module SeleniumRC class Server attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :port attr_accessor :args attr_accessor :timeout def self.boot(*args) new(*args).boot end def initialize(host, port = nil, options = {}) @host = host @port = port || 4444 @args = options[:args] || [] @timeout = options[:timeout] end def boot start wait stop_at_exit self end def log(string) puts string end def start command = "java -jar \"#{jar_path}\"" command << " -port #{port}" command << " #{args.join(' ')}" unless args.empty? log "Running: #{command}" begin fork do system(command) end rescue NotImplementedError Thread.start do system(command) end end end def stop_at_exit at_exit do stop end end def jar_path File.expand_path("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../vendor/selenium-server.jar") end def wait $stderr.print "==> Waiting for Selenium RC server on port #{port}... " wait_for_service_with_timeout $stderr.print "Ready!\n" rescue SocketError fail end def fail $stderr.puts $stderr.puts $stderr.puts "==> Failed to boot the Selenium RC server... exiting!" exit end def stop Net::HTTP.get(host, '/selenium-server/driver/?cmd=shutDownSeleniumServer', port) end def service_is_running? begin socket =, port) socket.close unless socket.nil? true rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EBADF, # Windows Errno::EADDRNOTAVAIL # Windows false end end protected def wait_for_service_with_timeout start_time = timeout = 15 until service_is_running? if timeout && ( > (start_time + timeout)) raise"Socket did not open within #{timeout} seconds") end end end end end