# WxRuby Extensions - Keyword Constructors for wxRuby3 # Copyright (c) M.J.N. Corino, The Netherlands # Adapted from wxRuby2. module Wx # = WxSugar - Keyword Constructors Classes # # This extension defines the keyword parameters for +new+ methods for # widgets, windows and frames. It's for use with *Keyword Constructors* # and is no use on its own - except if you are looking for a bug or want # to add a missing class. # # For each class, the parameters *must* be declared in the order that # they are supplied to wxRuby. A parameter is specified by a symbol # name, and, optionally, a default argument which will be of whatever type # the wxRuby core library accepts. # To support complex (context dependent) defaults and/or autoconversion # of arguments for backwards the specified default can also be a lambda # or a proc accepting a single argument. This argument will be the # value of the specified parameter (or nil) and the lambda or proc # should return the constructed or converted argument value to be used. # # Some common parameters to constructors such as size, position, title, # id and so forth always have a standard default argumnet, which is # defined in keyword_ctors. In these cases, it is not necessary to # supply the default argument in the definition. @defined_kw_classes = {} # accepts a string unadorned name of a WxWidgets class, and block, which # defines the constructor parameters and style flags for that class. # If the named class exists in the available WxRuby, the block is run and # the class may use keyword constructors. If the class is not available, the # block is ignored. def self.define_keyword_ctors(klass, &block) klass_name = ::String === klass ? klass : klass.name # check this class hasn't already been defined if @defined_kw_classes[klass_name] raise ArgumentError, "Keyword ctor for #{klass_name} already defined" else @defined_kw_classes[klass_name] = true end begin klass = Wx::const_get(klass_name) rescue NameError STDERR.puts "WARNING: cannot define keyword ctor for #{klass_name}" if Wx::DEBUG return nil end if ::String === klass # If the klass inherited from a class which already has keyword ctor defined # it will already have a param_spec class attribute defined. # We need to clear it here because we're going to define a new param_spec for # this specific derivative. unless klass.respond_to?(:param_spec) klass.include Wx::KeywordConstructor::ParamSpec end klass.param_spec = [] klass.include Wx::KeywordConstructor klass.instance_eval(&block) end module KeywordConstructor # This module defines an inheritable class attribute like the ones defined # by the Rails #class_attribute method. module ParamSpec def self.included(mod) mod.class_eval do def self.param_spec nil end def self.param_spec? !!param_spec end def self.param_spec=(val) singleton_class.class_eval do if method_defined?(:param_spec) || private_method_defined?(:param_spec) begin remove_method(:param_spec); rescue NameError; end end define_method(:param_spec) { val } end if singleton_class? class_eval do if method_defined?(:param_spec) || private_method_defined?(:param_spec) begin remove_method(:param_spec); rescue NameError; end end def param_spec defined?(@param_spec) ? @param_spec : singleton_class.param_spec end end end val end if method_defined?(:param_spec) || private_method_defined?(:param_spec) begin remove_method(:param_spec); rescue NameError; end end def param_spec defined?(@param_spec) ? @param_spec : self.class.param_spec end def param_spec? !!param_spec end end end end # This module adds the class methods needed to define and use keyword ctors. module ClassMethods # Common Wx constructor argument keywords, with their default values. STANDARD_DEFAULTS = { :id => Wx::StandardID::ID_ANY, :size => Wx::DEFAULT_SIZE, :pos => Wx::DEFAULT_POSITION, :style => 0, :title => '', :validator => Wx::DEFAULT_VALIDATOR, :choices => [] # for Choice, ComboBox etc } # Adds a list of named parameters *params* to the parameter # specification for this Wx class's constructor. Each parameter # should be specified as a either a common known symbol, such as # +:size+ or +:pos:+ or +:style:+ (corresponding to the common # constructor arguments in WxWidgets API), or a single-key with the # key the name of the argument, and the value a default value. # # Parameters should be specified in the order they occur in the Wx # API constructor def wx_ctor_params(*params) self.param_spec += params.map do | param | param.kind_of?(Hash) ? Parameter[ param.keys.first, param.values.first ] : Parameter[ param, STANDARD_DEFAULTS[param] ] end end def args_as_list(*mixed_args) Wx::args_as_list(param_spec, *mixed_args) end def args_as_hash(*mixed_args) kwa = mixed_args.last.kind_of?(Hash) ? mixed_args.pop : {} param_spec.zip(mixed_args) do | param, arg | kwa[param.name] = arg if arg end kwa end def describe_constructor(txt = '') param_spec.inject(txt) do | desc, param | if Proc === param.default_or_proc desc << ":#{param.name} => (#{param.default_or_proc.call(nil).class.name})\n" else desc << ":#{param.name} => (#{param.default_or_proc.class.name})\n" end end end end def self.included(klass) klass.extend ClassMethods # This defines the overridden ctor that accepts and use the keyword param specs. klass.module_eval do alias :pre_wx_kwctor_init :initialize # The new definition of initialize; accepts a parent arg # mixed_args, which may zero or more position args, optionally # terminated with hash keyword args, and an optional block def initialize(parent = :default_ctor, *mixed_args, &block) # allow zero-args ctor for use with XRC if parent == :default_ctor pre_wx_kwctor_init return end begin real_args = [ parent ] + self.class.args_as_list(*mixed_args) pre_wx_kwctor_init(*real_args) rescue => err msg = "Error initializing #{self.inspect}\n"+ " : #{err.message} \n" + "Provided are #{real_args} \n" + "Correct parameters for #{self.class.name}.new are:\n" + self.class.describe_constructor() new_err = err.class.new(msg) new_err.set_backtrace(caller) Kernel.raise new_err end # If a block was given, pass the newly created Window instance # into it; use block if block if block.arity == -1 or block.arity == 0 self.instance_eval(&block) elsif block.arity == 1 block.call(self) else Kernel.raise ArgumentError, "Block to initialize should accept a single argument or none" end end end end end end end