#Provides some helper methods for modifying xml (as plain text). (removing and replacing nodes)
#so far, this module knows nothing about libxml, only about xml (and very roughly)
#This is intended for inclusion in Test::Unit::TestCase.
#If you're not mixing it in to such a context,
#note that it will need the assertions definitions to work:
#require 'test/unit/assertions'
#include Test::Unit::Assertions
module LibXMLTestHelper
#from given xml snippet str, removes first encountered node with the given name.
#e.g. ALL of FIRST title AND nested in the following
text hereother stuffthis one untouched...
def remove_first_node_called(name, original_xml)
return remove_nodes_called(name, original_xml, true)
#from given xml snippet str, removes either first node or all nodes encountered with the given name.
def remove_nodes_called(name, original_xml, limit_to_first = false)
new_xml = replace_nodes_called(name, original_xml, '', limit_to_first)
assert_not_equal original_xml.gsub(/\n\w*/,''), new_xml.gsub(/\n\w*/,''), "shouldn't be equal - should have stripped '#{name}' tag"
return new_xml
#from given xml snippet str, replaces the first node with the given name, with the given contents.
def replace_first_node_called(name, original_xml, replacement_string)
replace_nodes_called(name, original_xml, replacement_string, true)
#from given xml snippet str, replaces either first node or all nodes encountered (of the given name) with the given contents.
def replace_nodes_called(name, original_xml, replacement_string, limit_to_first = false)
operation = limit_to_first ? :sub : :gsub
assert_not_nil original_xml, 'given nil for original xml to work with'
new_xml = original_xml.send(operation, /<#{name}.*?<\/#{name}>/m,replacement_string)#m is multiline. #*? is don't be greedy or we'll get more than first.
assert_not_equal original_xml.gsub(/\n\w*/,''), new_xml.gsub(/\n\w*/,''), "shouldn't be equal - should have replaced '#{name}' tag with #{replacement_string}"
assert_not_nil new_xml, 'substitution returned nil - something went wrong'
return new_xml