#Set your home URL, so Telegram callbacks work #For production, just use your URL (e.g. https://myapp.com) #You MUST NOT include a trailing slash and it MUST be https! #INVALID URLS: e.g. http://myapp.com or https://myapp.com/ TelegramNotifications::TelegramUser.configure_production_url("YOUR PRODUCTION URL") #For development, download ngrok from https://ngrok.com/. #Extract it and run "./ngrok http 3000" #Then copy the URL you get from the console window. #Remember to use the HTTPS URL! TelegramNotifications::TelegramUser.configure_development_url("YOUR NGROK DEVELOPMENT URL") #Set your Telegram Bot API token here #Don't have your token yet? Create your bot using https://telegram.me/botfather TelegramNotifications::TelegramUser.configure_token("YOUR TOKEN")