Feature: Directory directives In order to have a more fine-grained control over what Reek reports And to enable domain specific modes (like a Ruby on Rails mode) As a user I want to be able to configure Reek using directory directives Scenario: Configure multiple directories Given a file named "web_app/config.reek" with: """ --- "web_app/app/controllers": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false NestedIterators: enabled: false "web_app/app/helpers": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false UtilityFunction: enabled: false """ And a file named "web_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb" with: """ class UsersController < ApplicationController def show respond_with do |format| format.json { |json| @user.to_custom_json } format.xml { |xml| @user.to_fancy_xml } end end end """ And a file named "web_app/app/helpers/application_helper.rb" with: """ module ApplicationHelper def current_year Time.zone.now.year end end """ And a file named "web_app/app/models/user.rb" with: """ class User < ActiveRecord::Base def logged_in_with_role(r) true end end """ When I run `reek -c web_app/config.reek web_app/` Then it reports: """ web_app/app/models/user.rb -- 2 warnings: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: User has no descriptive comment [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Irresponsible-Module.md] [2]:UnusedParameters: User#logged_in_with_role has unused parameter 'r' [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Unused-Parameters.md] 2 total warnings """ Scenario: Ignore trailing slashes Given a file named "web_app/config.reek" with: """ --- "controllers/": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false """ And a file named "controllers/users_controller.rb" with: """ class UsersController def show end end """ When I run `reek -c web_app/config.reek controllers` Then it reports nothing Scenario: Partially mask smells in different directories Given a file named "web_app/config.reek" with: """ --- "web_app/app/controllers": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: true "web_app/app/helpers": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false UtilityFunction: enabled: false "web_app/app/models": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false """ And a file named "web_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb" with: """ class UsersController < ApplicationController def show respond_with do |format| format.json { |json| @user.to_custom_json } end end end """ And a file named "web_app/app/helpers/application_helper.rb" with: """ module ApplicationHelper def current_year Time.zone.now.year end end """ And a file named "web_app/app/models/user.rb" with: """ class User < ActiveRecord::Base def logged_in_with_role(r) true end end """ When I run `reek -c web_app/config.reek web_app/` Then it reports: """ web_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb -- 2 warnings: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: UsersController has no descriptive comment [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Irresponsible-Module.md] [4]:NestedIterators: UsersController#show contains iterators nested 2 deep [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Nested-Iterators.md] web_app/app/models/user.rb -- 1 warning: [2]:UnusedParameters: User#logged_in_with_role has unused parameter 'r' [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Unused-Parameters.md] 3 total warnings """ Scenario: Use the default directive if there is no directory directive Given a file named "config.reek" with: """ --- "web_app/app/controllers": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: true NestedIterators: enabled: false IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false NestedIterators: enabled: true """ And a file named "web_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb" with: """ class UsersController < ApplicationController def show respond_with do |format| format.json { |json| @user.to_custom_json } end end end """ And a file named "other/projects_controller.rb" with: """ class ProjectController < ApplicationController def show respond_with do |format| format.json { |json| @project.to_custom_json } end end end """ When I run `reek -c config.reek other/ web_app/` Then it reports: """ other/projects_controller.rb -- 1 warning: [4]:NestedIterators: ProjectController#show contains iterators nested 2 deep [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Nested-Iterators.md] web_app/app/controllers/users_controller.rb -- 1 warning: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: UsersController has no descriptive comment [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Irresponsible-Module.md] 2 total warnings """ Scenario: Abort on non-existent smell type in directory directive Given a file named "config.reek" with: """ --- "dummy_directory": # Typo: Should be NestedIterators IteratorsNested: enabled: false """ And a file named "dummy_directory/dummy.rb" with: """ class Dummy end """ When I run `reek -c config.reek dummy_directory/` Then the exit status indicates an error And stderr reports: """ You are trying to configure smell type IteratorsNested but we can't find one with that name. Please make sure you spelled it right. (See 'defaults.reek' in the Reek repository for a list of all available smell types.) """ Scenario: Abort on file as directory directive Given a file named "config.reek" with: """ --- "dummy_directory/dummy.rb": NestedIterators: enabled: false """ And a file named "dummy_directory/dummy.rb" with: """ class Dummy end """ When I run `reek -c config.reek dummy_directory/` Then the exit status indicates an error And stderr reports: """ Configuration error: `dummy_directory/dummy.rb` is supposed to be a directory but is a file """ Scenario: In case of overlapping configurations, pick the most appropriate one Given a file named "config.reek" with: """ --- "foo/bar/baz": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: false NestedIterators: enabled: true "foo/bar": IrresponsibleModule: enabled: true NestedIterators: enabled: false """ And a file named "foo/bar/baz/klass.rb" with: """ class Klass def meth respond_to do |arg| answer_to do |arg| end end end end """ And a file named "foo/bar/klazz.rb" with: """ class Klazz def meth respond_to do |arg| answer_to do |arg| end end end end """ When I run `reek -c config.reek foo/` Then it reports: """ foo/bar/baz/klass.rb -- 1 warning: [4]:NestedIterators: Klass#meth contains iterators nested 2 deep [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Nested-Iterators.md] foo/bar/klazz.rb -- 1 warning: [1]:IrresponsibleModule: Klazz has no descriptive comment [https://github.com/troessner/reek/blob/master/docs/Irresponsible-Module.md] 2 total warnings """