require 'rubygems' require 'shoulda' require 'mocha' require 'cases/helper' require 'models/topic' SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'..')) SQLSERVER_ASSETS_ROOT = SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT + "/assets" SQLSERVER_FIXTURES_ROOT = SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT + "/fixtures" SQLSERVER_MIGRATIONS_ROOT = SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT + "/migrations" SQLSERVER_SCHEMA_ROOT = SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT + "/schema" ACTIVERECORD_TEST_ROOT = File.expand_path(SQLSERVER_TEST_ROOT + "/../../../../rails/activerecord/test/") ActiveRecord::Migration.verbose = false # Defining our classes in one place as well as soem core tests that need coercing date/time types. class TableWithRealColumn < ActiveRecord::Base; end class FkTestHasFk < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class FkTestHasPk < ActiveRecord::Base ; end class NumericData < ActiveRecord::Base ; self.table_name = 'numeric_data' ; end class SqlServerChronic < ActiveRecord::Base coerce_sqlserver_date :date coerce_sqlserver_time :time default_timezone = :utc end class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base coerce_sqlserver_date :last_read coerce_sqlserver_time :bonus_time end class Person < ActiveRecord::Base coerce_sqlserver_date :favorite_day end # A module that we can include in classes where we want to override an active record test. module SqlserverCoercedTest def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end module ClassMethods def coerced_tests self.const_get(:COERCED_TESTS) rescue nil end def method_added(method) undef_method(method) if coerced_tests && coerced_tests.include?(method) end end end # Change the text database type to support ActiveRecord's tests for = on text columns which # is not supported in SQL Server text columns, so use varchar(8000) instead. if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.sqlserver_2000? ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.native_text_database_type = 'varchar(8000)' end # Our changes/additions to ActiveRecord test helpers specific for SQL Server. ActiveRecord::Base.connection.class.class_eval do IGNORED_SQL << /SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY/ << /INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES/ << /INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS/ end ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::SQLServerAdapter.class_eval do def raw_select_with_query_record(sql, name = nil) $queries_executed ||= [] $queries_executed << sql unless IGNORED_SQL.any? { |r| sql =~ r } raw_select_without_query_record(sql,name) end alias_method_chain :raw_select, :query_record end module ActiveRecord class TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase def assert_sql(*patterns_to_match) $queries_executed = [] yield ensure failed_patterns = [] patterns_to_match.each do |pattern| failed_patterns << pattern unless $queries_executed.any?{ |sql| pattern === sql } end assert failed_patterns.empty?, "Query pattern(s) #{', ')} not found in:\n#{$queries_executed.inspect}" end end end