module Rubber module Util def symbolize_keys(map) map.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[key.to_sym || key] = value options end end def stringify_keys(map) map.inject({}) do |options, (key, value)| options[key.to_s || key] = value options end end def stringify(val) case val when String val when Hash val.inject({}) {|h, a| h[stringify(a[0])] = stringify(a[1]); h} when Enumerable val.collect {|v| stringify(v)} else val.to_s end end def parse_aliases(instance_aliases) aliases = [] alias_patterns = instance_aliases.to_s.strip.split(/\s*,\s*/) alias_patterns.each do |a| if a =~ /~/ range = a.split(/\s*~\s*/) range_items = (range.first..range.last).to_a raise "Invalid range, '#{a}', sequence generated no items" if range_items.size == 0 aliases.concat(range_items) else aliases << a end end return aliases end # Opens the file for writing by root def sudo_open(path, perms, &block) open("|sudo tee #{path} > /dev/null", perms, &block) end def is_rails? File.exist?(File.join(Rubber.root, 'config', 'boot.rb')) end def is_bundler? File.exist?(File.join(Rubber.root, 'Gemfile')) end def has_asset_pipeline? is_rails? && Dir["#{Rubber.root}/*/assets"].size > 0 end def prompt(name, desc, required=false, default=nil) value = ENV.delete(name) msg = "#{desc}" msg << " [#{default}]" if default msg << ": " unless value print msg value = gets end value = value.size == 0 ? default : value fatal "#{name} is required, pass using environment or enter at prompt" if required && ! value return value end def fatal(msg, code=1) puts msg exit code end # remove leading whitespace from "here" strings so they look good in code # skips empty lines def clean_indent(str) str.lines.collect do |line| if line =~ /\S/ # line has at least one non-whitespace character line.lstrip else line end end.join() end # execute the given block, retrying only when one of the given exceptions is raised def retry_on_failure(*exception_list) opts = exception_list.last.is_a?(Hash) ? exception_list.pop : {} opts = {:retry_count => 3}.merge(opts) retry_count = opts[:retry_count] begin yield rescue *exception_list => e if retry_count > 0 retry_count -= 1 "Exception, trying again #{retry_count} more times" sleep opts[:retry_sleep].to_i if opts[:retry_sleep] retry else Rubber.logger.error "Too many" raise end end end def camelcase(str) str.split('_').map{ |part| part.capitalize }.join end def is_instance_id?(str) str =~ /^i-[a-z0-9]+$/ end def is_internet_gateway_id?(str) str =~ /^igw-[a-z0-9]+$/ end extend self end end