<%= title "Listing Bounces#{"for #{@mailing.subject}" if @mailing.present?}" %> <%= form_tag mail_manager.bounces_path, :id => 'search_form', :method => 'GET' do %> <%= select_tag "mailing_id", options_for_select(@mailings.collect{|mailing| ["#{mailing.subject} (#{l mailing.status_changed_at if mailing.status_changed_at.present?}) (#{mailing.bounces.size})",mailing.id.to_s]},params[:mailing_id].to_i), :include_blank => true, :onChange => "$('#search_form').submit()" %>
<%= select_tag "bounce[status]", options_for_select([['Needs Attention','needs_manual_intervention'],['Resolved','resolved']],params[:bounce][:status]), :include_blank => true, :onChange => "$('#search_form').submit()" %>
<% end %> <% if @bounces.length == 0 %>

No bounces found for the Mailing with given status.

<% else %>

<%= will_paginate @bounces %>

<% for bounce in @bounces %> <% end %>
Contact Status Status changed at Comments  
<%=h bounce.contact_full_name %> <%=h bounce.contact_email_address %> <%=h bounce.status rescue 'N/A' %> <%=l bounce.status_changed_at rescue nil %> <%=h bounce.comments %> <%= link_to "View", bounce, :id => "view_bounce_#{bounce.id}", :class => 'button' %>

<%= will_paginate @bounces %>

<% end %>