puts puts "Shopify App Generator" puts "---------------------" puts puts "To get started, first register your app as a Shopify Partner:" puts puts " * Go to http://www.shopify.com/partners and create or login to your Partner account." puts puts " * Jump over to the Apps tab and hit the 'Create a new app' button" puts " (Make sure to set the Application URL to http://localhost:3000/login during development)" puts puts " * Install the Shopify API gem: $ gem install shopify_api" puts puts " * Run $ rails generate shopify_app your_app_api_key your_app_secret" puts puts " * Set up a test shop to install your app in (do this on the Partner site)" puts puts " * Run $ rails server" puts puts " * Visit http://localhost:3000 and use the test shop's URL to install this app" puts