require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'filter_rename' require 'filter_rename/version' module FilterRename class OptParseMain def self.parse(args) options = options.filters = [] options.files = [] = {} options.operation = :preview options.show_macro = '' opt_parser = do |opt| opt.banner = 'Usage: filter_rename [-g OPTION1[,OPTION2...]] [FILTER1[,FILTER2...]] [ ...] [OPERATION]' opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Operations:' opt.on('--apply', 'Apply the changes.') do |c| options.operation = :apply end opt.on('-d', '--dry-run', 'Don\'t apply any change but check for errors') do |c| options.operation = :dry_run end opt.on('-p', '--preview', 'Preview the filter chain applied [DEFAULT]') do |c| options.operation = :preview end opt.on('-t', '--targets', 'List of targets for each file') do |c| options.operation = :targets end opt.on('-g', '--globals', 'List of global variables') do |c| options.operation = :globals end opt.on('-c', '--configs', 'List of filter variables') do |c| options.operation = :configs end opt.on('-w', '--words', 'List of groups of words available for translation') do |c| options.operation = :words end opt.on('-m', '--macros', 'List of available macros') do |c| options.operation = :macros end opt.on('-s' , '--show-macro ', 'List of commands used by MACRO') do |c| options.operation = :show_macro options.show_macro = c end opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Options:' opt.on('--global [OPTION:VALUE[,OPTION:VALUE]]', 'Override global options with: "option:value"') do |v| v.parametrize.each do |i|':')[0].to_sym, i.split(':')[1]) end end opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Filters:' opt.on('--macro MACRO1,[MACRO2,...]', Array, 'Apply the MACRO' ) do |v| options.filters << MacroConfig.create(v) # { FilterRename::MacroConfig => v } # options.filters.merge MacroConfig.expand_macros(v) end Filters.constants.sort.each do |c| switch = c.to_s.to_switch klass = Object.const_get("FilterRename::Filters::#{c}") if klass.params.nil? opt.on("--#{switch}", klass.hint) do |v| options.filters << { klass => v } end elsif klass.params == Boolean opt.on("--[no-]#{switch}", klass.hint) do |v| options.filters << { klass => v } end else opt.on("--#{switch} #{klass.params}", "#{klass.hint}") do |v| options.filters << { klass => v.parametrize } end end end opt.separator '' opt.separator 'Other:' opt.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opt exit end opt.on_tail('-v', '--version', 'Show version') do puts VERSION exit end end if (!STDIN.tty? && !STDIN.closed?) || !ARGV.empty? opt_parser.parse!(ARGV) (ARGV.empty? ? ARGF : ARGV).each do |f| f = File.expand_path(f.strip) if File.exists?(f) options.files << f else raise FileNotFound, f end end if [:apply, :preview, :dry_run, :targets].include? options.operation else puts opt_parser; exit end options end end class CLI def self.start begin options = OptParseMain.parse(ARGV) rescue => e Messages.error e exit 1 end end end end