module Mocha class Cardinality INFINITY = 1 / 0.0 def initialize(required = 0, maximum = INFINITY) update(required, maximum) @invocations = [] end def exactly(count) update(count, count) end def at_least(count) update(count, INFINITY) end def at_most(count) update(0, count) end def times(range_or_count) case range_or_count when Range then update(range_or_count.first, range_or_count.last) else update(range_or_count, range_or_count) end end def <<(invocation) @invocations << invocation end def invocations_allowed? @invocations.size < maximum end def invocations_never_allowed? end def satisfied? @invocations.size >= required end def needs_verifying? !allowed_any_number_of_times? end def verified? (@invocations.size >= required) && (@invocations.size <= maximum) end def allowed_any_number_of_times? && infinite?(maximum) end def used? @invocations.any? || end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def anticipated_times if allowed_any_number_of_times? 'allowed any number of times' elsif && "expected #{count(maximum)}" elsif required == maximum "expected exactly #{count(required)}" elsif infinite?(maximum) "expected at least #{count(required)}" elsif "expected at most #{count(maximum)}" else "expected between #{required} and #{count(maximum)}" end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def invoked_times "invoked #{count(@invocations.size)}" end def actual_invocations end protected attr_reader :required, :maximum def count(number) case number when 0 then 'never' when 1 then 'once' when 2 then 'twice' else "#{number} times" end end def update(required, maximum) @required = required @maximum = maximum self end def infinite?(number) number.respond_to?(:infinite?) && number.infinite? end end end