# frozen_string_literal: true module RelatonIso # Scrapper. module Scrapper # rubocop:disable Metrics/ModuleLength DOMAIN = "https://www.iso.org" TYPES = { "TS" => "technical-specification", "TR" => "technical-report", "PAS" => "publicly-available-specification", # "AWI" => "approvedWorkItem", # "CD" => "committeeDraft", # "FDIS" => "finalDraftInternationalStandard", # "NP" => "newProposal", # "DIS" => "draftInternationalStandard", # "WD" => "workingDraft", # "R" => "recommendation", "Guide" => "guide", }.freeze STGABBR = { "00" => "NWIP", "10" => "AWI", "20" => "WD", "30" => "CD", "40" => "DIS", "50" => "FDIS", "60" => { "00" => "PRF", "60" => "FINAL" }, }.freeze PUBLISHERS = { "IEC" => { name: "International Electrotechnical Commission", url: "www.iec.ch" }, "ISO" => { name: "International Organization for Standardization", url: "www.iso.org" }, "IEEE" => { name: "Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers", url: "www.ieee.org" }, "SAE" => { name: "SAE International", url: "www.sae.org" }, "CIE" => { name: " International Commission on Illumination", url: "cie.co.at" }, "ASME" => { name: "American Society of Mechanical Engineers", url: "www.asme.org" }, }.freeze extend self # Parse page. # @param hit [RelatonIso::Hit] # @param lang [String, NilClass] # @return [RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem] def parse_page(hit, lang = nil) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity # path = "/contents/data/standard#{hit_data['splitPath']}/"\ # "#{hit_data['csnumber']}.html" path = hit.hit[:path].sub("/sites/isoorg", "") doc, url = get_page "#{path}.html" # Fetch edition. edition = doc.at("//div[div[.='Edition']]/text()[last()]") &.text&.match(/\d+$/)&.to_s hit.pubid.base.edition ||= edition if hit.pubid.base titles, abstract, langs = fetch_titles_abstract(doc, lang) RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem.new( fetched: Date.today.to_s, docid: fetch_relaton_docids(doc, hit.pubid), docnumber: fetch_docnumber(hit.pubid), edition: edition, language: langs.map { |l| l[:lang] }, script: langs.map { |l| script(l[:lang]) }.uniq, title: titles, doctype: fetch_type(hit.hit[:title]), docstatus: fetch_status(doc), ics: fetch_ics(doc), date: fetch_dates(doc, hit.hit[:title]), contributor: fetch_contributors(hit.hit[:title]), editorialgroup: fetch_workgroup(doc), abstract: abstract, copyright: fetch_copyright(doc), link: fetch_link(doc, url), relation: fetch_relations(doc), place: ["Geneva"], structuredidentifier: fetch_structuredidentifier(hit.pubid), ) end # # Create document ids. # # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] document to parse # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] publication identifier # # @return [Array] # def fetch_relaton_docids(doc, pubid) pubid.stage ||= Pubid::Iso::Identifier.parse_stage(stage_code(doc)) [ RelatonIso::DocumentIdentifier.new(id: pubid, type: "ISO", primary: true), RelatonBib::DocumentIdentifier.new(id: isoref(pubid), type: "iso-reference"), RelatonIso::DocumentIdentifier.new(id: pubid, type: "URN"), ] end # # Create ISO reference identifier with English language. # # @param [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] pubid publication identifier # # @return [String] English reference identifier # def isoref(pubid) params = pubid.get_params.reject { |k, _| k == :typed_stage } Pubid::Iso::Identifier.create(language: "en", **params).to_s(format: :ref_num_short) end private # Fetch titles and abstracts. # @param doc [Nokigiri::HTML::Document] # @param lang [String, NilClass] # @return [Array] def fetch_titles_abstract(doc, lang) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity titles = RelatonBib::TypedTitleStringCollection.new abstract = [] langs = languages(doc, lang).reduce([]) do |s, l| # Don't need to get page for en. We already have it. d = l[:path] ? get_page(l[:path])[0] : doc unless d.at("//h5[@class='help-block']" \ "[.='недоступно на русском языке']") s << l titles += fetch_title(d, l[:lang]) # Fetch abstracts. abstract_content = d.xpath( "//div[@itemprop='description']/p|//div[@itemprop='description']/ul/li", ).map do |a| a.name == "li" ? "- #{a.text}" : a.text end.reject(&:empty?).join("\n") unless abstract_content.empty? abstract << { content: abstract_content, language: l[:lang], script: script(l[:lang]), format: "text/plain", } end end s end [titles, abstract, langs] end # Returns available languages. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @pqrqm lang [String, NilClass] # @return [Array] def languages(doc, lang) lgs = [{ lang: "en" }] doc.css("li#lang-switcher ul li a").each do |lang_link| lang_path = lang_link.attr("href") l = lang_path.match(%r{^/(fr)/}) lgs << { lang: l[1], path: lang_path } if l && (!lang || l[1] == lang) end lgs end # Get page. # @param path [String] page's path # @return [Array] def get_page(path) resp, uri = get_redirection path doc = try_if_fail resp, uri [doc, uri.to_s] rescue SocketError, Timeout::Error, Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ECONNRESET, EOFError, Net::HTTPBadResponse, Net::HTTPHeaderSyntaxError, Net::ProtocolError, Errno::ETIMEDOUT raise RelatonBib::RequestError, "Could not access #{uri}" end # # Get the page from the given path. If the page is redirected, get the # page from the new path. # # @param [String] path path to the page # # @return [Array] HTTP response and URI # @raise [RelatonBib::RequestError] if the page is not found # def get_redirection(path) url = DOMAIN + path uri = URI url resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) raise RelatonBib::RequestError, "#{url} not found." if %w[404 302].include? resp.code resp.code == "301" ? get_redirection(resp["location"]) : [resp, uri] end # # The iso.org site fails to respond sometimes. This method tries to get # the response again. # # @param [Net::HTTPOK] resp HTTP response # @param [URI::HTTPS] uri URI of the page # # @return [Nokogiri::HTML4::Document] document # @raise [RelatonBib::RequestError] if the page could not be parsed # def try_if_fail(resp, uri) 10.times do doc = Nokogiri::HTML(resp.body) # stop trying if page has a document id return doc if item_ref doc resp = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri) end raise RelatonBib::RequestError, "Could not parse the page #{uri}" end # # Generate docnumber. # # @param [Pubid::Iso] pubid # # @return [String] docnumber # def fetch_docnumber(pubid) pubid.to_s.match(/\d+/)&.to_s end # # Parse structuredidentifier. # # @param pubid [Pubid::Iso::Identifier] pubid # # @return [RelatonBib::StructuredIdentifier] structured identifier # def fetch_structuredidentifier(pubid) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength RelatonIsoBib::StructuredIdentifier.new( project_number: "#{pubid.publisher} #{pubid.number}", part: pubid.part&.to_s, # &.sub(/^-/, ""), type: pubid.publisher, ) end def item_ref(doc) doc.at("//main//section/div/div/div//h1")&.text end # Fetch status. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @param status [String] # @return [Hash] def fetch_status(doc) stg, substg = stage_code(doc).split "." RelatonBib::DocumentStatus.new(stage: stg, substage: substg) end def stage_code(doc) doc.at("//ul[@class='dropdown-menu']/li[@class='active']" \ "/a/span[@class='stage-code']").text end # def stage(stg, substg) # abbr = STGABBR[stg].is_a?(Hash) ? STGABBR[stg][substg] : STGABBR[stg] # RelatonBib::DocumentStatus::Stage.new value: stg, abbreviation: abbr # end # Fetch workgroup. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @return [Hash] def fetch_workgroup(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize,Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity wg = doc.at("////div[contains(., 'Technical Committe')]/following-sibling::span/a") return unless wg workgroup = wg.text.split "/" type = workgroup[1]&.match(/^[A-Z]+/)&.to_s || "TC" # { # name: "International Organization for Standardization", # abbreviation: "ISO", # url: "www.iso.org", # } tc_numb = workgroup[1]&.match(/\d+/)&.to_s&.to_i tc_name = wg[:title] tc = RelatonBib::WorkGroup.new(name: tc_name, identifier: wg.text, type: type, number: tc_numb) RelatonIsoBib::EditorialGroup.new(technical_committee: [tc]) end # Fetch relations. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @return [Array] def fetch_relations(doc) types = ["Now", "Now under review"] doc.xpath("//ul[@class='steps']/li", "//div[@class='sub-step']").reduce([]) do |a, r| type, date = relation_type(r.at("h4", "h5").text.strip, doc) next a if types.include?(type) a + create_relations(r, type, date) end end def relation_type(type, doc) date = [] t = case type.strip when "Previously", "Will be replaced by" then "obsoletes" when "Corrigenda / Amendments", "Revised by", "Now confirmed" on = doc.xpath('//span[@class="stage-date"][contains(., "-")]').last date << { type: "circulated", on: on.text } if on "updates" else type end [t, date] end def create_relations(rel, type, date) rel.css("a").map do |id| docid = RelatonBib::DocumentIdentifier.new(type: "ISO", id: id.text, primary: true) fref = RelatonBib::FormattedRef.new(content: id.text, format: "text/plain") bibitem = RelatonIsoBib::IsoBibliographicItem.new( docid: [docid], formattedref: fref, date: date, ) { type: type, bibitem: bibitem } end end # Fetch type. # @param ref [String] # @return [String] def fetch_type(ref) %r{ ^(?ISO|IWA|IEC) (?:(?:/IEC|/IEEE|/PRF|/NP|/DGuide)*\s|/) (?TS|TR|PAS|AWI|CD|FDIS|NP|DIS|WD|R|Guide|(?=\d+)) }x =~ ref # return "international-standard" if type_match.nil? if TYPES[type] then TYPES[type] elsif prefix == "ISO" then "international-standard" elsif prefix == "IWA" then "international-workshop-agreement" end # rescue => _e # puts 'Unknown document type: ' + title end # Fetch titles. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @param lang [String] # @return [Array] def fetch_title(doc, lang) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength,Metrics/AbcSize types = %w[title-intro title-main title-part] ttls = titles(doc) title = RelatonBib::TypedTitleStringCollection.new ttls.each.with_index do |p, i| next unless p title << RelatonBib::TypedTitleString.new( type: types[i], content: p, language: lang, script: script(lang), ) end.compact main = title.map { |t| t.title.content }.join " - " title << RelatonBib::TypedTitleString.new(type: "main", content: main, language: lang, script: script(lang)) end def titles(doc) head = doc.at "//nav[contains(@class,'heading-condensed')]" ttls = head.xpath("h2 | h3 | h4").map &:text ttls = ttls[0].split " - " if ttls.size == 1 case ttls.size when 0, 1 then [nil, ttls.first, nil] else RelatonBib::TypedTitleString.intro_or_part ttls end end # Return ISO script code. # @param lang [String] # @return [String] def script(lang) case lang when "en", "fr" then "Latn" # when "ru" then "Cyrl" end end # Fetch dates # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @param ref [String] # @return [Array] def fetch_dates(doc, ref) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength dates = [] %r{^[^\s]+\s[\d-]+:(?\d{4})} =~ ref pub_date_str = doc.at("//span[@itemprop='releaseDate']") if ref_date_str ref_date = Date.strptime ref_date_str, "%Y" if pub_date_str.nil? dates << { type: "published", on: ref_date_str } else pub_date = Date.strptime pub_date_str.text, "%Y" if pub_date.year > ref_date.year dates << { type: "published", on: ref_date_str } dates << { type: "updated", on: pub_date_str.text } else dates << { type: "published", on: pub_date_str.text } end end elsif pub_date_str dates << { type: "published", on: pub_date_str.text } end corr_data = doc.at "//span[@itemprop='dateModified']" dates << { type: "corrected", on: corr_data.text } if corr_data dates end def fetch_contributors(ref) ref.sub(/\s.*/, "").split("/").reduce([]) do |mem, abbrev| publisher = PUBLISHERS[abbrev] next mem unless publisher publisher[:abbreviation] = abbrev mem << { entity: publisher, role: [type: "publisher"] } end end # Fetch ICS. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @return [Array] def fetch_ics(doc) doc.xpath("//div[contains(., 'ICS')]/following-sibling::span/a").map do |i| code = i.text.match(/[\d.]+/).to_s.split "." { field: code[0], group: code[1], subgroup: code[2] } end end # # Fetch links. # # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] document to parse # @param url [String] document url # # @return [Array] # def fetch_link(doc, url) links = [{ type: "src", content: url }] obp = doc.at("//h4[contains(@class, 'h5')]/a") links << { type: "obp", content: obp[:href] } if obp rss = doc.at("//a[contains(@href, 'rss')]") links << { type: "rss", content: DOMAIN + rss[:href] } if rss pub = doc.at "//p[contains(., 'publicly available')]/a", "//p[contains(., 'can be downloaded from the')]/a" links << { type: "pub", content: pub[:href] } if pub links end # Fetch copyright. # @param doc [Nokogiri::HTML::Document] # @return [Array] def fetch_copyright(doc) # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength ref = item_ref doc owner_name = ref.match(/.*?(?=\s)/).to_s from = ref.match(/(?<=:)\d{4}/).to_s if from.empty? date = doc.at( "//span[@itemprop='releaseDate']", "//ul[@id='stages']/li[contains(@class,'active')]/ul/li[@class='active']/a/span[@class='stage-date']", ) from = date.text.match(/\d{4}/).to_s end [{ owner: [{ name: owner_name }], from: from }] end end end