "opal_filter", "opal_unsupported_filter", "frozen_error_class", "pack_format", "DelegateClass", "unpack_format", "be_close_to_matrix", "module_specs_public_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object", "module_specs_protected_method_on_object", "module_specs_private_method_on_object_for_kernel_public", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_protected", "module_specs_public_method_on_object_for_kernel_private", "check_autoload", "example_instance_method_of_object", "expect", "eq", "pretty_print", "pretty_print_cycle", "pretty_print_instance_variables", "pretty_print_inspect", "=~", "!~", "===", "<=>", "method", "methods", "public_methods", "Array", "at_exit", "caller", "caller_locations", "class", "copy_instance_variables", "copy_singleton_methods", "clone", "initialize_clone", "define_singleton_method", "dup", "initialize_dup", "enum_for", "equal?", "exit", "extend", "freeze", "frozen?", "gets", "hash", "initialize_copy", "inspect", "instance_of?", "instance_variable_defined?", "instance_variable_get", "instance_variable_set", "remove_instance_variable", "instance_variables", "Integer", "Float", "Hash", "is_a?", "itself", "lambda", "load", "loop", "nil?", "printf", "proc", "puts", "p", "print", "readline", "warn", "raise", "rand", "respond_to?", "respond_to_missing?", "require", "require_relative", "require_tree", "singleton_class", "sleep", "srand", "String", "tap", "to_proc", "to_s", "catch", "throw", "open", "yield_self", "fail", "kind_of?", "object_id", "public_send", "send", "then", "to_enum", "format", "sprintf", "Complex", "Rational", "taint", "untaint", "tainted?", "private_methods", "protected_methods", "private_instance_methods", "protected_instance_methods", "eval", "binding", "Pathname", "require_remote", "pretty_inspect", "pp", "opal_parse", "eval_js", "BigDecimal", "module_specs_public_method_on_kernel", "module_specs_alias_on_kernel", "__send__", "__id__", "==", "!", "initialize", "eql?", "!=", "instance_eval", "instance_exec", "singleton_method_added", "singleton_method_removed", "singleton_method_undefined", "method_missing"] not to include "bar" fails "rescuing Interrupt raises an Interrupt when sent a signal SIGINT" # NoMethodError: undefined method `kill' for Process fails "rescuing SignalException raises a SignalException when sent a signal" # NoMethodError: undefined method `kill' for Process end