Feature: define matcher In order to express my domain clearly in my code examples As an RSpec user I want a shortcut to define custom matchers Scenario: define a matcher with default messages Given a file named "matcher_with_default_message_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual % expected == 0 end end describe 9 do it {should be_a_multiple_of(3)} end describe 9 do it {should_not be_a_multiple_of(4)} end # fail intentionally to generate expected output describe 9 do it {should be_a_multiple_of(4)} end # fail intentionally to generate expected output describe 9 do it {should_not be_a_multiple_of(3)} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_default_message_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the output should contain "should be a multiple of 3" And the output should contain "should not be a multiple of 4" And the output should contain "Failure/Error: it {should be_a_multiple_of(4)}" And the output should contain "Failure/Error: it {should_not be_a_multiple_of(3)}" And the output should contain "4 examples, 2 failures" And the output should contain "expected 9 to be a multiple of 4" And the output should contain "expected 9 not to be a multiple of 3" Scenario: overriding the failure_message_for_should Given a file named "matcher_with_failure_message_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual % expected == 0 end failure_message_for_should do |actual| "expected that #{actual} would be a multiple of #{expected}" end end # fail intentionally to generate expected output describe 9 do it {should be_a_multiple_of(4)} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_failure_message_spec.rb` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stdout should contain "1 example, 1 failure" And the stdout should contain "expected that 9 would be a multiple of 4" Scenario: overriding the failure_message_for_should_not Given a file named "matcher_with_failure_for_message_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual % expected == 0 end failure_message_for_should_not do |actual| "expected that #{actual} would not be a multiple of #{expected}" end end # fail intentionally to generate expected output describe 9 do it {should_not be_a_multiple_of(3)} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_failure_for_message_spec.rb` Then the exit status should not be 0 And the stdout should contain "1 example, 1 failure" And the stdout should contain "expected that 9 would not be a multiple of 3" Scenario: overriding the description Given a file named "matcher_overriding_description_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| match do |actual| actual % expected == 0 end description do "be multiple of #{expected}" end end describe 9 do it {should be_a_multiple_of(3)} end describe 9 do it {should_not be_a_multiple_of(4)} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_overriding_description_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should contain "2 examples, 0 failures" And the stdout should contain "should be multiple of 3" And the stdout should contain "should not be multiple of 4" Scenario: with no args Given a file named "matcher_with_no_args_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :have_7_fingers do match do |thing| thing.fingers.length == 7 end end class Thing def fingers; (1..7).collect {"finger"}; end end describe Thing do it {should have_7_fingers} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_no_args_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should contain "1 example, 0 failures" And the stdout should contain "should have 7 fingers" Scenario: with multiple args Given a file named "matcher_with_multiple_args_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :be_the_sum_of do |a,b,c,d| match do |sum| a + b + c + d == sum end end describe 10 do it {should be_the_sum_of(1,2,3,4)} end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_multiple_args_spec.rb --format documentation` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should contain "1 example, 0 failures" And the stdout should contain "should be the sum of 1, 2, 3, and 4" Scenario: with helper methods Given a file named "matcher_with_internal_helper_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' RSpec::Matchers.define :have_same_elements_as do |sample| match do |actual| similar?(sample, actual) end def similar?(a, b) a.sort == b.sort end end describe "these two arrays" do specify "should be similar" do [1,2,3].should have_same_elements_as([2,3,1]) end end """ When I run `rspec ./matcher_with_internal_helper_spec.rb` Then the exit status should be 0 And the stdout should contain "1 example, 0 failures" Scenario: scoped in a module Given a file named "scoped_matcher_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' module MyHelpers extend RSpec::Matchers::DSL matcher :be_just_like do |expected| match {|actual| actual == expected} end end describe "group with MyHelpers" do include MyHelpers it "has access to the defined matcher" do 5.should be_just_like(5) end end describe "group without MyHelpers" do it "does not have access to the defined matcher" do expect do 5.should be_just_like(5) end.to raise_exception end end """ When I run `rspec ./scoped_matcher_spec.rb` Then the stdout should contain "2 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: scoped in an example group Given a file named "scoped_matcher_spec.rb" with: """ruby require 'rspec/expectations' describe "group with matcher" do matcher :be_just_like do |expected| match {|actual| actual == expected} end it "has access to the defined matcher" do 5.should be_just_like(5) end describe "nested group" do it "has access to the defined matcher" do 5.should be_just_like(5) end end end describe "group without matcher" do it "does not have access to the defined matcher" do expect do 5.should be_just_like(5) end.to raise_exception end end """ When I run `rspec scoped_matcher_spec.rb` Then the output should contain "3 examples, 0 failures" Scenario: matcher with separate logic for should and should_not Given a file named "matcher_with_separate_should_not_logic_spec.rb" with: """ruby RSpec::Matchers.define :contain do |*expected| match_for_should do |actual| expected.all? { |e| actual.include?(e) } end match_for_should_not do |actual| expected.none? { |e| actual.include?(e) } end end describe [1, 2, 3] do it { should contain(1, 2) } it { should_not contain(4, 5, 6) } # deliberate failures it { should contain(1, 4) } it { should_not contain(1, 4) } end """ When I run `rspec matcher_with_separate_should_not_logic_spec.rb` Then the output should contain all of these: | 4 examples, 2 failures | | expected [1, 2, 3] to contain 1 and 4 | | expected [1, 2, 3] not to contain 1 and 4 | Scenario: use define_method to create a helper method with access to matcher params Given a file named "define_method_spec.rb" with: """ruby RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| define_method :is_multiple? do |actual| actual % expected == 0 end match { |actual| is_multiple?(actual) } end describe 9 do it { should be_a_multiple_of(3) } it { should_not be_a_multiple_of(4) } # deliberate failures it { should be_a_multiple_of(2) } it { should_not be_a_multiple_of(3) } end """ When I run `rspec define_method_spec.rb` Then the output should contain all of these: | 4 examples, 2 failures | | expected 9 to be a multiple of 2 | | expected 9 not to be a multiple of 3 | Scenario: include a module with helper methods in the matcher Given a file named "include_module_spec.rb" with: """ruby module MatcherHelpers def is_multiple?(actual, expected) actual % expected == 0 end end RSpec::Matchers.define :be_a_multiple_of do |expected| include MatcherHelpers match { |actual| is_multiple?(actual, expected) } end describe 9 do it { should be_a_multiple_of(3) } it { should_not be_a_multiple_of(4) } # deliberate failures it { should be_a_multiple_of(2) } it { should_not be_a_multiple_of(3) } end """ When I run `rspec include_module_spec.rb` Then the output should contain all of these: | 4 examples, 2 failures | | expected 9 to be a multiple of 2 | | expected 9 not to be a multiple of 3 | Scenario: matching against a regular expression Given a file named "regular_expression_matcher_spec.rb" with: """ruby # Due to Ruby's method dispatch mechanism, use the `#match_regex` alias # rather than the `#match` matcher when defining custom matchers via the # DSL. RSpec::Matchers.define :be_valid_us_zipcode do match do |actual| expect(actual).to match_regex(/\A\d{5}(-\d{4})?\z/) end end describe "30316" do it { should be_valid_us_zipcode } end describe "30316-0001" do it { should be_valid_us_zipcode } end describe "1000-61303" do it { should_not be_valid_us_zipcode } end """ When I run `rspec regular_expression_matcher_spec.rb` Then the stdout should contain "3 examples, 0 failures"