#----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Custom tasks for this project #----------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'pathname' namespace :util do desc "List the sqlite api calls that are not implemented" task :todo do not_implementing = %w[ sqlite3_exec sqlite3_open sqlite3_os_end sqlite3_os_init sqlite3_malloc sqlite3_realloc sqlite3_free sqlite3_get_table sqlite3_free_table sqlite3_key sqlite3_rekey sqlite3_next_stmt sqlite3_release_memory sqlite3_sleep sqlite3_snprintf sqlite3_vmprintf sqlite3_strnicmp sqlite3_test_control sqlite3_unlock_notify sqlite3_vfs_find sqlite3_vfs_register sqlite3_vfs_unregister ] sqlite_h = File.join( *%w[ ext amalgalite c sqlite3.h ] ) api_todo = {} IO.readlines( sqlite_h ).each do |line| if line =~ /\ASQLITE_API/ then if line !~ /SQLITE_DEPRECATED/ and line !~ /SQLITE_EXPERIMENTAL/ then if md = line.match( /(sqlite3_[^(\s]+)\(/ ) then next if not_implementing.include?(md.captures[0]) api_todo[md.captures[0]] = true end end end end Dir.glob("ext/amalgalite/c/amalgalite*.c").each do |am_file| IO.readlines( am_file ).each do |am_line| if md = am_line.match( /(sqlite3_[^(\s]+)\(/ ) then api_todo.delete( md.captures[0] ) end end end puts "#{api_todo.keys.size} functions to still implement" puts api_todo.keys.sort.join("\n") end desc "Download and integrate a version of sqlite" task :update_sqlite, [:version,:year] do |task, args| version = args[:version] or abort "A version of SQLite please `rake #{task.name}[version,year]`" version_year = args[:year] or abort "The Year #{version} was released please `rake #{task.name}[version,year]`" require 'uri' require 'open-uri' require 'zip' parts = version.split(".") next_version = [ parts.shift.to_s ] parts.each do |p| next_version << "#{"%02d" % p }" end next_version << "00" if next_version.size == 3 next_version = next_version.join('') url = ::URI.parse("http://sqlite.org/#{version_year}/sqlite-amalgamation-#{next_version}.zip") puts "downloading #{url.to_s} ..." file = "tmp/#{File.basename( url.path ) }" FileUtils.mkdir "tmp" unless File.directory?( "tmp" ) File.open( file, "wb+") do |f| open(url) do |input| f.write( input.read ) end end puts "extracting..." upstream_files = %w[ sqlite3.h sqlite3.c sqlite3ext.h ] Zip::ZipInputStream.open( file ) do |io| loop do entry = io.get_next_entry break unless entry bname = File.basename( entry.name ) if upstream_files.include?( bname ) then dest_file = File.join( "ext", "amalgalite", "c", bname ) puts "updating #{dest_file}" entry.extract( dest_file ) { true } end end end end end