require File.expand_path('../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe 'XCRes::ResourcesBuilder' do def subject XCRes::ResourcesBuilder end before do @builder = @builder.logger = stub('Logger') end describe "#initialize" do it 'should set attribute documented to true' do end it 'should set attribute swift to false' do end end describe "#resources_constant_name" do it 'should use the configured resources constant name' do @builder.resources_constant_name = 'test''test') end it 'should fallback to the basename of the output path [swift]' do @builder.output_path = 'test/R.swift''R') end it 'should fallback to the basename of the output path [objc]' do @builder.output_path = 'test/R.m''R') end end describe '#transform_key' do it 'should transform to camelCase' do @builder.send(:transform_key, 'ab_cd_ef', {}).should == 'abCdEf' @builder.send(:transform_key, 'ab/cd/ef', {}).should == 'abCdEf' @builder.send(:transform_key, 'Ab_1cdEf', {}).should == 'ab1cdEf' end it 'should prefix the key with an underscore if the first character is not a letter' do @builder.send(:transform_key, '_a', {}).should == 'a' @builder.send(:transform_key, '1', {}).should == '_1' @builder.send(:transform_key, '_1', {}).should == '_1' @builder.send(:transform_key, '1ab', {}).should == '_1ab' end end describe '#add_section' do it 'should raise if no items are given' do -> { @builder.add_section 'Test', nil }.should.raise?(ArgumentError, 'No items are given!') end it 'should not add keys, which are protected keywords [swift]' do @builder.logger.expects(:warn).twice @builder.swift = true @builder.add_section 'Test', { 'default' => 'Default.png', 'cat' => 'cat.gif', 'auto' => 'auto.jpg', 'internal' => 'internal.png' }'Test' => { 'cat' => 'cat.gif', 'auto' => 'auto.jpg' }) end it 'should not add keys, which are protected keywords [objc]' do @builder.logger.expects(:warn).twice @builder.add_section 'Test', { 'default' => 'Default.png', 'cat' => 'cat.gif', 'auto' => 'auto.jpg', 'internal' => 'internal.png' }'Test' => { 'cat' => 'cat.gif', 'internal' => 'internal.png' }) end end end