# Monkey Patch the extract_options! stolen from ActiveSupport class ::Array def extract_options! last.is_a?(::Hash) ? pop : {} end def extract_with_defaults(defaults) extract_options!.with_defaults(defaults) end end # Monkey Patch for merging defaults into a hash class ::Hash def with_defaults(defaults) self.merge(defaults){ |key, old, new| old.nil? ? new : old } end def with_defaults!(defaults) self.merge!(defaults){ |key, old, new| old.nil? ? new : old } end end # Monkey patch for awesome array -> hash conversions # use: # # [:x, :y, :z].inject_hash do |results, letter| # results[letter] = rand(100) # end # # # => {:x => 32, :y => 63, :z => 91} module Enumerable def inject_hash(hash = {}) inject(hash) {|(h,item)| yield(h,item); h} end end module ClassInheritableAttributes def cattr_inheritable(*args) @cattr_inheritable_attrs ||= [:cattr_inheritable_attrs] @cattr_inheritable_attrs += args args.each do |arg| class_eval %( class << self; attr_accessor :#{arg} end ) end @cattr_inheritable_attrs end def inherited(subclass) @cattr_inheritable_attrs.each do |inheritable_attribute| instance_var = "@#{inheritable_attribute}" subclass.instance_variable_set(instance_var, instance_variable_get(instance_var)) end end end module Orange # Class that extends hash so that [] can have an optional second attribute class DefaultHash < ::Hash def [](key, my_default = nil) my_default = self.default if my_default.nil? self.has_key?(key) ? super(key) : my_default end end # This class acts as a simple sink for ignoring messages, it will return itself # for any message call. Orange::Core can optionally return this when trying # to access resources so that you can make method calls to a resource that # might not be really there. It will silently swallow any errors that might arrise, # so this should be used with caution. class Ignore def method_missing(name, *args, &block) return self end end # Simple class for evaluating options and allowing us to access them. class Options def initialize(*options, &block) @options = options.extract_options! @options ||= {} instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end def hash @options end def method_missing(key, *args) return (@options[key.to_s.gsub(/\?$/, '').to_sym].eql?(true)) if key.to_s.match(/\?$/) if args.empty? @options[key.to_sym] elsif(key.to_s.match(/\=$/)) @options[key.to_s.gsub(/\=$/, '').to_sym] = (args.size == 1 ? args.first : args) else @options[key.to_sym] = (args.size == 1 ? args.first : args) end end end end