# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/namespace" require_relative "file_reader" require "logstash/settings" module LogStash module Modules class LogStashConfig # We name it `modul` here because `module` has meaning in Ruby. def initialize(modul, settings) @directory = ::File.join(modul.directory, "logstash") @name = modul.module_name @settings = settings end def template ::File.join(@directory, "#{@name}.conf.erb") end def configured_inputs(default = [], aliases = {}) name = "var.inputs" values = get_setting(LogStash::Setting::SplittableStringArray.new(name, String, default)) aliases.each { |k,v| values << v if values.include?(k) } aliases.invert.each { |k,v| values << v if values.include?(k) } values.flatten.uniq end def alias_settings_keys!(aliases) aliased_settings = alias_matching_keys(aliases, @settings) @settings = alias_matching_keys(aliases.invert, aliased_settings) end def array_to_string(array) "[#{array.collect { |i| "'#{i}'" }.join(", ")}]" end def csv_string(array) "'#{array.join(',')}'" end def get_setting(setting_class) raw_value = @settings[setting_class.name] # If we dont check for NIL, the Settings class will try to coerce the value # and most of the it will fails when a NIL value is explicitely set. # This will be fixed once we wrap the plugins settings into a Settings class setting_class.set(raw_value) unless raw_value.nil? setting_class.value end def setting(name, default) # by default we use the more permissive setting which is a `NullableString` # This is fine because the end format of the logstash configuration is a string representation # of the pipeline. There is a good reason why I think we should use the settings classes, we # can `preprocess` a template and generate a configuration from the defined settings # validate the values and replace them in the template. case default when String get_setting(LogStash::Setting::NullableString.new(name, default.to_s)) when Numeric get_setting(LogStash::Setting::Numeric.new(name, default)) else get_setting(LogStash::Setting::NullableString.new(name, default.to_s)) end end def elasticsearch_output_config(type_string = nil) hosts = array_to_string(get_setting(LogStash::Setting::SplittableStringArray.new("var.elasticsearch.hosts", String, ["localhost:9200"]))) index = "#{@name}-#{setting("var.elasticsearch.index_suffix", "%{+YYYY.MM.dd}")}" user = @settings["var.elasticsearch.username"] password = @settings["var.elasticsearch.password"] lines = ["hosts => #{hosts}", "index => \"#{index}\""] lines.push(user ? "user => \"#{user}\"" : nil) lines.push(password ? "password => \"#{password}\"" : nil) lines.push(type_string ? "document_type => #{type_string}" : nil) lines.push("ssl => #{@settings.fetch('var.elasticsearch.ssl.enabled', false)}") if cacert = @settings["var.elasticsearch.ssl.certificate_authority"] lines.push("cacert => \"#{cacert}\"") if cacert end # NOTE: the first line should be indented in the conf.erb <<-CONF elasticsearch { #{lines.compact.join("\n ")} manage_template => false } CONF end def config_string # process the template and settings # send back as a string renderer = ERB.new(FileReader.read(template)) renderer.result(binding) end private # For a first version we are copying the values of the original hash, # this might become problematic if we users changes the values of the # settings in the template, which could result in an inconsistent view of the original data # # For v1 of the feature I think its an OK compromise, v2 we have a more advanced hash that # support alias. def alias_matching_keys(aliases, target) aliased_target = target.dup aliases.each do |matching_key_prefix, new_key_prefix| target.each do |k, v| re = /^#{matching_key_prefix}\./ if k =~ re alias_key = k.gsub(re, "#{new_key_prefix}.") # If the user setup the same values twices with different values lets just halt. raise "Cannot create an alias, the destination key has already a value set: original key: #{k}, alias key: #{alias_key}" if (!aliased_target[alias_key].nil? && aliased_target[alias_key] != v) aliased_target[alias_key] = v unless v.nil? end end end aliased_target end end end end