#-- # Cloud Foundry # Copyright (c) [2009-2014] Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # # This product is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). # You may not use this product except in compliance with the License. # # This product includes a number of subcomponents with # separate copyright notices and license terms. Your use of these # subcomponents is subject to the terms and conditions of the # subcomponent's license, as noted in the LICENSE file. #++ if ENV['COVERAGE'] require "simplecov" if ENV['COVERAGE'] =~ /rcov/ require "simplecov-rcov" SimpleCov.formatter = SimpleCov::Formatter::RcovFormatter end SimpleCov.add_filter "^#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}" if ENV['COVERAGE'] =~ /exclude-spec/ SimpleCov.add_filter "^#{File.expand_path(File.join(__FILE__, "..", "..", "vendor"))}" if ENV['COVERAGE'] =~ /exclude-vendor/ SimpleCov.start end require 'rspec' require 'eventmachine' require 'uaa/stub/uaa' RSpec.configure do |config| config.expect_with :rspec do |expectations| expectations.syntax = [:expect, :should] end end module CF::UAA module SpecHelper def capture_exception yield rescue Exception => e e end # Runs given block on a thread or fiber and returns result. # If eventmachine is running on another thread, the fiber # must be on the same thread, hence EM.schedule and the # restriction that the given block cannot include rspec matchers. def frequest(on_fiber, &blk) return capture_exception(&blk) unless on_fiber result, cthred = nil, Thread.current EM.schedule { Fiber.new { result = capture_exception(&blk); cthred.run }.resume } Thread.stop result end def setup_target(opts = {}) test_client = "test_client_#{Time.now.to_i}" opts = { authorities: "clients.read,scim.read,scim.write,uaa.resource", grant_types: "client_credentials,password,refresh_token", name: test_client, scope: "openid,password.write,scim.me,scim.read", autoapprove: "openid,password.write,scim.me,scim.read", signup_redirect_url: "home"}.update(opts) @admin_client = ENV["UAA_CLIENT_ID"] || "admin" @admin_secret = ENV["UAA_CLIENT_SECRET"] || "adminsecret" if ENV["UAA_CLIENT_TARGET"] @target, @stub_uaa = ENV["UAA_CLIENT_TARGET"], nil else @stub_uaa = StubUAA.new(boot_client: @admin_client, boot_secret: @admin_secret).run_on_thread @target = @stub_uaa.url end Cli.run("target #{@target}").should be Cli.run("token client get #{@admin_client} -s #{@admin_secret}") Config.yaml.should include("access_token") @test_secret = Shellwords.escape("+=tEsTsEcRet~!@--") Cli.run("client add #{test_client} -s #{@test_secret} " + "--authorities #{opts[:authorities]} " + "--scope #{opts[:scope]} " + "--name #{opts[:name]} " + "--authorized_grant_types #{opts[:grant_types]} " + "--autoapprove #{opts[:autoapprove]} " + "--signup_redirect_url #{opts[:signup_redirect_url]}").should be Cli.output.string.should include 'created_by' opts.each { |k, a| Util.arglist(a).each {|v| Cli.output.string.should include(v) }} @test_client = test_client end def cleanup_target #Cli.run "context #{@test_client}" #Cli.run("groups"); puts Cli.output.string #Cli.run("users"); puts Cli.output.string Cli.run("context #{@admin_client}") if @test_client && !@test_client.empty? Cli.run("client delete #{@test_client}").should be Cli.output.string.should include("deleted") end @stub_uaa.stop if @stub_uaa end end end