require 'qbfc/modifiable'
module QBFC
# An Element is a Transaction or a List; that is any QuickBooks objects that can
# be created, edited (possibly), deleted and read. Contrast to a Report or Info
# which are read-only.
# Inheritance from Element implies a set of shared methods, such as find, but the
# only shared implementation defined here is #custom, for getting custom field information.
class Element < Base
class << self
# Set that this is a "base class", one which is inherited,
# such as List, Transaction, Entity, or Terms.
# Base classes do not accept Add Requests, and their finders
# will return an instance of an inherited class.
def is_base_class
@is_base_class = true
# Check if this is a "base class" (see is_base_class)
def is_base_class?
@is_base_class ? true : false
# Find a QuickBooks record for the given session.
# session.[qb_name] aliases this functionality. The following
# pairs are equivalent:
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :first) <-> session.vendor
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, "Supply Shop") <-> session.vendor("Supply Shop")
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :all) <-> session.vendors.find(:all)
# Find requires a +session+ (representing a QBFC::Session) and
# a +what+ argument. +what+ can be one of:
# - :first - finds the first record fitting any given conditions.
# - :finds - finds all records fitting any given conditions.
# - An unique identifier, such as a ListID, FullName, RefNumber or TxnID
# .find can also receive a optional Request object followed
# by an optional options Hash. Valid argument sets are:
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :first)
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :first, request)
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :first, request, options)
# QBFC::Vendor.find(session, :first, options)
# The options hash accepts the following:
# - :owner_id: One or more OwnerIDs, used in accessing
# custom fields (aka private data extensions).
# - :limit: The maximum number of records to be returned.
# - :include: Elements to include (see below for details)
# - :conditions: A hash of conditions (generally 'Filters' in
# QuickBooks SDK. See below:
# Additional options are planned, but not really supported in this version.
# Passing a Request object is the current recommended way of applying
# unsupported conditions (Filters) or other options to the Query Request.
# ==Include
# The :include option accepts an Array of elements to include in the
# return of the Query. The array may include either or both of elements
# that are additional to normal returns (such as Line Items, Linked
# Transactions) or elements that are normally included (to be added to the
# IncludeRetElementList).
# If elements are given that would be added to IncludeRetElementList, this
# limits the elements returned to *only* those included in the array.
# Another option is to give :all as the argument, which will always return
# as many elements as possible.
# @sess.checks.find(:all, :include => [:linked_txns]) -> Include linked transactions
# @sess.checks.find(:all, :include => [:txn_id]) -> Include +only+ TxnID
# @sess.checks.find(:all, :include => :all) ->
# Includes all elements, including LinkedTxns and LineItems.
# ==Conditions
# Conditions are dependent on the particular Request. See the QuickBooks
# SDK documentation for applicable filters for each Query Request. Note
# that not all Filters are supported.
# Typically the condition is given as :filter_name => value where
# +filter_name+ is the name of the filter less the word 'Filter' (see
# examples below).
# Here are some general rules:
# [List filters]
# These are filters that end in List. They take an Array of values.
# :ref_number_list => ["1001", "1003", "1003a"]
# :txn_id_list => ["123-456"]
# [Range Filters]
# Filters which take a range of values. These accept any
# object which responds to +first+ and +last+, such as a Range or Array.
# +first+ is used to set the From value, +last+ sets the To value. If a
# scalar value is given (or a single element Array), To is set and From
# is left empty. nil can also be given for either value.
# :txn_date_range => ['2008-01', nil]
# :txn_date_range => ['2008-01']
# :txn_date_range => '2008-01'
# :ref_number_range => "1001".."1003"
# :ref_number_range => ["1001", "1003"]
# [Reference Filters]
# Filters which reference another object (belongs to
# filters). These current only accept Name arguments, as a single value
# or an Array.
# :account => 'Checking'
# :entity => ['ABC Supplies', 'CompuStuff']
def find(sess, what, *args)
if what.kind_of?(String) # Single FullName or ListID
return find_by_unique_id(sess, what, *args)
# Setup q, options and base_options arguments
q, options, base_options = parse_find_args(*args)
q ||= create_query(sess)
ignore_base_class = options.kind_of?(Hash) ? options.delete(:ignore_base_class) : false
# QuickBooks only needs to return one record if .find is
# only returning a single record.
if what == :first && q.filter_available?
# Send the query so far to base_class_find if this is
# a base class to handle special base class functionality.
if is_base_class? && !ignore_base_class
return base_class_find(sess, what, q, base_options)
# Get response and return an Array, a QBFC::Element-inherited
# object, or nil, depending on what argument and whether
# the query returned any records.
list = q.response
if list.nil?
(what == :all) ? [] : nil
elsif what == :all
(0..(list.Count - 1)).collect { |i|
new(sess, list.GetAt(i))
new(sess, list.GetAt(0))
# Base classes can be used to find members of any of their
# inherited classes. Since QuickBooks has limited options
# for these type of queries (in particular, no custom fields
# are returned), an initial query is run which retrieves
# only IDs and the class type and then individual subsequent
# queries are run for each returned object.
def base_class_find(sess, what, q, options)
list = q.response
if list.nil?
(what == :all) ? [] : nil
ary = (0..(list.Count - 1)).collect { |i|
element = list.GetAt(i)
ret_name = element.ole_methods.detect { |m|
m.to_s =~ /(.*)Ret\Z/ && element.send(m.to_s)
ret_class = QBFC::const_get($1)
ret_class.find(sess, element.send(ret_name).send(ret_class::ID_NAME).GetValue, options.dup)
if what == :all
private :base_class_find, :is_base_class
# Extends Base#initialize to allow for an Add Request if
# .new is called directly (instead of by .find)
def initialize(sess, ole_object = nil)
if @ole.nil?
add_rq =, "#{qb_name}Add")
@ole =
@new_record = true
@setter = add_rq
# Is this a new record, i.e. are we doing an Add Request?
def new_record?
@new_record ? true : false
# Access information from a custom field.
def custom(field_name, owner_id = '0')
if @ole.DataExtRetList
@ole.data_ext.each do |field|
if field.data_ext_name == field_name && field.owner_id == owner_id.to_s
return field.data_ext_value
return nil
# Save (create or update) this record
def save
if @setter
raise NotSavableError, "This record cannot be saved (Probably because it does not support Mod Requests)."
# Require subclass files
%w{ list transaction }.each do |file|
require 'qbfc/' + file