require 'test/unit' TESTBIG=false class TC_AfriCompta < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup dputs(1) { 'Setting up - deleting and reloading everything' } Entities.delete_all_data dputs(2) { 'Resetting SQLite' } SQLite.dbs_close_all dputs(2) { 'Putting testGestion' } begin Dir.mkdir('data') rescue Errno::EEXIST end FileUtils.cp('db.testGestion', 'data/compta.db') SQLite.dbs_open_load_migrate dputs(3) { 'And searching for some accounts' } @root = Accounts.match_by_name('Root') @cash = Accounts.match_by_name('Cash') @income = Accounts.match_by_name('Income') @outcome = Accounts.match_by_name('Outcome') @local = Users.match_by_name('local') end def teardown Entities.save_all end # This should work - but for some reason the indexes get mixed up # and end up being strings instead of integers.... def tes_load_db setup_clean_accounts Movements.create('any', '2013-01-01', 10, @cash, @income) SQLite.dbs_close_all Accounts.delete_all(true) SQLite.dbs_open_load Accounts.dump true end def test_db movs = Movements.search_all assert_equal 4, movs.length accs = Accounts.search_all assert_equal 5, accs.length users = Users.search_all assert_equal 2, users.length assert_equal [{:id => 1, :value => 1000.0, :desc => 'Salary', :revision => nil, :account_src_id => [2], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1', :rev_index => 1, :index => 1, :account_dst_id => [3]}, {:id => 2, :value => 100.0, :desc => 'Gift', :revision => nil, :account_src_id => [2], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2', :rev_index => 2, :index => 2, :account_dst_id => [3]}, {:id => 3, :value => 40.0, :desc => 'Train', :revision => nil, :account_src_id => [4], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3', :rev_index => 3, :index => 3, :account_dst_id => [2]}, {:id => 4, :value => 20.0, :desc => 'Restaurant', :revision => nil, :account_src_id => [4], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4', :rev_index => 4, :index => 4, :account_dst_id => [2]}], movs.collect { |m| m.to_hash.delete_if { |k, v| k == :date } }.sort { |a, b| a[:id] <=> b[:id] } assert_equal [ {:id => 1, :multiplier => 1.0, :total => '0', :desc => 'Full description', :account_id => 0, :name => 'Root', :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1', :deleted => false, :keep_total => false, :index => 1, :rev_index => 1}, {:id => 2, :multiplier => -1.0, :total => '1040.0', :desc => 'Full description', :account_id => 1, :name => 'Cash', :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2', :deleted => false, :keep_total => true, :index => 5, :rev_index => 2}, {:id => 3, :multiplier => 1.0, :total => '1100.0', :desc => 'Full description', :account_id => 1, :name => 'Income', :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3', :deleted => false, :keep_total => false, :index => 8, :rev_index => 3}, {:id => 4, :multiplier => 1.0, :total => '-60.0', :desc => 'Full description', :account_id => 1, :name => 'Outcome', :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4', :deleted => false, :keep_total => false, :index => 10, :rev_index => 4}, {:global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5', :multiplier => -1.0, :total => '0', :desc => 'Full description', :account_id => 1, :name => 'Lending', :index => 9, :rev_index => 5, :deleted => false, :keep_total => true, :id => 5}], accs.collect { |a| a.to_hash }.sort { |a, b| a[:id] <=> b[:id] } assert_equal [{:full => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92', :pass => '152020265102732202950475079275867584513', :account_index => 11, :movement_index => 5, :name => 'local', :id => 1}, {:pass => 'bar', :full => 'foo bar', :account_index => 0, :movement_index => 0, :name => 'foo', :id => 2}], users.collect { |u| u.to_hash } end def test_mov # Test all methods copied into Movements mov = Movements.match_by_desc('Train') assert_equal 40, mov.value assert_equal "Train\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t40.000\t2012-07-02\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2", mov.to_s assert_equal "{\"str\":\"Train\\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\\t40.000\\t" + "2012-07-02\\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\"}", mov.to_json assert_equal({:global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2', :desc => 'Full description', :total => '1040.0', :multiplier => -1.0, :account_id => 1, :name => 'Cash', :id => 2, :deleted => false, :keep_total => true, :rev_index => 2, :index => 5 }, mov.get_other_account(mov.account_src).to_hash) # This is 11th of July 2012 assert_equal '1040.0', mov.set('new', '11/7/12', 120, @cash, @income) assert_equal "new\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t120.000\t2012-07-11\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3", mov.to_s assert_equal 1200, assert_equal 120.0, mov.get_value(@cash) assert_equal true, mov.is_in_account(@cash) assert_equal false, mov.is_in_account(@outcome) assert_equal 11, mov.get_index end def test_movs assert_equal '1040.0', assert_equal '-60.0', # Overwriting movement with id 4: Restaurant with value = 20.0 mov = Movements.from_s "Restaurant\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t10" + "\t2012-07-12\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2" assert_equal(1050.0, assert_equal(-50.0, assert_equal(10.0, mov.value) # Creating new movement newmov = Movements.from_s "Car\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5\t100" + "\t2012-07-12\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2" assert_equal 950.0, assert_equal(-150.0, assert_equal(100.0, newmov.value) # Testing JSON mov_json = newmov.to_json assert_equal "{\"str\":\"Car\\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5\\t100.000\\t" + "2012-07-12\\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\"}", mov_json assert_equal(950.0, newmov.value = 50 assert_equal(1000.0, newmov = Movements.from_json mov_json assert_equal(950.0, assert_equal(100.0, newmov.value) assert_equal 23, @local.movement_index Movements.create('test_mov', '2012-02-29', 100.0, @cash, @outcome) assert_equal 25, @local.movement_index end def test_account tree = [] @root.get_tree { |a| tree.push } assert_equal %w( Root Lending Cash Income Outcome ).sort, tree.sort assert_equal 'Root', @root.path assert_equal 'Root::Outcome', @outcome.path assert_equal 4, @outcome.rev_index @outcome.new_index assert_equal 11, @outcome.rev_index @outcome.new_index assert_equal 12, @outcome.rev_index = 'Outcome2' assert_equal 13, @outcome.rev_index = 'Outcome' assert_equal 14, @outcome.rev_index foo = Users.create('foo', 'foo bar', 'foobar') box = Accounts.create('Cashbox', 'Running cash', @cash, '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-7') assert_equal '1040.0', @cash.set_nochildmult('Cash_2', 'All money', @root, 1, []) assert_equal 'Cash_2', assert_equal 'All money', @cash.desc assert_equal 1, @cash.multiplier assert_equal(-1, box.multiplier) assert_equal(-1040.0, assert_equal([{:value => 20.0, :desc => 'Restaurant', :account_src_id => [4], :revision => nil, :account_dst_id => [2], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4', :index => 4, :rev_index => 4, :id => 4}, {:value => 100.0, :desc => 'Gift', :account_src_id => [2], :revision => nil, :account_dst_id => [3], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2', :index => 2, :rev_index => 2, :id => 2}, {:value => 40.0, :desc => 'Train', :account_src_id => [4], :revision => nil, :account_dst_id => [2], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3', :index => 3, :rev_index => 3, :id => 3}, {:value => 1000.0, :desc => 'Salary', :account_src_id => [2], :revision => nil, :account_dst_id => [3], :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1', :index => 1, :rev_index => 1, :id => 1}], @cash.movements.collect { |m| m.to_hash.delete_if { |k, v| k == :date } }) assert_equal "All money\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t-1040.000\t" + "Cash_2\t1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\tfalse", @cash.to_s assert_equal false, @cash.is_empty box = Accounts.create('Cashbox', 'Running cash', @cash, '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-8') assert_equal true, box.is_empty assert_equal(1, @cash.multiplier) assert_equal(1, box.multiplier) @cash.set_child_multiplier_total(-1, true) assert_equal(-1, @cash.multiplier) assert_equal(-1, box.multiplier) assert_equal 7, Accounts.search_all.length box.delete assert_equal 7, Accounts.search_all.length assert_equal true, box.deleted end def test_accounts assert_equal 2, box = Accounts.create('Cashbox', 'Running cash', @cash, '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-8') assert_equal({:multiplier => -1, :desc => 'Running cash', :total => 0, :account_id => 2, :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-8', :name => 'Cashbox', :id => 6, :deleted => false, :keep_total => true, :rev_index => 11}, box.to_hash) assert_equal 'Root::Cash::Cashbox', box.path assert_equal(-1, @cash.multiplier) assert_equal(-1, box.multiplier) box_s = box.to_s box.delete dputs(1) { "box_s is #{box_s.inspect}" } box = Accounts.from_s(box_s) assert_equal({:multiplier => -1.0, :desc => 'Running cash', :total => 0.0, :account_id => 2, :global_id => '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-8', :name => 'Cashbox', :id => 6, :deleted => false, :keep_total => true, :rev_index => 21}, box.to_hash) course = Accounts.create_path('Root::Income::Course', 'course') assert_equal 'Root::Income::Course', course.get_path assert_equal '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-7', course.global_id ccard = Accounts.create_path('Credit::Card', 'credit-card') assert_equal 'Credit::Card', ccard.get_path assert_equal '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-9', ccard.global_id end def test_users Users.create('foo2', 'foo foo', 'foo2bar') foo = Users.match_by_name('foo2') assert_equal 'foo foo', foo.full assert_equal 'foo2bar', foo.pass assert_equal 0, foo.movement_index assert_equal 0, foo.account_index foo.update_movement_index assert_equal 4, foo.movement_index foo.update_account_index assert_equal 10, foo.account_index end def test_remote rem = Remotes.create(:url => 'http://localhost:3302/acaccount', :name => 'foo', :pass => 'bar') assert_equal 0, rem.account_index assert_equal 0, rem.movement_index rem.update_movement_index assert_equal 4, rem.movement_index rem.update_account_index assert_equal 10, rem.account_index rem2 = Remotes.create(:url => 'http://localhost:3302/acaccount', :name => 'foo', :pass => 'bar', :account_index => 10, :movement_index => 20) assert_equal 10, rem2.account_index assert_equal 20, rem2.movement_index end def test_merge_get rep = ACaccess.get('version/foo,ba') assert_equal 'User foo not known with pass ba', rep rep = ACaccess.get('version/foo,bar') assert_equal $VERSION.to_s, rep rep = ACaccess.get('index/foo,bar') assert_equal '11,5', rep rep = ACaccess.get('accounts_get_one/5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2' + '/foo,bar') assert_equal "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t" + "1040.000\tCash\t-1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\ttrue", rep rep = ACaccess.get('accounts_get/foo,bar') assert_equal "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\t0.000\t" + "Root\t1\t\tfalse\tfalse\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t1040.000\t" + "Cash\t-1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\ttrue\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t1100.000\t" + "Income\t1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\tfalse\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5\t0.000\t" + "Lending\t-1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\ttrue\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t-60.000\t" + "Outcome\t1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\tfalse", rep ACaccess.get('reset_user_account_indexes/foo,bar') rep = ACaccess.get('accounts_get/foo,bar') assert_equal '', rep rep = ACaccess.get('accounts_get_all/foo,bar') assert_equal "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\t0.000\t" + "Root\t1\t\tfalse\tfalse\tRoot\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t1040.000\t" + "Cash\t-1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\ttrue\tRoot::Cash\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t1100.000\t" + "Income\t1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\tfalse\tRoot::Income\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t-60.000\t" + "Outcome\t1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\tfalse\tRoot::Outcome\n" + "Full description\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5\t0.000\t" + "Lending\t-1\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\tfalse\ttrue\tRoot::Lending", rep rep = ACaccess.get('movements_get_one/5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4/foo,bar') assert_equal "Restaurant\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t20.000\t" + "2012-07-11\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t" + '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2', rep rep = ACaccess.get('movements_get_all/0,100/foo,bar') assert_equal "Salary\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\t1000.000\t" + "2012-07-01\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\nGift\r" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t100.000\t2012-07-10\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\n" + "Train\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t40.000\t2012-07-02\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\n" + "Restaurant\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t20.000\t2012-07-11\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\n", rep rep = ACaccess.get('movements_get/foo,bar') assert_equal "Salary\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-1\t1000.000\t" + "2012-07-01\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\nGift\r" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t100.000\t2012-07-10\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\n" + "Train\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-3\t40.000\t2012-07-02\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\n" + "Restaurant\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t20.000\t2012-07-11\t" + "5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2\n", rep ACaccess.get('reset_user_movement_indexes/foo,bar') rep = ACaccess.get('movements_get/foo,bar') assert_equal '', rep end def test_merge_post input = {'user' => 'foo', 'pass' => 'bar'} rep ='account_get_id', input.merge('account' => 'Root')) assert_equal '1', rep rep ='account_get_id', input.merge('account' => 'Root::Cash')) assert_equal '2', rep mov_pizza = "Pizza\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-5\t12.0\t" + "2012-07-20\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t" + '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2' mov_panini = "Panini\r5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-6\t14.0\t" + "2012-07-21\t5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-4\t" + '5544436cf81115c6faf577a7e2307e92-2' assert_equal '-60.0', assert_equal '1040.0', rep ='movements_put', input.merge('movements' => [{:str => mov_pizza}.to_json, {:str => mov_panini}.to_json].to_json)) assert_equal 'ok', rep mov_pizza_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Pizza') assert_equal 12.0, mov_pizza_merged.value mov_panini_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Panini') assert_equal 14.0, mov_panini_merged.value assert_equal(-86.0, assert_equal 1014.0, Entities.Movements.load mov_pizza_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Pizza') assert_equal '2012-07-20', mov_panini_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Panini') assert_equal '2012-07-21', dputs(1) { 'Going to overwrite pizza and panini' } dputs(2) { "Movements are #{Movements.search_all.inspect}" } rep ='movements_put', input.merge('movements' => [{:str => mov_pizza.sub('12.0', '22.0')}.to_json, {:str => mov_panini.sub('14.0', '24.0')}.to_json].to_json)) dputs(2) { "Movements are #{Movements.search_all.inspect}" } assert_equal 'ok', rep mov_pizza_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Pizza') assert_equal 22.0, mov_pizza_merged.value, mov_pizza_merged.inspect mov_panini_merged = Movements.match_by_desc('Panini') assert_equal 24.0, mov_panini_merged.value, mov_panini_merged.inspect end # This is only relevant when testing with big data from solar def tes_gettree tree = [] Accounts.matches_by_account_id(0).to_a.each { |a| a.get_tree { |b| tree.push b.rev_index } } tree_d = [] Accounts.matches_by_account_id(0).to_a.each { |a| a.get_tree_debug { |b| tree_d.push b.rev_index } } assert_equal 389, tree.count assert_equal 389, tree_d.count end def setup_clean_accounts(loans = false) Entities.delete_all_data() Users.create('local', '123456789', 'bar') @root = Accounts.create('Root') @income = Accounts.create('Income', '', @root) @spending = Accounts.create('Spending', '', @root) @cash = Accounts.create('Cash', '', @root) @cash.multiplier = -1 @cash.keep_total = true if loans @loan = Accounts.create('Loan', '', @cash) @loan.multiplier = 1 @loan.keep_total = true @zcash = Accounts.create('ZCash', '', @cash) @zcash.multiplier = -1 @zcash.keep_total = true end end def get_sorted_accounts(name) Accounts.search_by_name(name).sort { |a, b| a.path <=> b.path } end def test_archive setup_clean_accounts @base = [] [1001, 1009, 1012, 1106, 1112, 1201].each { |b| #[ 1001, 1009 ].each{|b| @base[b] = Accounts.create "Base_#{b}", '', @income } def testmov(base, cash, years) d = 1 years.each { |y| Movements.create("inscr #{base.desc}", "#{y}-01-2#{d}", y.to_i + d, base, cash) d += 1 } end # This should never happen, but still it's possible... Movements.create 'buggy', '2011-01-01', 100, @income, @cash # Create different test cases in different accounts # This has most == last == 2010 testmov(@base[1001], @cash, %w( 2010 2010 )) # This has most == 2010, last == 2011 testmov(@base[1009], @cash, %w( 2010 2010 2011 )) if true # This has most == last == 2011 testmov(@base[1012], @cash, %w( 2010 2011 2011 )) # This has most == 2011, last == 2012 testmov(@base[1106], @cash, %w( 2011 2011 2012 )) # This has most == last == 2012 and movements in 2011 testmov(@base[1112], @cash, %w( 2011 2012 2012 )) # This has most == last == 2012 and no movements in 2011 testmov(@base[1201], @cash, %w( 2012 2012 )) end Accounts.archive(1, 2012) # Name, account-count, movs-count, path of first occurence [[1001, 1, 2, 'Archive::2010::Income::Base_1001'], [1009, 3, 2, 'Archive::2010::Income::Base_1009'], [1012, 3, 1, 'Archive::2010::Income::Base_1012'], [1106, 2, 2, 'Archive::2011::Income::Base_1106'], [1112, 2, 1, 'Archive::2011::Income::Base_1112'], [1201, 1, 2, 'Root::Income::Base_1201'] ].each { |b| name, count, movs, path = b accs = get_sorted_accounts("Base_#{name}") dputs(3) { "Accounts are #{accs.collect { |a| a.path }.join('-') }" } assert_equal count, accs.count, "Count for #{name}" assert_equal movs, accs.first.movements.count, "movs for #{name}" assert_equal path, accs.first.path, "path for #{name}" } end def add_movs Movements.create('Year 2010', '2011-01-01', 10, @cash, @income) Movements.create('Year 2011', '2012-05-01', 20, @cash, @income) Movements.create('Year 2012', '2012-06-01', 30, @cash, @income) end def test_archive_start_june setup_clean_accounts add_movs Accounts.archive(6, 2012) incomes = get_sorted_accounts('Income') cash = get_sorted_accounts('cash') assert_equal 3, incomes.length assert_equal 1, incomes[0].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[1].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[2].movements.length assert_equal 3, cash.length assert_equal 1, cash[0].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[1].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[2].movements.length end # Testing keep_total true and false def test_archive_multiple_invocations setup_clean_accounts add_movs Accounts.archive(6, 2012) incomes = get_sorted_accounts('Income') cash = get_sorted_accounts('cash') assert_equal 3, incomes.length assert_equal 1, incomes[0].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[1].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[2].movements.length cash.each { |a| dputs(1) { "#{a.path} - #{a.movements.length}" } } assert_equal 3, cash.length assert_equal 1, cash[0].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[1].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[2].movements.length Accounts.archive(6, 2012) incomes = get_sorted_accounts('Income') cash = get_sorted_accounts('cash') assert_equal 3, incomes.length assert_equal 1, incomes[0].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[1].movements.length assert_equal 1, incomes[2].movements.length cash.each { |a| dputs(1) { "#{a.path} - #{a.movements.length}" } } assert_equal 3, cash.length assert_equal 1, cash[0].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[1].movements.length assert_equal 2, cash[2].movements.length end def test_archive_sum_up # Make sure that everything still sums up setup_clean_accounts assert_equal(0, Accounts.match_by_name('Spending').total) add_movs assert_equal(0, Accounts.match_by_name('Spending').total) Movements.create('Year 2012 - 1', '2012-06-01', 20, @spending, @cash) assert_equal(-20, Accounts.match_by_name('Spending').total) assert_equal(40, Accounts.match_by_name('Cash').total) @cash.update_total assert_equal(40, Accounts.match_by_name('Cash').total) dputs(2) { '**** - Archiving for 2012 - *****' } Accounts.archive(6, 2012) cashs = get_sorted_accounts('Cash') (0..2).each { |i| dputs(3) { "Path for #{i} is #{cashs[i].get_path}" } } assert_equal 10, cashs[0].total assert_equal 30, cashs[1].total assert_equal 40, cashs[2].total end def test_archive_sum_up_consecutive # Test two consecutive runs on the archive like 2013, then 2014, and # make sure that the accounts that hold only a "final"-movement get # deleted setup_clean_accounts add_movs Movements.create('Year 2012 - 1', '2012-06-01', -30, @cash, @spending) Accounts.dump(true) dputs(1) { '**** - Archiving 1st for 2013 - *****' } Accounts.archive(6, 2013) Accounts.dump(true) incomes = get_sorted_accounts('Income') cash = get_sorted_accounts('Cash') assert_equal 4, incomes.count assert_equal 0, incomes[3].total assert_equal 30, incomes[2].total, incomes[2].inspect assert_equal 4, cash.count assert_equal 30, cash[3].total # check also after re-calculating of the totals! incomes[3].update_total assert_equal 0, incomes[3].total cash[3].update_total assert_equal 30, cash[3].total dputs(1) { '**** - Archiving 2nd for 2014 - *****' } # @cash and @spending are now pointing to the archived ones... cash = Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Cash') spending = Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Spending') Movements.create('Year 2013 - 2', '2013-06-01', -30, cash, spending) Accounts.archive(6, 2014) Accounts.dump(true) incomes = get_sorted_accounts('Income') dputs(3) { incomes.inspect } cash = get_sorted_accounts('Income') dputs(3) { cash.inspect } # We lost the actual account, as it should be empty assert_equal 4, incomes.count assert_equal true, incomes[3].deleted assert_equal 30, incomes[2].total, incomes[2].inspect assert_equal 4, cash.count assert_equal 30, cash[2].total, cash[2].inspect spending = get_sorted_accounts('Spending') assert_equal 3, spending.count assert_equal(0, spending[2].total) end def test_creation Entities.delete_all_data end def load_big_data dputs(1) { 'Setting up big data' } Entities.delete_all_data dputs(2) { 'Resetting SQLite' } SQLite.dbs_close_all dputs(2) { 'Loading big data' } FileUtils.cp('', 'data/compta.db') SQLite.dbs_open_load_migrate end def test_big_data_archive TESTBIG or return require 'benchmark' require 'perftools' load_big_data Accounts.archive(1, 2012) end def test_big_data_merge TESTBIG or return require 'benchmark' require 'perftools' load_big_data ACaccess.get('reset_user_indexes/ineiti,lasj') dputs(1) { Benchmark.measure { PerfTools::CpuProfiler.start('perfcheck_merge_1st') do ACaccess.get('accounts_get/ineiti,lasj') end }.to_s } dputs(1) { Benchmark.measure { PerfTools::CpuProfiler.start('perfcheck_merge_2nd') do ACaccess.get('accounts_get/ineiti,lasj') end }.to_s } puts 'Now run pprof.rb --pdf perfcheck_merge_1st > perfcheck_merge_1st.pdf pprof.rb --pdf perfcheck_merge_2nd > perfcheck_merge_2nd.pdf open perfcheck_merge_1st.pdf perfcheck_merge_2nd.pdf ' end def test_big_data_check TESTBIG or return load_big_data ACaccess.get('reset_user_indexes/ineiti,lasj') dputs(1) { Benchmark.measure { ACaccess.get('movements_get_all/1,10000/ineiti,lasj') }.to_s } dputs(1) { Benchmark.measure { ACaccess.get('movements_get_all/1,10000/ineiti,lasj') }.to_s } end def test_archive_2 TESTBIG or return load_big_data Accounts.archive(1, 2012, Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Caisses::Centre::Josué')) end def test_archive_3 TESTBIG or return load_big_data Accounts.archive(1, 2012, Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Caisses::Centre::Rubia Centre')) end def test_archive_negative setup_clean_accounts true mov = Movements.create 'lending', '2013-01-01', 100, @loan, @income Movements.create 'lending 2', '2013-01-01', 100, @zcash, @income assert_equal -100, assert_equal @loan, mov.account_src assert_equal 1, @loan.multiplier Accounts.archive @loan_2013 = Accounts.get_by_path('Archive::2013::Cash::Loan') assert @loan_2013 assert_equal -100, assert_equal 1, @loan_2013.multiplier mov = Movements.find_by_desc 'lending' assert_equal @loan_2013, mov.account_src end def test_archive_negative_2 setup_clean_accounts true mov = Movements.create 'lending', '2013-01-01', 100, @loan, @zcash assert_equal -100, assert_equal 1, @loan.multiplier assert_equal @loan, mov.account_src Accounts.archive @loan_2013 = Accounts.get_by_path('Archive::2013::Cash::Loan') assert @loan_2013 assert_equal -100, assert_equal 1, @loan_2013.multiplier mov = Movements.find_by_desc 'lending' assert_equal @loan_2013, mov.account_src end def test_archive_negative_3 setup_clean_accounts true mov = Movements.create 'lending', '2013-01-01', 100, @loan, @zcash assert_equal -100, assert_equal 1, @loan.multiplier assert_equal @loan, mov.account_src Accounts.archive @loan_2013 = Accounts.get_by_path('Archive::2013::Cash::Loan') assert @loan_2013 assert_equal -100, assert_equal 1, @loan_2013.multiplier mov = Movements.find_by_desc 'lending' assert_equal @loan_2013, mov.account_src end def test_archive_keep_root setup_clean_accounts Accounts.archive Accounts.dump_raw assert root = Accounts.get_by_path('Root') assert_not_equal true, root.deleted end def test_archive_negative_4 setup_clean_accounts true Movements.create 'lending 2012-1', '2012-02-02', 100, @loan, @income Movements.create 'lending 2012-2', '2012-02-02', 100, @loan, @outcome assert_equal -200, Accounts.archive(1, 2013) assert income = Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Income') assert loan = Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Cash::Loan') mov = Movements.create 'lending 2013-1', '2013-02-02', 100, loan, income mov = Movements.create 'lending 2013-2', '2013-02-02', 100, income, loan Accounts.archive(1, 2014) archive_2012 = Accounts.get_by_path('Archive::2012') assert_equal 2, archive_2012.movements.length end def tes_archive_profeda Entities.delete_all_data() SQLite.dbs_close_all FileUtils.cp('db.profeda', 'data/compta.db') MigrationVersions.create(:class_name => 'Account', :version => 1) SQLite.dbs_open_load_migrate assert avance = Accounts.find_by_name('Avance maintenance') #avance.dump true dputs(1) { 'Before archiving: ' } #Accounts.get_by_path( "Archive::2012" ).dump true #Accounts.dump assert_equal 1, avance.multiplier Accounts.archive dputs(1) { 'After archiving: ' } assert archive_2012 = Accounts.get_by_path('Archive::2012') archive_2012.dump true #Accounts.dump end def test_get_by_path cash = Accounts.get_by_path('Root::Cash') assert_equal 'Cash', end dputs(0) { 'Disabled test_speed' } def tes_speed require 'rubygems' require 'perftools' PerfTools::CpuProfiler.start('/tmp/profile') do (2010..2012).each { |year| dputs(1) { "Doing year #{year}" } (1..12).each { |month| (1..10).each { |day| (1..1).each { |t| date = "#{year}-#{month}-#{day}" Movements.create("Test #{date}", date, t, @cash, @income) } } } } end end def test_round a = 2.563 assert_equal Float, a.class assert_equal 3, a.round assert_equal 2.6, a.round(1) assert_equal 2.56, a.round(2) end def test_create_path accounts = Accounts.search_all.size base1 = Accounts.create_path('Root::Income::Base', 'base') assert_equal accounts + 1, Accounts.search_all.size base2 = Accounts.create_path('Root::Income::Base', 'base') assert_equal accounts + 1, Accounts.search_all.size assert_equal base1, base2 base3 = Accounts.create_path('Root::Income::Base', 'base', true) assert_equal accounts + 2, Accounts.search_all.size assert_not_equal base1, base3 credit = Accounts.create_path('Credit::Card', 'mastercard') assert_equal 'Credit::Card', credit.path end end