# Hatchet ![](http://f.cl.ly/items/2M2O2Q2I2x0e1M1P2936/Screen%20Shot%202013-01-06%20at%209.59.38%20PM.png) Hatchet is a an integration testing library for developing Heroku buildpacks. [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/hatchet.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/heroku/hatchet) ## Install First run: $ bundle install This library uses the heroku-api gem, you will need to make your API key available to the system. You can get your token by running: $ heroku auth:token alskdfju108f09uvngu172019 We need to export this token into our environment open up your `.bashrc` export HEROKU_API_KEY="alskdfju108f09uvngu172019" Then source the file. If you don't want to set your api key system wide, it will be pulled automatically via shelling out, but this is slower. ## Run the Tests $ bundle exec rake test ## Writing Tests Hatchet is meant for running integration tests, which means we actually have to deploy a real live honest to goodness app on Heroku and see how it behaves. First you'll need a repo to an app you know works on Heroku, add it to the proper folder in repos. Such as `repos/rails3/`. Once you've done that make a corresponding test file in the `test` dir such as `test/repos/rails3`. I've already got a project called "codetriage" and the test is "triage_test.rb". Now that you have an app, we'll need to create a heroku instance, and deploy our code to that instance you can do that with this code: Hatchet::App.new("repos/rails3/codetriage").deploy do |app| ## end The first argument to the app is the directory where you can find the code. Once your test is done, the app will automatically be destroyed. Now that you've deployed your app you'll want to make sure that the deploy worked correctly. Since we're using `test/unit` you can use regular assertions such as `assert` and `refute`. Since we're yielding to an `app` variable we can check the `deployed?` status of the app: Hatchet::App.new("repos/rails3/codetriage").deploy do |app| assert app.deployed? end The primary purpose of the buildpack is configuring and deploying apps, so if it deployed chances are the buildpack is working correctly, but sometimes you may want more information. You can run arbitrary commands such as `heroku bash` and then check for the existence of a file. Hatchet::App.new("repos/rails3/codetriage").deploy do |app| app.run("bash") do |cmd| assert cmd.run("ls public/assets").include?("application.css") end end Anything you put in `cmd.run` at this point will be executed from with in the app that you are in. cmd.run("cat") cmd.run("cd") cmd.run("cd .. ; ls | grep foo") It behaves exactly as if you were in a remote shell. If you really wanted you could even run the tests: cmd.run("rake test") But since cmd.run doesn't return the exit status now, that wouldn't be so useful (also there is a default timeout to all commands). If you want you can configure the timeout by passing in a second parameter cmd.run("rake test", 180.seconds) ## Running One off Commands If you only want to run one command you can call `app.run` without passing a block Hatchet::AnvilApp.new("/codetriage").deploy do |app| assert_match "1.9.3", app.run("ruby -v") end ## Testing A Different Buildpack You can specify buildpack to deploy with like so: Hatchet::App.new("repos/rails3/codetriage", buildpack: "https://github.com/schneems/heroku-buildpack-ruby.git").deploy do |app| ## Hatchet Config Hatchet is designed to test buildpacks, and requires full repositories to deploy to Heroku. Web application repos, especially Rails repos, aren't known for being small, if you're testing a custom buildpack and have `BUILDPACK_URL` set in your app config, it needs to be cloned each time you deploy your app. If you've `git add`-ed a bunch of repos then this clone would be pretty slow, we're not going to do this. Do not commit your repos to git. Instead we will keep a structured file called inventively `hatchet.json` at the root of your project. This file will describe the structure of your repos, have the name of the repo, and a git url. We will use it to sync remote git repos with your local project. It might look something like this { "hatchet": {}, "rails3": ["git@github.com:codetriage/codetriage.git"], "rails2": ["git@github.com:heroku/rails2blog.git"] } the 'hatchet' object accessor is reserved for hatchet settings. . To copy each repo in your `hatchet.json` run the command: $ hatchet install The above `hatchet.json` will produce a directory structure like this: repos/ rails3/ codetriage/ #... rails2/ rails2blog/ # ... While you are running your tests if you reference a repo that isn't synced locally Hatchet will raise an error. Since you're using a standard file for your repos, you can now reference the name of the git repo, provided you don't have conflicting names: Hatchet::App.new("codetriage").deploy do |app| If you do have conflicting names, use full paths. A word of warning on including rails/ruby repos inside of your test directory, if you're using a runner that looks for patterns such as `*_test.rb` to run your hatchet tests, it may incorrectly think you want to run the tests inside of the rails repositories. To get rid of this problem move your repos direcory out of `test/` or be more specific with your tests such as moving them to a `test/hatchet` directory and changing your pattern if you are using `Rake::TestTask` it might look like this: t.pattern = 'test/hatchet/**/*_test.rb' A note on external repos: since you're basing tests on these repos, it is in your best interest to not change them or your tests may spontaneously fail. In the future we may create a hatchet.lockfile or something to declare the commit ## Hatchet CLI Hatchet has a CLI for installing and maintaining external repos you're using to test against. If you have Hatchet installed as a gem run $ hatchet --help For more info on commands. If you're using the source code you can run the command by going to the source code directory and running: $ ./bin/hatchet --help ## The Future ### Speed Efforts may be spent optimizing / parallelizing the process, almost all of the time of the test is spent waiting for IO, so hopefully we should be able to parallelize many tests / deploys at the same time. The hardest part of this (i believe) would be splitting out the different runs into different log streams so that the output wouldn't be completely useless. Right now running 1 deploy test takes about 3 min on my machine. ## Git Based Deploys It would be great to allow hatchet to deploy apps off of git url, however if we do that we could open ourselves up to false negatives, if we are pointing at an external repo that gets broken. ## Features? What else do we want to test? Config vars, addons, etc. Let's write some tests.