require "spec_helper" require "opsicle" module Opsicle describe SSH do subject {'derp') } let(:client) { double(config: double(opsworks_config: {stack_id: "1234"})) } let(:stack) { double(client: client) } let(:api_call) { double } before do allow(Client).to receive(:new).with('derp').and_return(client) allow(Stack).to receive(:new).with(client).and_return(stack) end context "#execute" do before do allow(Output).to receive(:say) allow(Output).to receive(:say_verbose) allow(Output).to receive(:ask).and_return(2) allow(subject).to receive(:ssh_username) {"mrderpyman2014"} end it "executes ssh with a selected Opsworks instance IP" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "" }, { hostname: "host2", elastic_ip: "789.789.789.789" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh mrderpyman2014@789.789.789.789") subject.execute end it "executes ssh with public_ip listings as well as elastic_ip" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "678.678.678.678" }, { hostname: "host2", public_ip: "987.987.987.987" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh mrderpyman2014@987.987.987.987") subject.execute end it "executes ssh favoring an elastic_ip over a public_ip if both exist" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "678.678.678.678" }, { hostname: "host2", public_ip: "987.987.987.987", elastic_ip: "" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh mrderpyman2014@") subject.execute end it "executes ssh right away if there is only one Opsworks instance available" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host3", elastic_ip: "456.456.456.456" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh mrderpyman2014@456.456.456.456") expect(subject).not_to receive(:ask) subject.execute end it "executes ssh with ssh options and command" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "" }, { hostname: "host2", elastic_ip: "789.789.789.789" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh -p 234 mrderpyman2014@789.789.789.789 \"cd /srv/www\"") subject.execute({ :"ssh-opts" => '-p 234', :"ssh-cmd" => 'cd /srv/www'}) end it "executes sshs through an instance with a public_ip to get to one with a private_ip" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "" }, { hostname: "host2", private_ip: "789.789.789.789" } ]} expect(subject).to receive(:system).with("ssh -A -t mrderpyman2014@ ssh 789.789.789.789") subject.execute end end context "#client" do it "generates a new aws client from the given configs" do expect(Client).to receive(:new).with('derp') subject.client end end context "#instances" do it "makes a describe_instances API call" do expect(client).to receive(:api_call).with(:describe_instances, {stack_id: "1234"}) .and_return(api_call) expect(api_call).to receive(:data).and_return(instances: [{:name => :foo, :status => "online"},{:name => :bar, :status => "stopped"}]) expect(subject.instances).to eq([{:name => :foo, :status=>"online"}]) end it "sorts instances by hostname" do expect(client).to receive(:api_call).with(:describe_instances, {stack_id: "1234"}) .and_return(api_call) expect(api_call).to receive(:data).and_return(instances: [{:hostname => "taco", :status => "online"},{:hostname => "bar", :status => "online"}]) expect(subject.instances).to eq([{:hostname => "bar", :status=>"online"}, {:hostname => "taco", :status=>"online"}]) end end context "#ssh_username" do it "makes a describe_my_user_profile API call" do allow(client).to receive(:api_call).with(:describe_my_user_profile) .and_return({user_profile: {:ssh_username => "captkirk01"}}) expect(subject.ssh_username).to eq("captkirk01") end end context "#public_ips" do it "selects all EIPs and then public_ip on the stack" do allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "", public_ip: "123.345.567.789"}, { hostname: "host2", public_ip: "456.456.456.456" }, { hostname: "host2", private_ip: "789.789.789.789" }, ]} expect(subject.public_ips).to eq(["","456.456.456.456"]) end end context "#ssh_command" do before do allow(subject).to receive(:ssh_username) {"mrderpyman2014"} allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", elastic_ip: "" }, { hostname: "host2", private_ip: "789.789.789.789" } ]} end it "creates the proper ssh_command for an instance with a public/elastic ip" do expect(subject.ssh_command({elastic_ip: "" })).to eq("ssh mrderpyman2014@") end it "creates the proper ssh_command for an instance with a private ip" do expect(subject.ssh_command({private_ip: "789.789.789.789" })).to eq("ssh -A -t mrderpyman2014@ ssh 789.789.789.789") end it "properly adds ssh options to the ssh_command for an isntance with a public ip" do expect(subject.ssh_command({elastic_ip: "" }, { :"ssh-opts" => "-c"})).to eq("ssh -c mrderpyman2014@") end it "properly adds ssh options to the ssh_command for an isntance with a private ip" do expect(subject.ssh_command({private_ip: "789.789.789.789"}, { :"ssh-opts" => "-c"} )).to eq("ssh -c -A -t mrderpyman2014@ ssh 789.789.789.789") end end context "#instance_info" do before do allow(stack).to receive(:layer_name).with("1").and_return("one") allow(stack).to receive(:layer_name).with("2").and_return("two") allow(subject).to receive(:instances) {[ { hostname: "host1", public_ip: "", layer_ids: [1] }, { hostname: "host2", private_ip: "789.789.789.789", layer_ids: [1,2] }, { hostname: "host3", private_ip: "789.789.789.789", layer_ids: nil } ]} it "should handle no layers or EIP" do expect(subject.instance_info({})).to eq("()") end it "should list a layer" do expect(subject.instance_info(layer_ids: [1])).to eq("(one)") end it "should list layers" do expect(subject.instance_info(layer_ids: [1, 2])).to eq("(one, two)") end it "should list a EIP" do expect(subject.instance_info(elastic_ip: "")).to eq("(EIP)") end it "should list all info" do expect(subject.instance_info(layer_ids: [1], elastic_ip: "")).to eq("(one, EIP)") end end end end end