# coding: utf-8 require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe HighChartsHelper do include LazyHighCharts::LayoutHelper before(:each) do @class = "stylin" @placeholder = "placeholder" @chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new(@placeholder) @data = "data" @options = "options" end describe "layout_helper" do it "should return a div with an id of high_chart object" do hc = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new("placeholder", :class => 'stylin') high_chart(hc.placeholder, hc).should have_selector('div', :id => hc.placeholder, :class => 'stylin') end it "should return a script" do hc = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new("placeholder") high_chart(hc.placeholder, hc).should have_selector('script') end end describe "high_chart_graph" do describe "ready function" do it "should be a javascript script" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should have_selector('script', :type => 'text/javascript') high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/}\)\(\)/) end it "should assign to the onload event" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should include('window.onload = function(){') end it "should call any existing onload function" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/onload = window.onload;/) high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/if \(typeof onload == "function"\)\s*onload\(\)/) end end describe "initialize HighChart" do it "should set variables `chart` `options`" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should include('var options, chart;') end it "should set Chart data" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/chart\s+=\s+new\s+Highcharts.Chart/) end it "should set chart renderTo" do high_chart(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/"renderTo": "placeholder"/) end it "should set Chart Stock" do high_stock(@placeholder, @chart).should match(/chart\s+=\s+new\s+Highcharts.StockChart/) end end end it "should take a block setting attributes" do chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new {|f| f.options[:rangeSelector] = {:selected=>1}; f.series(:type =>"spline", :name =>"Historias", :pointInterval => (1.day.to_i * 1000) , :pointStart => (Time.now.to_i * 1000), :data => [0,1,2,3,5,6,0,7] ) } chart.options[:rangeSelector][:selected].should == 1 high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/rangeSelector/) high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/xAxis/) high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/yAxis/) high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/series/) end it "should take a block setting attributes" do chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new {|f| f.others(:foo =>"bar") } high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/foo/) end it "should allow js code as attribute" do chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new {|f| f.options[:foo] = "function () { alert('hello') }".js_code } high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/"foo": function \(\) { alert\('hello'\) }/) end it "should convert keys to proper format" do chart = LazyHighCharts::HighChart.new {|f| f.options[:foo_bar] = { :bar_foo => "someattrib"} } high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/fooBar/) high_chart(@placeholder, chart).should match(/barFoo/) end end