module Coprl module Presenters module Helpers module Rails module ModelTable # Build a a table from a Rails model def table_for(query_, empty_icon: 'far fa-folder-open fa-rotate-180', except: [:id, :created_at, :updated_at], timezone: nil, # The timezone to covnert _at and _on values selectable: false, &block) row1 = query_.first if row1 __columns__ = row1.class.columns table selectable: selectable do _table_header_(__columns__, except) query_.each do |item_| row do _table_row_(__columns__, block, except, item_, timezone: timezone) end end end else icon empty_icon, size: '6rem' if empty_icon body "You have no #{}" end end private def _table_row_(__columns__, block, except, item_, timezone: nil) __columns__.each do |col| next if except.include?( value = format_value(,item_.send(, timezone: timezone) column value do self.instance_exec(item_,, &block) if block end end end def format_value(col_name, value, timezone:) return format_time_long(value, timezone: timezone) if timezone && col_name.ends_with?('_at') || col_name.ends_with?('_on') value end def _table_header_(__columns__, except) header do __columns__.each do |col| column unless except.include?( end end end end end end end end