require 'spec_helper' shared_examples_for 'liftable' do it { should respond_to :compose_with_lifting } it { should respond_to :>= } it { should respond_to :<= } let(:x) { :foo } let(:y) { [1,2] } let(:z) { {:a => 1, :b => 2} } let(:g) { lambda{|x| if x.nil? || (x.respond_to?(:empty?) && x.empty?) raise "g called with nil arg" else (x.to_s * 2) + "_g" end } } it('" f >= g" returns function that does not call g if args is mzero'){ (subject >= g).should be_a_kind_of Proc } it('"(f >= g).call(nil) returns nil and does not call g'){ (subject >= g).call(nil).should be_nil } it('"(f >= g).call(x) should be g(f(x))'){ (subject >= g).call(x).should == } it('"(f >= g).call([]) returns [] and does not call g'){ (subject >= g).call([]).should == [] } it('"(f >= g).call([1,2]) should be g(f([1,2]))'){ (subject >= g).call(y).should == } it('"(f >= g).call({}) returns {} and does not call g'){ (subject >= g).call({}).should == {} } it('"(f >= g).call({:a => 1,:b => 2}) should be g(f({:a => 1, :b => 2}))'){ (subject >= g).call(z).should == } end