module Shinmun module Helpers Kontrol::Template.send(:include, self) def post_path(post) "/#{post.year}/#{post.month}/#{}" end def archive_path(year, month) "/#{year}/#{month}" end # Render a link to a post def post_link(post) link_to post.title, post_path(post) end # Render a link to an archive page. def archive_link(year, month) link_to "#{Date::MONTHNAMES[month]} #{year}", archive_path(year, month) end # Render a date or time in a nice human readable format. def human_date(time) "%s %d, %d" % [Date::MONTHNAMES[time.month],, time.year] end # Render a date or time in rfc822 format. def rfc822(time) time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z") end # Render a link for the navigation bar. def navi_link(text, path) if path.match(/categories\/(.*)/) active = $1 == urlify(@category) if @category active = $1 == urlify(@post.category) if @post else active = request.path_info == path end link_to text, path, :class => active ? 'active' : nil end def html_escape(s) s.to_s.gsub(/>/, '>').gsub(/