require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/file_system' require 'puppet/util/platform' describe "Puppet::FileSystem" do include PuppetSpec::Files # different UTF-8 widths # 1-byte A # 2-byte ۿ - - 0xDB 0xBF / 219 191 # 3-byte ᚠ - - 0xE1 0x9A 0xA0 / 225 154 160 # 4-byte 𠜎 - - 0xF0 0xA0 0x9C 0x8E / 240 160 156 142 let (:mixed_utf8) { "A\u06FF\u16A0\u{2070E}" } # Aۿᚠ𠜎 def with_file_content(content) path = tmpfile('file-system') file =, 'wb') file.sync = true file.print content yield path ensure file.close end SYSTEM_SID_BYTES = [1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 18, 0, 0, 0] def is_current_user_system? SYSTEM_SID_BYTES == Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_sid.sid_bytes end def expects_public_file(path) if current_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(path) expect(sd.dacl).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: current_sid, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinUsers, mask: 0x120089) ) else expect(File.stat(path).mode & 07777).to eq(0644) end end def expects_private_file(path) if current_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(path) expect(sd.dacl).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: current_sid, mask: 0x1f01ff) ) else expect(File.stat(path).mode & 07777).to eq(0640) end end context "#open" do it "uses the same default mode as, when specifying a nil mode (umask used on non-Windows)" do file = tmpfile('file_to_update') expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_falsey, nil, 'a') { |fh| fh.write('') } expected_perms = ? # default Windows mode based on temp file storage for SYSTEM user or regular user # for Jenkins or other services running as SYSTEM writing to c:\windows\temp # the permissions will typically be SYSTEM(F) / Administrators(F) which is 770 # but sometimes there are extra users like IIS_IUSRS granted rights which adds the "extra ace" 2 # for local Administrators writing to their own temp folders under c:\users\USER # they will have (F) for themselves, and Users will not have a permission, hence 700 (is_current_user_system? ? ['770', '2000770'] : '2000700') : # or for *nix determine expected mode via bitwise AND complement of umask (0100000 | 0666 & ~File.umask).to_s(8) expect([expected_perms].flatten).to include(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file).mode.to_s(8)) default_file = tmpfile('file_to_update2') expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(default_file)).to be_falsey, 'a') { |fh| fh.write('') } # which matches the behavior of expect(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file).mode).to eq(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(default_file).mode) end it "can accept an octal mode integer" do file = tmpfile('file_to_update') # NOTE: 777 here returns 755, but due to Ruby?, 0444, 'a') { |fh| fh.write('') } # Behavior may change in the future on Windows, to *actually* change perms # but for now, setting a mode doesn't touch them expected_perms = ? (is_current_user_system? ? ['770', '2000770'] : '2000700') : '100444' expect([expected_perms].flatten).to include(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file).mode.to_s(8)) expected_ruby_mode = ? # The Windows behavior has been changed to ignore the mode specified by open # given it's unlikely a caller expects Windows file attributes to be set # therefore mode is explicitly not managed (until PUP-6959 is fixed) # # In default Ruby on Windows a mode controls file attribute setting # (like archive, read-only, etc) # The GetFileInformationByHandle API returns an attributes value that is # a bitmask of Windows File Attribute Constants at # '100644' : # On other platforms, the mode should be what was set by octal 0444 '100444' expect(File.stat(file).mode.to_s(8)).to eq(expected_ruby_mode) end it "cannot accept a mode string" do file = tmpfile('file_to_update') expect {, "444", 'a') { |fh| fh.write('') } }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it "opens, creates ands allows updating of a new file, using by default, the external system encoding" do begin original_encoding = Encoding.default_external # this must be set through Ruby API and cannot be mocked - it sets internal state used by # pick a bizarre encoding unlikely to be used in any real tests Encoding.default_external = Encoding::CP737 file = tmpfile('file_to_update') # test writing a UTF-8 string when Default external encoding is something different, 0660, 'w') do |fh| # note Ruby behavior which has no external_encoding, but implicitly uses Encoding.default_external expect(fh.external_encoding).to be_nil # write a UTF-8 string to this file fh.write(mixed_utf8) end # prove that Ruby implicitly converts read strings back to Encoding.default_external # and that it did that in the previous write written = expect(written.encoding).to eq(Encoding.default_external) expect(written).to eq(mixed_utf8.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external)) ensure # carefully roll back to the previous Encoding.default_external = original_encoding end end end context "#exclusive_open" do it "opens ands allows updating of an existing file" do file = file_containing("file_to_update", "the contents") Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file, 0660, 'r+') do |fh| old = fh.truncate(0) fh.rewind fh.write("updated #{old}") end expect( eq("updated the contents") end it "opens, creates ands allows updating of a new file, using by default, the external system encoding" do begin original_encoding = Encoding.default_external # this must be set through Ruby API and cannot be mocked - it sets internal state used by # pick a bizarre encoding unlikely to be used in any real tests Encoding.default_external = Encoding::CP737 file = tmpfile('file_to_update') # test writing a UTF-8 string when Default external encoding is something different Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file, 0660, 'w') do |fh| # note Ruby behavior which has no external_encoding, but implicitly uses Encoding.default_external expect(fh.external_encoding).to be_nil # write a UTF-8 string to this file fh.write(mixed_utf8) end # prove that Ruby implicitly converts read strings back to Encoding.default_external # and that it did that in the previous write written = expect(written.encoding).to eq(Encoding.default_external) expect(written).to eq(mixed_utf8.force_encoding(Encoding.default_external)) ensure # carefully roll back to the previous Encoding.default_external = original_encoding end end it "excludes other processes from updating at the same time", unless: || Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do file = file_containing("file_to_update", "0") increment_counter_in_multiple_processes(file, 5, 'r+') expect( eq("5") end it "excludes other processes from updating at the same time even when creating the file", unless: || Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do file = tmpfile("file_to_update") increment_counter_in_multiple_processes(file, 5, 'a+') expect( eq("5") end it "times out if the lock cannot be acquired in a specified amount of time", unless: || Puppet::Util::Platform.jruby? do file = tmpfile("file_to_update") child = spawn_process_that_locks(file) expect do Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file, 0666, 'a', 0.1) do |f| end raise_error(Timeout::Error, /Timeout waiting for exclusive lock on #{file}/) Process.kill(9, child) end def spawn_process_that_locks(file) read, write = IO.pipe child = Kernel.fork do read.close Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file, 0666, 'a') do |fh| write.write(true) write.close sleep 10 end end write.close read.close child end def increment_counter_in_multiple_processes(file, num_procs, options) children = [] num_procs.times do children << Kernel.fork do Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_open(file, 0660, options) do |fh| fh.rewind contents = ( || 0).to_i fh.truncate(0) fh.rewind fh.write((contents + 1).to_s) end exit(0) end end children.each { |pid| Process.wait(pid) } end end context "read_preserve_line_endings" do it "should read a file with line feed" do with_file_content("file content \n") do |file| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file)).to eq("file content \n") end end it "should read a file with carriage return line feed" do with_file_content("file content \r\n") do |file| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file)).to eq("file content \r\n") end end it "should read a mixed file using only the first line newline when lf" do with_file_content("file content \nsecond line \r\n") do |file| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file)).to eq("file content \nsecond line \r\n") end end it "should read a mixed file using only the first line newline when crlf" do with_file_content("file content \r\nsecond line \n") do |file| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file)).to eq("file content \r\nsecond line \n") end end it "should ignore leading BOM" do with_file_content("\uFEFFfile content \n") do |file| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file)).to eq("file content \n") end end it "should not warn about misusage of BOM with non-UTF encoding" do allow(Encoding).to receive(:default_external).and_return(Encoding::US_ASCII) with_file_content("file content \n") do |file| expect{ Puppet::FileSystem.read_preserve_line_endings(file) }.not_to output(/BOM with non-UTF encoding US-ASCII is nonsense/).to_stderr end end end context "read without an encoding specified" do it "returns strings as Encoding.default_external" do temp_file = file_containing('test.txt', 'hello world') contents = expect(contents.encoding).to eq(Encoding.default_external) expect(contents).to eq('hello world') end end context "read should allow an encoding to be specified" do # First line of Rune version of Rune poem at # characters chosen since they will not parse on Windows with codepage 437 or 1252 # Section of Ruby spec guarantees that \u strings are encoded as UTF-8 let (:rune_utf8) { "\u16A0\u16C7\u16BB" } # 'ᚠᛇᚻ' it "and should read a UTF8 file properly" do temp_file = file_containing('utf8.txt', rune_utf8) contents =, :encoding => 'utf-8') expect(contents.encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) expect(contents).to eq(rune_utf8) end it "does not strip the UTF8 BOM (Byte Order Mark) if present in a file" do bom = "\uFEFF" temp_file = file_containing('utf8bom.txt', "#{bom}#{rune_utf8}") contents =, :encoding => 'utf-8') expect(contents.encoding).to eq(Encoding::UTF_8) expect(contents).to eq("#{bom}#{rune_utf8}") end end describe "symlink", :if => ! Puppet.features.manages_symlinks? && do let(:file) { tmpfile("somefile") } let(:missing_file) { tmpfile("missingfile") } let(:expected_msg) { "This version of Windows does not support symlinks. Windows Vista / 2008 or higher is required." } before :each do FileUtils.touch(file) end it "should raise an error when trying to create a symlink" do expect { Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, 'foo') }.to raise_error(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) end it "should return false when trying to check if a path is a symlink" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(file)).to be_falsey end it "should raise an error when trying to read a symlink" do expect { Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(file) }.to raise_error(Puppet::Util::Windows::Error) end it "should return a File::Stat instance when calling stat on an existing file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file)).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when calling stat on a missing file" do expect { Puppet::FileSystem.stat(missing_file) }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should fall back to stat when trying to lstat a file" do expect(Puppet::Util::Windows::File).to receive(:stat).with(Puppet::FileSystem.assert_path(file)) Puppet::FileSystem.lstat(file) end end describe "symlink", :if => Puppet.features.manages_symlinks? do let(:file) { tmpfile("somefile") } let(:missing_file) { tmpfile("missingfile") } let(:dir) { tmpdir("somedir") } before :each do FileUtils.touch(file) end it "should return true for exist? on a present file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy end it "should return true for file? on a present file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.file?(file)).to be_truthy end it "should return false for exist? on a non-existent file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(missing_file)).to be_falsey end it "should return true for exist? on a present directory" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(dir)).to be_truthy end it "should return false for exist? on a dangling symlink" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(missing_file, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(missing_file)).to be_falsey expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink)).to be_falsey end it "should return true for exist? on valid symlinks" do [file, dir].each do |target| symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target).to_s}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink)).to be_truthy end end it "should return false for exist? when resolving a cyclic symlink chain" do # point symlink -> file symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) # point symlink2 -> symlink symlink2 = tmpfile("somefile_link2") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink, symlink2) # point symlink3 -> symlink2 symlink3 = tmpfile("somefile_link3") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink2, symlink3) # yank file, temporarily dangle ::File.delete(file) # and trash it so that we can recreate it OK on windows Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink) # point symlink -> symlink3 to create a cycle Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink3, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink3)).to be_falsey end it "should return true for exist? when resolving a symlink chain pointing to a file" do # point symlink -> file symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) # point symlink2 -> symlink symlink2 = tmpfile("somefile_link2") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink, symlink2) # point symlink3 -> symlink2 symlink3 = tmpfile("somefile_link3") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink2, symlink3) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink3)).to be_truthy end it "should return false for exist? when resolving a symlink chain that dangles" do # point symlink -> file symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) # point symlink2 -> symlink symlink2 = tmpfile("somefile_link2") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink, symlink2) # point symlink3 -> symlink2 symlink3 = tmpfile("somefile_link3") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink2, symlink3) # yank file, and make symlink dangle ::File.delete(file) # symlink3 is now indirectly dangled expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink3)).to be_falsey end it "should not create a symlink when the :noop option is specified" do [file, dir].each do |target| symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink, { :noop => true }) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink)).to be_falsey end end it "should raise Errno::EEXIST if trying to create a file / directory symlink when the symlink path already exists as a file" do existing_file = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(file)}_link") FileUtils.touch(existing_file) [file, dir].each do |target| expect { Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_file) }.to raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(existing_file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(existing_file)).to be_falsey end end it "should silently fail if trying to create a file / directory symlink when the symlink path already exists as a directory" do existing_dir = tmpdir("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(file)}_dir") [file, dir].each do |target| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_dir)).to eq(0) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(existing_dir)).to be_truthy expect( be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(existing_dir)).to be_falsey end end it "should silently fail to modify an existing directory symlink to reference a new file or directory" do [file, dir].each do |target| existing_dir = tmpdir("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_dir") symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(existing_dir)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(existing_dir, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(Puppet::FileSystem.path_string(existing_dir)) # now try to point it at the new target, no error raised, but file system unchanged expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink)).to eq(0) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(existing_dir.to_s) end end it "should raise Errno::EEXIST if trying to modify a file symlink to reference a new file or directory" do symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(file)}_link") file_2 = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(file)}_2") FileUtils.touch(file_2) # symlink -> file_2 Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file_2, symlink) [file, dir].each do |target| expect { Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink) }.to raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(file_2.to_s) end end it "should delete the existing file when creating a file / directory symlink with :force when the symlink path exists as a file" do [file, dir].each do |target| existing_file = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_existing") FileUtils.touch(existing_file) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(existing_file)).to be_falsey Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_file, { :force => true }) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(existing_file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(existing_file)).to eq(target.to_s) end end it "should modify an existing file symlink when using :force to reference a new file or directory" do [file, dir].each do |target| existing_file = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_existing") FileUtils.touch(existing_file) existing_symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(existing_file)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(existing_file, existing_symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(existing_symlink)).to eq(existing_file.to_s) Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_symlink, { :force => true }) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(existing_symlink)).to eq(target.to_s) end end it "should silently fail if trying to overwrite an existing directory with a new symlink when using :force to reference a file or directory" do [file, dir].each do |target| existing_dir = tmpdir("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_existing") expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_dir, { :force => true })).to eq(0) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(existing_dir)).to be_falsey end end it "should silently fail if trying to modify an existing directory symlink when using :force to reference a new file or directory" do [file, dir].each do |target| existing_dir = tmpdir("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_existing") existing_symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(existing_dir)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(existing_dir, existing_symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(existing_symlink)).to eq(existing_dir.to_s) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, existing_symlink, { :force => true })).to eq(0) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(existing_symlink)).to eq(existing_dir.to_s) end end it "should accept a string, Pathname or object with to_str (Puppet::Util::WatchedFile) for exist?" do [ tmpfile('bogus1'),'bogus2')),'bogus3')) ].each { |f| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(f)).to be_falsey } end it "should return a File::Stat instance when calling stat on an existing file" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file)).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when calling stat on a missing file" do expect { Puppet::FileSystem.stat(missing_file) }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should be able to create a symlink, and verify it with symlink?" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(symlink)).to be_truthy end it "should report symlink? as false on file, directory and missing files" do [file, dir, missing_file].each do |f| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.symlink?(f)).to be_falsey end end it "should return a File::Stat with ftype 'link' when calling lstat on a symlink pointing to existing file" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) stat = Puppet::FileSystem.lstat(symlink) expect(stat).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) expect(stat.ftype).to eq('link') end it "should return a File::Stat of ftype 'link' when calling lstat on a symlink pointing to missing file" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(missing_file, symlink) stat = Puppet::FileSystem.lstat(symlink) expect(stat).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) expect(stat.ftype).to eq('link') end it "should return a File::Stat of ftype 'file' when calling stat on a symlink pointing to existing file" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) stat = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(symlink) expect(stat).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) expect(stat.ftype).to eq('file') end it "should return a File::Stat of ftype 'directory' when calling stat on a symlink pointing to existing directory" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(dir, symlink) stat = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(symlink) expect(stat).to be_instance_of(File::Stat) expect(stat.ftype).to eq('directory') # on Windows, this won't get cleaned up if still linked Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink) end it "should return a File::Stat of ftype 'file' when calling stat on a symlink pointing to another symlink" do # point symlink -> file symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) # point symlink2 -> symlink symlink2 = tmpfile("somefile_link2") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink, symlink2) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.stat(symlink2).ftype).to eq('file') end it "should raise Errno::ENOENT when calling stat on a dangling symlink" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(missing_file, symlink) expect { Puppet::FileSystem.stat(symlink) }.to raise_error(Errno::ENOENT) end it "should be able to readlink to resolve the physical path to a symlink" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(file.to_s) end it "should not resolve entire symlink chain with readlink on a symlink'd symlink" do # point symlink -> file symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) # point symlink2 -> symlink symlink2 = tmpfile("somefile_link2") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(symlink, symlink2) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink2)).to eq(symlink.to_s) end it "should be able to readlink to resolve the physical path to a dangling symlink" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(missing_file, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(missing_file)).to be_falsey expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(missing_file.to_s) end it "should be able to unlink a dangling symlink pointed at a file" do symlink = tmpfile("somefile_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(file, symlink) ::File.delete(file) Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to_not be_exist(file) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to_not be_exist(symlink) end it "should be able to unlink a dangling symlink pointed at a directory" do symlink = tmpfile("somedir_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(dir, symlink) Dir.rmdir(dir) Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to_not be_exist(dir) expect(Puppet::FileSystem).to_not be_exist(symlink) end it "should delete only the symlink and not the target when calling unlink instance method" do [file, dir].each do |target| symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(target.to_s) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink)).to eq(1) # count of files expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink)).to be_falsey end end it "should delete only the symlink and not the target when calling unlink class method" do [file, dir].each do |target| symlink = tmpfile("#{Puppet::FileSystem.basename(target)}_link") Puppet::FileSystem.symlink(target, symlink) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.readlink(symlink)).to eq(target.to_s) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(symlink)).to eq(1) # count of files expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(target)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(symlink)).to be_falsey end end describe "unlink" do it "should delete files with unlink" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(file)).to eq(1) # count of files expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_falsey end it "should delete files with unlink class method" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy expect(Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(file)).to eq(1) # count of files expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_falsey end it "should delete multiple files with unlink class method" do paths = (1..3).collect do |i| f = tmpfile("somefile_#{i}") FileUtils.touch(f) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(f)).to be_truthy f.to_s end expect(Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(*paths)).to eq(3) # count of files paths.each { |p| expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(p)).to be_falsey } end it "should raise Errno::EPERM or Errno::EISDIR when trying to delete a directory with the unlink class method" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(dir)).to be_truthy ex = nil begin Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(dir) rescue Exception => e ex = e end expect([ Errno::EPERM, # Windows and OSX Errno::EISDIR # Linux ]).to include(ex.class) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(dir)).to be_truthy end it "should raise Errno::EACCESS when trying to delete a file whose parent directory does not allow execute/traverse", unless: do dir = tmpdir('file_system_unlink') path = File.join(dir, 'deleteme') mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dir).mode Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0, dir) begin expect { Puppet::FileSystem.unlink(path) }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES, /^Permission denied .* #{path}/) ensure Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(mode, dir) end end end describe "exclusive_create" do it "should create a file that doesn't exist" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(missing_file)).to be_falsey Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_create(missing_file, nil) {} expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(missing_file)).to be_truthy end it "should raise Errno::EEXIST creating a file that does exist" do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file)).to be_truthy expect do Puppet::FileSystem.exclusive_create(file, nil) {} raise_error(Errno::EEXIST) end end describe 'expand_path' do it 'should raise an error when given nil, like Ruby File.expand_path' do expect { File.expand_path(nil) }.to raise_error(TypeError) # match Ruby behavior expect { Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(nil) }.to raise_error(TypeError) end it 'with an expanded path passed to Dir.glob, the same expanded path will be returned' do # this exists specifically for Puppet::Pops::Loader::ModuleLoaders::FileBased#add_to_index # which should receive an expanded path value from it's parent Environment # and will later compare values generated by Dir.glob tmp_long_file = tmpfile('', tmpdir('super-long-thing-that-Windows-shortens')) Puppet::FileSystem.touch(tmp_long_file) expanded_path = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(tmp_long_file) expect(expanded_path).to eq(Dir.glob(expanded_path).first) end describe 'on non-Windows', :unless => do it 'should produce the same results as the Ruby File.expand_path' do # on Windows this may be 8.3 style, but not so on other platforms # only done since expect(::File).to receive(:expand_path).with(path).at_least(:once) # cannot be used since it will cause a stack overflow path = tmpdir('foobar') expect(Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(path)).to eq(File.expand_path(path)) end end describe 'on Windows', :if => do let(:nonexist_file) { 'C:\\file~1.ext' } let(:nonexist_path) { 'C:\\progra~1\\missing\\path\\file.ext' } ['/', '\\'].each do |slash| it "should return the absolute path including system drive letter when given #{slash}, like Ruby File.expand_path" do # regardless of slash direction, return value is drive letter expanded = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(slash) expect(expanded).to match(/^[a-z]:/i) end end it 'should behave like Rubys File.expand_path for a file that doesnt exist' do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(nonexist_file)).to be_falsey # this will change c:\\file~1.ext to c:/file~1.ext (existing Ruby behavior), but not expand any ~ ruby_expanded = File.expand_path(nonexist_file) expect(ruby_expanded).to match(/~/) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(nonexist_file)).to eq(ruby_expanded) end it 'should behave like Rubys File.expand_path for a file with a parent path that doesnt exist' do expect(Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(nonexist_path)).to be_falsey # this will change c:\\progra~1 to c:/progra~1 (existing Ruby behavior), but not expand any ~ ruby_expanded = File.expand_path(nonexist_path) expect(ruby_expanded).to match(/~/) expect(Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(nonexist_path)).to eq(ruby_expanded) end it 'should expand a shortened path completely, unlike Ruby File.expand_path' do tmp_long_dir = tmpdir('super-long-thing-that-Windows-shortens') short_path = Puppet::Util::Windows::File.get_short_pathname(tmp_long_dir) # a shortened path to the temp dir will have a least 2 ~ # for instance, C:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\rspecrun2016####-####-#######\\super-long-thing-that-Windows-shortens\ # or C:\\Windows\\Temp\\rspecrun2016####-####-#######\\super-long-thing-that-Windows-shortens\ # will shorten to Temp\\rspecr~#\\super-~1 expect(short_path).to match(/~.*~/) # expand with Ruby, noting not all ~ have been expanded # which is the primary reason that a Puppet helper exists ruby_expanded = File.expand_path(short_path) expect(ruby_expanded).to match(/~/) # Puppet expansion uses the Windows API and has no ~ remaining puppet_expanded = Puppet::FileSystem.expand_path(short_path) expect(puppet_expanded).to_not match(/~/) # and the directories are one and the same expect(File.identical?(short_path, puppet_expanded)).to be_truthy end end end end describe '#replace_file' do let(:dest) { tmpfile('replace_file') } let(:content) { "some data" } context 'when creating' do it 'writes the data' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq(content) end it 'writes in binary mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write("\x00\x01\x02") } expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq("\x00\x01\x02") end context 'on posix', unless: do it 'applies the default mode 0640' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0640) end it 'applies the specified mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0777) { |f| f.write(content) } mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0777) end it 'raises EACCES if we do not have permission' do dir = tmpdir('file_system') dest = File.join(dir, 'unwritable') Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0600, dir) expect { Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |_| } }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES, /Permission denied/) end it 'creates a read-only file' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0400) { |f| f.write(content) } expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq(content) mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0400) end it 'preserves file ownership' do allow(Puppet::FileSystem).to receive(:lstat) .with(Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(dest)) .and_return(double(uid: 1, gid: 2)) expect(FileUtils).to receive(:chown).with(1, 2, /#{dest}/) Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0644) { |f| f.write(content) } end end context 'on windows', if: do it 'does not grant users access by default' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } expects_private_file(dest) end it 'applies the specified mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0644) { |f| f.write(content) } expects_public_file(dest) end it 'rejects unsupported modes' do expect { Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0755) { |_| } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Only modes 0644, 0640, 0660, and 0440 are allowed/) end it 'falls back to fully qualified user name when sid retrieval fails' do current_user_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_sid).with(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name).and_return(nil, current_user_sid) allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::SID).to receive(:name_to_sid).with(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_sam_compatible_user_name).and_call_original Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0644) { |f| f.write(content) } expects_public_file(dest) end end end context "when overwriting" do before :each do FileUtils.touch(dest) end it 'overwrites the content' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq(content) end it 'raises ISDIR if the destination is a directory' do dir = tmpdir('file_system') expect { Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dir) { |f| f.write(content) } }.to raise_error(Errno::EISDIR, /Is a directory/) end it 'preserves the existing content if an error is raised' do File.write(dest, 'existing content') Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| raise 'whoops' } rescue nil expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq('existing content') end context 'on posix', unless: do it 'preserves the existing mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0600, dest) Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0600) end it 'applies the specified mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0600, dest) Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0777) { |f| f.write(content) } mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0777) end it 'updates a read-only file' do Puppet::FileSystem.chmod(0400, dest) Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } expect(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(dest)).to eq(content) mode = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(dest).mode expect(mode & 07777).to eq(0400) end end context 'on windows', if: do it 'preserves the existing mode' do old_sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(dest) Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } new_sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(dest) expect(old_sd.owner).to eq(new_sd.owner) expect( eq( old_sd.dacl.each do |ace| expect(new_sd.dacl).to include(an_object_having_attributes(sid: ace.sid, mask: ace.mask)) end end it 'applies 0644 mode' do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, 0644) { |f| f.write(content) } expects_public_file(dest) end [0660, 0640, 0600, 0440].each do |mode| it "applies #{mode} mode" do Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest, mode) { |f| f.write(content) } current_sid = Puppet::Util::Windows::SID.name_to_sid(Puppet::Util::Windows::ADSI::User.current_user_name) sd = Puppet::Util::Windows::Security.get_security_descriptor(dest) expect(sd.dacl).to contain_exactly( an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::LocalSystem, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: Puppet::Util::Windows::SID::BuiltinAdministrators, mask: 0x1f01ff), an_object_having_attributes(sid: current_sid, mask: 0x1f01ff), ) end end it 'raises Errno::EACCES if access is denied' do allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::Security).to receive(:get_security_descriptor).and_raise('access denied', 5)) expect { Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } }.to raise_error(Errno::EACCES, /Access is denied/) end it 'raises SystemCallError otherwise' do allow(Puppet::Util::Windows::Security).to receive(:get_security_descriptor).and_raise('arena is trashed', 7)) expect { Puppet::FileSystem.replace_file(dest) { |f| f.write(content) } }.to raise_error(SystemCallError, /The storage control blocks were destroyed/) end end end end context '#touch' do let(:dest) { tmpfile('touch_file') } it 'creates a file' do Puppet::FileSystem.touch(dest) expect(File).to be_file(dest) end it 'updates the mtime for an existing file' do Puppet::FileSystem.touch(dest) now = allow(Time).to receive(:now).and_return(now) Puppet::FileSystem.touch(dest) expect(File.mtime(dest)).to be_within(1).of(now) end it 'allows the mtime to be passed in' do tomorrow = + (24 * 60 * 60) Puppet::FileSystem.touch(dest, mtime: tomorrow) expect(File.mtime(dest)).to be_within(1).of(tomorrow) end end end