require 'prawn' require 'prawn/measurement_extensions' class AccountRoot def self.actual self.accounts.find { |a| == 'Root' } end def self.current AccountRoot.actual end def self.archive self.accounts.find { |a| == 'Archive' } end def self.accounts Accounts.matches_by_account_id(0) end def self.clean count_mov, count_acc = 0, 0 bad_mov, bad_acc = 0, 0 log_msg 'Account.clean', 'starting to clean up' Movements.search_all_.each { |m| dputs(4) { "Testing movement #{m.inspect}" } if not m or not or not m.desc or not m.value or not m.rev_index or not m.account_src or not m.account_dst if m and m.desc log_msg 'Account.clean', "Bad movement: #{m.inspect}" end m.delete bad_mov += 1 end if m.rev_index count_mov = [count_mov, m.rev_index].max end } Accounts.search_all_.each { |a| if (a.account_id and (a.account_id > 0)) and (not a.account) log_msg 'Account.clean', "Account has unexistent parent: #{a.inspect}" a.delete bad_acc += 1 end if !(a.account_id or a.deleted) log_msg 'Account.clean', "Account has undefined parent: #{a.inspect}" a.delete bad_acc += 1 end if a.account_id == 0 if !(( =~ /(Root|Archive)/) or a.deleted) log_msg 'Account.clean', 'Account is in root but neither ' + "'Root' nor 'Archive': #{a.inspect}" a.delete bad_acc += 1 end end if !a.rev_index log_msg 'Account.clean', "Didn't find rev_index for #{a.inspect}" a.new_index bad_acc += 1 end count_acc = [count_acc, a.rev_index].max } # Check also whether our counters are OK u_l = Users.match_by_name('local') dputs(1) { "Movements-index: #{count_mov} - #{u_l.movement_index}" } dputs(1) { "Accounts-index: #{count_acc} - #{u_l.account_index}" } @ul_mov, @ul_acc = u_l.movement_index, u_l.account_index if count_mov > u_l.movement_index log_msg 'Account.clean', 'Error, there is a bigger movement! Fixing' u_l.movement_index = count_mov + 1 end if count_acc > u_l.account_index log_msg 'Account.clean', 'Error, there is a bigger account! Fixing' u_l.account_index = count_acc + 1 end return [count_mov, bad_mov, count_acc, bad_acc] end def self.path_id return '' end def 0 end def self.mult 1 end def self.keep_total false end def self.multiplier 1 end end class Accounts < Entities self.needs %w(Users Movements) attr_reader :check_state, :check_progress def setup_data @default_type = :SQLiteAC @data_field_id = :id value_int :index value_str :name value_str :desc value_str :global_id value_float :total value_int :multiplier value_int :rev_index value_bool :deleted value_bool :keep_total # This is the ID of the parent account value_int :account_id end def self.create(name, desc = 'Too lazy', parent = nil, global_id = '', mult = nil) dputs(5) { "Parent is #{parent.inspect}" } if parent if parent.class != Account and parent != AccountRoot parent = Accounts.matches_by_id(parent).first end mult ||= parent.multiplier a = super(:name => name, :desc => desc, :account_id =>, :global_id => global_id.to_s, :multiplier => mult, :deleted => false, :keep_total => parent.keep_total) else mult ||= 1 a = super(:name => name, :desc => desc, :account_id => 0, :global_id => global_id.to_s, :multiplier => mult, :deleted => false, :keep_total => false) end = 0 if global_id == '' a.global_id = Users.match_by_name('local').full + '-' + end a.new_index dputs(2) { "Created account #{a.path_id} - #{a.inspect}" } a end def self.create_path(path, desc = '', double_last = false, mult = 1, keep_total = false) dputs(3) { "Path: #{path.inspect}, mult: #{mult}" } elements = path.split('::') parent = AccountRoot while elements.size > 0 name = elements.shift dputs(4) { "Working on element #{name} with base of #{parent.path_id}" } child = parent.accounts.find { |a| dputs(5) { "Searching child #{} - #{a.path_id}" } == name } child and dputs(4) { "Found existing child #{child.path_id}" } if (not child) or (elements.size == 0 and double_last) dputs(4) { "Creating child #{name}" } child = Accounts.create(name, desc, parent) end parent = child end parent.set_nochildmult(name, desc, nil, mult, [], keep_total) end # Gets an account from a string, if it doesn't exist yet, creates it. # It will update it anyway. def self.from_s(str) str.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) desc, str = str.split("\r") if not str dputs(0) { "Error: Invalid account found: #{desc}" } return [-1, nil] end global_id, total, name, multiplier, par, deleted_s, keep_total_s = str.split("\t") total, multiplier = total.to_f, multiplier.to_f deleted = deleted_s == 'true' keep_total = keep_total_s == 'true' dputs(3) { [global_id, total, name, multiplier].inspect } dputs(3) { [par, deleted_s, keep_total_s].inspect } dputs(5) { "deleted, keep_total is #{deleted.inspect}, #{keep_total.inspect}" } dputs(3) { 'Here comes the account: ' + global_id.to_s } dputs(3) { "global_id: #{global_id}" } if par.to_s.length > 0 parent = Accounts.match_by_global_id(par) parent_id = dputs(3) { "Parent is #{parent.inspect}" } else parent = nil parent_id = 0 end # Does the account already exist? our_a = nil if not (our_a = Accounts.match_by_global_id(global_id)) # Create it dputs(3) { "Creating account #{name} - #{desc} - #{parent} - #{global_id}" } our_a = Accounts.create(name, desc, parent, global_id) end # And update it our_a.deleted = deleted our_a.set_nochildmult(name, desc, parent_id, multiplier, [], keep_total) our_a.global_id = global_id dputs(2) { "Saved account #{name} with index #{our_a.rev_index} and global_id #{our_a.global_id}" } dputs(4) { "Account is now #{our_a.inspect}" } return our_a end def self.get_by_path_or_create(p, desc = '', last = false, mult = 1, keep = false) get_by_path(p) or create_path(p, desc, last, mult, keep) end def self.get_by_path(parent, elements = nil) if not elements if parent return get_by_path(AccountRoot, parent.split('::')) else return nil end end child = elements.shift parent.accounts.each { |a| if == child if elements.length > 0 return get_by_path(a, elements) else return a end end } return nil end def self.find_by_path(parent) return Accounts.get_by_path(parent) end def self.get_id_by_path(p) if a = get_by_path(p) return else return nil end end def archive_parent(acc, years_archived, year) dputs(3) { "years_archived is #{years_archived.inspect}" } if not years_archived.has_key? year dputs(2) { "Adding #{year}" } years_archived[year] = Accounts.create_path("Archive::#{year}", 'New archive') end # This means we're more than one level below root, so we can't # just copy easily if acc.path.split('::').count > 2 dputs(3) { "Creating archive #{acc.path} with mult #{acc.multiplier}" } return Accounts.create_path("Archive::#{year}::"+ "#{acc.parent.path.gsub(/^Root::/, '')}", 'New archive', false, acc.multiplier, acc.keep_total) else return years_archived[year] end end def search_account(acc, month_start) years = acc.movements.each { |mov| if not mov.desc =~ /^-- Sum of/ y, m, d ='-').collect { |d| d.to_i } dputs(5) { "Date of #{mov.desc} is #{}" } m < month_start and y -= 1 years[y] += 1 end } dputs(3) { "years is #{years.inspect}" } years end def create_accounts(acc, years, years_archived, this_year) years.keys.each { |y| if y == this_year dputs(3) { "Creating path #{acc.path} with mult #{acc.multiplier}" } years[y] = Accounts.create_path(acc.path, acc.desc, true, acc.multiplier, acc.keep_total) else path = "#{archive_parent(acc, years_archived, y).path}::" + dputs(3) { "Creating other path #{path} with mult #{acc.multiplier}" } years[y] = Accounts.create_path(path, acc.desc, false, acc.multiplier, acc.keep_total) end dputs(3) { "years[y] is #{years[y].path_id}" } } end def move_movements(acc, years, month_start) acc.movements.each { |mov| dputs(5) { 'Start of each' } y, m, d ='-').collect { |d| d.to_i } dputs(5) { "Date of #{mov.desc} is #{}" } m < month_start and y -= 1 if years.has_key? y value = mov.value mov.value = 0 dputs(5) { "Moving to #{years[y].inspect}: " + "#{} - #{} - #{}" } if == dputs(5) { 'Moving src' } mov.account_src_id = years[y] else dputs(5) { 'Moving dst' } mov.account_dst_id = years[y] end mov.value = value end } dputs(5) { "Movements left in account #{acc.path}:" } acc.movements.each { |m| dputs(5) { m.desc } } end def sum_up_total(acc_path, years_archived, month_start) a_path = acc_path.sub(/[^:]*::/, '') dputs(2) { "Summing up account #{a_path}" } acc_sum = [] years_archived.each { |y, a| dputs(5) { "Found archived year #{y.inspect} which is #{}" } aacc = Accounts.get_by_path(a.get_path + '::' + a_path) acc_sum.push [y, a, aacc] } dputs(5) { 'Trying to add current year' } if curr_acc = Accounts.get_by_path(acc_path) dputs(4) { 'Adding current year' } acc_sum.push [9999, nil, curr_acc] end last_total = 0 last_year_acc = nil last_year_acc_parent = nil last_year = 0 dputs(5) { "Sorting account_sums #{acc_sum.length}" } acc_sum.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] }.each { |y, a, aacc| dputs(5) { "y, a, aacc: #{y}, #{a.to_json}, #{aacc.to_json}" } if aacc last_year_acc_parent and last_year_acc_parent.dump true dputs(4) { "Found archived account #{aacc.get_path} for year #{y}" + " with last_total #{last_total}" } dputs(5) { 'And has movements' } aacc.movements.each { |m| dputs(5) { m.to_json } } if last_total != 0 desc = "-- Sum of #{last_year} of #{last_year_acc.path}" date = "#{last_year + 1}-#{month_start.to_s.rjust(2, '0')}-01" dputs(3) { "Deleting old sums with date #{date.inspect}" } Movements.matches_by_desc("^#{desc}$").each { |m| dputs(3) { "Testing movement with date #{}: #{m.to_json}" } if == date.to_s dputs(3) { 'Deleting it' } m.delete end } dputs(3) { "Creating movement for the sum of last year: #{last_total}" } mov = Movements.create(desc, date, last_total, last_year_acc_parent, aacc) last_year_acc_parent.dump true dputs(3) { "Movement is: #{mov.to_json}" } end aacc.update_total dputs(5) { "#{} - #{aacc.multiplier}" } last_total = * aacc.multiplier else dputs(4) { "Didn't find archived account for #{y}" } last_total = 0 end last_year, last_year_acc, last_year_acc_parent = y, aacc, a } end def self.archive(month_start = 1, this_year = nil, only_account = nil) if not this_year now = this_year = now.year now.month < month_start and this_year -= 1 end root = AccountRoot.actual if only_account root = only_account elsif not root dputs(0) { 'Error: Root-account not available!' } return false elsif (root.account_id > 0) dputs(0) { "Error: Can't archive with Root is not in root: #{root.account_id.inspect}!" } return false end archive = AccountRoot.archive if not archive archive = self.create('Archive') end years_archived = {} archive.accounts.each { |a| years_archived[] = a } dputs(2) { 'Got root and archive' } # For every account we search the most-used year, so # that we can move the account to that archive. This way # we omit as many as possible updates for the clients, as # every displacement of a movement will have to be updated, # while the displacement of an account is much simpler root.get_tree_depth { |acc| dputs(2) { "Looking at account #{acc.path}" } years = search_account(acc, month_start) if years.size > 0 most_used = last_used = this_year if acc.accounts.count == 0 most_used = years.key(years.values.max) last_used = years.keys.max years.delete most_used end acc_path = acc.path dputs(3) { "most_used: #{most_used} - last_used: #{last_used}" + "- acc_path: #{acc_path}" } # First move all other movements around if years.keys.size > 0 create_accounts(acc, years, years_archived, this_year) move_movements(acc, years, month_start) end if most_used != this_year # Now move account to archive-year of most movements parent = archive_parent(acc, years_archived, most_used) if double = Accounts.get_by_path("#{parent.get_path}::#{}") dputs(3) { "Account #{acc.path_id} already exists in #{parent.path_id}" } # Move all movements acc.movements.each { |m| dputs(4) { "Moving movement #{m.to_json}" } value = m.value m.value = 0 if m.account_src == acc m.account_src_id = double else m.account_dst_id = double end m.value = value } # Delete acc acc.delete else dputs(3) { "Moving account #{acc.path_id} to #{parent.path_id}" } acc.parent = parent end end # Check whether we need to add the account to the current year if (last_used >= this_year - 1) and (most_used != this_year) dputs(3) { "Adding #{acc_path} to this year with mult #{acc.multiplier}" } Accounts.create_path(acc_path, 'Copied from archive', false, acc.multiplier, acc.keep_total) end if acc.keep_total dputs(2) { "Keeping total for #{acc_path}" } # And create a trail so that every year contains the previous # years worth of "total" sum_up_total(acc_path, years_archived, month_start) dputs(5) { "acc_path is now #{acc_path}" } else dputs(2) { "Not keeping for #{acc_path}" } end else dputs(3) { "Empty account #{acc.movements.count} - #{acc.accounts.count}" } end if acc.accounts.count == 0 movs = acc.movements case movs.count when 0 dputs(3) { "Deleting empty account #{acc.path}" } if acc.path != 'Root' acc.delete else dputs(2) { 'Not deleting root!' } end when 1 dputs(3) { "Found only one movement for #{acc.path}" } if movs.first.desc =~ /^-- Sum of/ dputs(3) { 'Deleting account which has only a sum' } movs.first.delete if acc.path != 'Root' acc.delete else dputs(2) { 'Not deleting root!' } end end end end } if DEBUG_LVL >= 3 self.dump end end def self.dump_raw(mov = false) Accounts.search_all.each { |a| a.dump(mov) } end def self.dump(mov = false) dputs(1) { 'Root-tree is now' } AccountRoot.actual.dump_rec(mov) if archive = AccountRoot.archive dputs(1) { 'Archive-tree is now' } archive.dump_rec(mov) else dputs(1) { 'No archive-tree' } end AccountRoot.accounts.each { |a| dputs(1) { "Root-Account: #{a.inspect}" } } end def load super if Accounts.search_by_name('Root').count == 0 dputs(1) { "Didn't find 'Root' in database - creating base" } root = Accounts.create('Root', 'Initialisation') %w( Income Outcome Lending Cash ).each { |a| Accounts.create(a, 'Initialisation', root) } %w( Lending Cash ).each { |a| acc = Accounts.match_by_name(a) acc.multiplier = -1 acc.keep_total = true } end end def migration_1(a) dputs(4) {[:SQLiteAC].db_class.inspect } a.deleted = false # As most of the accounts in Cash have -1 and shall be kept, this # gives a good first initialisation a.keep_total = (a.multiplier == -1.0) || (a.multiplier == -1) dputs(4) { "#{}: #{a.deleted.inspect} - #{a.keep_total.inspect}" } end def migration_2(a) a.rev_index = end def listp_path dputs(3) { 'Being called' } { |a| !a.deleted }.collect { |a| [, a.path] }. sort { |a, b| a[1] <=> b[1] } end def bool_to_s(b) (b && b != 'f') ? 'true' : 'false' end def check_against_db(file) # First build # in_db - content of 'file' in .to_s format # in_local - content available locally in .to_s format in_db, diff, in_local = [], [], [] dputs(3) { 'Searching all accounts' } @check_state = 'Collect local' @check_progress = 0.0 in_local = Accounts.search_all_ progress_step = 1.0 / (in_local.size + 1) dputs(3) { "Found #{in_local.size} accounts" } @check_state = 'Collect local' in_local = in_local.collect { |a| @check_progress += progress_step a.to_s } dputs(3) { 'Loading file-db' } @check_state = 'Collect file-DB' @check_progress = 0.0 do |db| db.execute('select id, account_id, name, desc, global_id, total, '+ 'multiplier, "index", rev_index, deleted, keep_total '+ 'from compta_accounts').sort_by { |a| a[4] }.each do |row| #dputs(3) { "Looking at #{row}" } @check_progress += progress_step id_, acc_id_, name_, desc_, gid_, tot_, mult_, ind_, revind_, del_, keep_, = row parent = if acc_id_ acc_id_ == 0 ? '' : db.execute("select * from compta_accounts where id=#{acc_id_}").first[4] else '' end in_db.push "#{desc_}\r#{gid_}\t" + "#{sprintf('%.3f', tot_.to_f.round(3))}\t#{name_.to_s}\t"+ "#{mult_.to_i.to_s}\t#{parent}" + "\t#{bool_to_s(del_)}" + "\t#{bool_to_s(keep_)}" end end # Now compare what is available only in db and what is available only locally dputs(3) { 'Comparing local accounts with file-db accounts' } @check_state = 'On one side' @check_progress = 0.0 in_db.delete_if { |a| @check_progress += progress_step in_local.delete(a) } # And search for accounts with same global-id but different content dputs(3) { 'Seaching mix-ups' } @check_state = 'Mixed-up' @check_progress = 0.0 progress_step = 1.0 / (in_db.size + 1) (in_db + in_local).sort_by { |a| a.match(/\r(.*?)\t/)[1] } in_db.delete_if { |a| @check_progress += progress_step gid = a.match(/\r(.*?)\t/)[1] if c = in_local.find { |b| b =~ /\r#{gid}\t/ } diff.push [a, c] in_local.delete c end } @check_state = 'Done' [in_db, diff, in_local] end end class Account < Entity def data_set(f, v) if !@proxy.loading if !%w( _total _rev_index ).index(f.to_s) dputs(4) { "Updating index for field #{f.inspect} - #{@pre_init} - #{@proxy.loading} - #{caller}" } new_index end end super(f, v) end # This gets the tree under that account, breadth-first def get_tree(depth = -1) yield self, depth return if depth == 0 accounts.sort { |a, b| <=> }.each { |a| a.get_tree(depth - 1) { |b| yield b, depth - 1 } } end # This gets the tree under that account, depth-first def get_tree_depth accounts.sort { |a, b| <=> }.each { |a| a.get_tree_depth { |b| yield b } } yield self end def get_tree_debug(ind = '') yield self dputs(1) { "get_tree_ #{ind}#{}" } accounts.sort { |a, b| <=> }.each { |a| a.get_tree_debug("#{ind} ") { |b| yield b } } end def path(sep = '::', p='', first=true) if (acc = self.account) return acc.path(sep, p, false) + sep + else return end end def path_id(sep = '::', p='', first=true) (self.account ? "#{self.account.path_id(sep, p, false)}#{sep}" : '') + "#{}-#{}" end def get_path(sep = '::', p = '', first = true) path(sep, p, first) end def new_index() if !u_l = Users.match_by_name('local') dputs(0) { "Oups - user 'local' was not here: #{caller}" } u_l = Users.create('local') end self.rev_index = u_l.account_index u_l.account_index += 1 dputs(3) { "Index for account #{name} is #{index}" } end def update_total(precision = 3) # Recalculate everything. dputs(4) { "Calculating total for #{self.path_id} with mult #{self.multiplier}" } = (0.0).to_f dputs(4) { "Total before update is #{} - #{}" } self.movements.each { |m| v = m.get_value(self) dputs(5) { "Adding value #{v.inspect} to #{}" } = + v.to_f dputs(5) { "And getting #{}" } } = dputs(4) { "Final total is #{} - #{}" } end # Sets different new parameters. def set_nochildmult(name, desc, parent = nil, multiplier = 1, users = [], keep_total = false), self.desc, self.keep_total = name, desc, keep_total parent and self.account_id = parent # TODO: implement link between user-table and account-table # self.users = users ? users.join(":") : "" self.multiplier = multiplier self.keep_total = keep_total update_total self end def set(name, desc, parent, multiplier = 1, users = [], keep_total = false) dputs(3) { "Going to set #{name}-#{parent}-#{multiplier}" } set_nochildmult(name, desc, parent, multiplier, users, keep_total) # All descendants shall have the same multiplier set_child_multiplier_total(multiplier, total) end # Sort first regarding inverse date (newest first), then description, # and finally the value def movements(from = nil, to = nil) dputs(5) { 'Account::movements' } movs = (movements_src + movements_dst) if (from != nil and to != nil) movs.delete_if { |m| ( < from || > to) } dputs(3) { 'Rejected some elements' } end movs.delete_if { |m| m.value == 0 } sorted = movs.sort { |a, b| ret = 0 if and ret = <=> end if ret == 0 ret = a.rev_index <=> b.rev_index =begin if a.desc and b.desc ret = a.desc <=> b.desc end if ret == 0 if a.value and b.value ret = a.value.to_f <=> b.value.to_f end end =end end if ret ret * -1 else dputs(0) { "Error: Ret shouldn't be nil... #{self.path}" } 0 end } sorted end def bool_to_s(b) b ? 'true' : 'false' end def to_s(add_path = false) if account || true dputs(4) { "Account-desc: #{name.to_s}, #{global_id}, #{account_id.inspect}" } "#{desc}\r#{global_id}\t" + "#{sprintf('%.3f', total.to_f.round(3))}\t#{name.to_s}\t#{multiplier.to_i.to_s}\t" + (account_id ? ((account_id > 0) ? account.global_id.to_s : '') : '') + "\t#{bool_to_s(self.deleted)}" + "\t#{bool_to_s(self.keep_total)}" + (add_path ? "\t#{path}" : '') else 'nope' end end def is_empty size = { |m| m.value.to_f != 0.0 }.size dputs(2) { "Account #{} has #{size} non-zero elements" } dputs(4) { "Non-zero elements: #{movements.inspect}" } if size == 0 and self.accounts.size == 0 return true end return false end # Be sure that all descendants have the same multiplier and keep_total def set_child_multiplier_total(m, t) dputs(3) { "Setting multiplier from #{name} to #{m} and keep_total to #{t}" } self.multiplier = m self.keep_total = t return if not accounts accounts.each { |acc| acc.set_child_multiplier_total(m, t) } self end def accounts # Some hand-optimized stuff. This would be written shorter like this: # Accounts.matches_by_account_id( ) # But the code below is 3 times faster for some big data ret = [] { |k, v| if v[:account_id] == ret.push Accounts.get_data_instance(k) end } ret end # This is the parent account def account Accounts.match_by_id(self.account_id) end def account= (a) self.account_id = a.class == Account ? : a end def parent account end def parent= (a) self.account = a end def movements_src Movements.matches_by_account_src_id( end def movements_dst Movements.matches_by_account_dst_id( end def multiplier _multiplier.to_i end def delete(force = false) if not is_empty and force movements_src.each { |m| dputs(3) { "Deleting movement #{m.to_json}" } m.delete } end if is_empty dputs(2) { "Deleting account #{}-#{}" } self.account_id = nil self.deleted = true else dputs(1) { "Refusing to delete account #{name}" } return false end return true end def print_pdf_document(pdf) sum = 0 pdf.font_size 10 movs = { |m| m.value.abs >= 0.001 }.sort { |a, b| <=> } if movs.length > 0 header = [['', {:content => "#{path}", :colspan => 2, :align => :left}, {:content => "#{id}", :align => :right}], %w(Date Description Other # Value Sum).collect { |ch| {:content => ch, :align => :center} }] pdf.table(header + movs.collect { |m| other = m.get_other_account(self) value = m.get_value(self) [{:content =>, :align => :center}, m.desc,, {:content => "#{}", :align => :right}, {:content => "#{Account.total_form(value)}", :align => :right}, {:content => "#{Account.total_form(sum += value)}", :align => :right}] }, :header => true, :column_widths => [70, 400, 100, 40, 75, 75]) pdf.move_down( end end def print_pdf(file, recursive = false) Prawn::Document.generate(file, :page_size => 'A4', :page_layout => :landscape, :bottom_margin =>, :top_margin => do |pdf| if recursive get_tree_depth { |a| a.print_pdf_document(pdf) } else print_pdf_document(pdf) end pdf.repeat(:all, :dynamic => true) do pdf.draw_text self.path, :at => [0, -20] pdf.draw_text pdf.page_number, :at => [, -20] end end end def dump(mov = false) t = (self.keep_total ? 'K' : '.') + "#{self.multiplier.to_s.rjust(2, '+')}" acc_desc = ["**#{t}**#{self.path_id}#{self.deleted ? ' -- deleted' : ''}"] dputs(1) { acc_desc.first } acc_desc + if mov movements.collect { |m| m_desc = " #{m.to_json}" dputs(1) { m_desc } m_desc } else [] end end def dump_rec(mov = false) ret = [] get_tree_depth { |a| ret.push a.dump(mov) } ret.flatten end def listp_path(depth = -1) acc = [] get_tree(depth) { |a| acc.push [, a.path] } dputs(3) { "Ret is #{acc.inspect}" } acc end def total_form Account.total_form(total) end def self.total_form(v) (v.to_f * 1000 + 0.5).floor.to_s.tap do |s| :go while s.gsub!(/^([^.]*)(\ d)(?=(\ d { 3 })+)/, "\\1\\2,") end end def get_archives if archive = AccountRoot.archive archive.accounts.collect { |arch| Accounts.get_by_path("#{arch.path}::#{path.sub(/^Root::/, '')}") }.select { |a| a } end end def get_archive(year = - 1, month = dputs(0) { 'Error: not implemented yet' } end end