/** @jsx React.DOM */ var PermissionsTable = React.createClass({ render: function() { var rows = []; var resources = _.sortBy(this.props.resources, function(r){ return r.id; // this way it will be sorting by (kind, id) }); resources.forEach(function(r){ var rowspan = r.permissions.length + 1; var parts = r.id.split(":"); var id = parts[2]; var kind = parts[1]; // ignore env? var cells = [ , {kind} ]; if(rowspan == 1){ cells.push( full permissions ); } rows.push( {cells} ); if(rowspan > 1){ rows.push(r.permissions.map(function(p){ return })); } }); rows = _.flatten(rows); var showhidelink =
Hide all «
; if (this.props.tabview) { showhidelink=""; } if (rows.length==0) { return None; } return
{showhidelink} {rows}
Resource Kind Privilege Can Grant? Granted By
} }); // Renders a permission as a tr var PermissionRow = React.createClass({ render: function(){ var p = this.props.data; return { p.privilege } { p.grant_option ? "yes" : "no" } ; } }); var PermissionsSummary = React.createClass({ render: function() { var expand = ""; if ( this.props.length > 0 ) expand =
Show all »
; return
{this.props.length} permissions {expand}
} }); var Permissions = React.createClass({ getInitialState: function() { return {resources: null, loaded: false, expand: false} }, expand: function(event) { this.setState({expand: true}) }, collapse: function(event) { this.setState({expand: false}) }, componentWillMount: function() { // shouldn't it be done in model??? otherwise it will re-load stuff on each re-rendering of parent block if ( this.props.roles ) { $.get(this.url(), function(data){ this.setPermissions(data); }.bind(this)); } }, setPermissions: function(_resources) { /** * Filter out owned resources. * Filter out permissions on resources which are not held by the current role. */ var resources; if ( this.props.owned ) { var ownedIds = _.pluck(this.props.owned, 'id'); resources = _resources.filter(function(r) { return !_.contains(ownedIds, r.id); }); } else resources = _resources; var roleSet = {}; this.props.roles.forEach(function(r) { roleSet[r] = r; }); var cleanResources = resources.filter(function(item) { return item.id.split(':')[1] !== "secret"; // assets of 'secret' kind are internal }); cleanResources.forEach(function(resource) { var permissions = resource.permissions; var hasPermissions = []; permissions.forEach(function(permission) { if ( roleSet.hasOwnProperty(permission['role']) ) hasPermissions.push(permission); }); resource.permissions = hasPermissions; }); this.setState({resources: cleanResources, loaded: true}); }, render: function(){ var content; if (this.state.loaded) { if ( this.state.expand || this.props.tabview ) content = else content = } else { if ( this.props.roles ) content = Loading... else content = "You are not authorized to see these permissions"; } var cx = React.addons.classSet; var classes = cx({ permissions: true, loading: !this.state.loaded }); var permissionsheader = this.props.tabview ? "" :

Permissions held

; return
; }, url: function(){ return "/api/authz/" + conjur.app.configuration.account + "/resources?acting_as=" + this.props.role; } })