module Dataset # An error that will be raised when an attempt is made to load a named model # that doesn't exist. For example, if you do people(:jenny), and yet no # record was ever created with the symbolic name :jenny, this error will be # raised. # class RecordNotFound < StandardError def initialize(record_type, symbolic_name) super "There is no '#{}' found for the symbolic name ':#{symbolic_name}'." end end # Whenever you use Dataset::RecordMethods, you will get finder methods in # your tests that help you load instances of the records you have created # (or named models). # # create_record :person, :jimmy, :name => 'Jimmy' # person_id(:jimmy) => The id was captured from create_record # people(:jimmy) => The same as Jimmy.find(person_id(:jimmy)) # # The methods will not exist in a test unless it utilizes a dataset (or # defines one itself through the block technique) that creates a record for # the type. # # You may also pass multiple names to these methods, which will have them # return an array of values. # # people(:jimmy, :jane, :jeff) => [<# Person :name => 'Jimmy'>, <# Person :name => 'Jane'>, <# Person :name => 'Jeff'>] # person_id(:jimmy, :jane, :jeff) => [1, 2, 3] # # NOTE the plurality of the instance finder, versus the singularity of the # id finder. # # == Single Table Inheritence # # class Person < ActiveRecord::Base; end # class User < Person; end # # create_record :user, :bobby, :name => 'Bobby' # # people(:bobby) OR users(:bobby) # module ModelFinders def create_finder(record_meta) # :nodoc: @finders_generated ||= [] return if @finders_generated.include?(record_meta) record_meta.model_finder_names.each do |finder_name| unless instance_methods.include?(finder_name) define_method finder_name do |*symbolic_names| names = Array(symbolic_names) models = names.inject([]) do |c,n| c << dataset_session_binding.find_model(record_meta, n); c end names.size == 1 ? models.first : models end end end record_meta.id_finder_names.each do |finder_name| unless instance_methods.include?(finder_name) define_method finder_name do |*symbolic_names| names = Array(symbolic_names) ids = names.inject([]) do |c,n| c << dataset_session_binding.find_id(record_meta, n); c end names.size == 1 ? ids.first : ids end end end @finders_generated << record_meta end end # Any Dataset::Base subclass, dataset block, or test method in a # dataset-using test context (including setup/teardown/before/after) may # create and access models through these methods. Note that you should use # Dataset::ModelFinders if you can for finding your created data. # module RecordMethods # Similar to old fashioned fixtures, this will do a direct database # insert, without running any validations or preventing you from writing # attr_protected attributes. Very nice for speed, but kind of a pain if # you have complex structures or hard to keep right validations. # # create_record :type, :symbolic_name, :attr1 => 'value', :attr2 => 'value', :etc => 'etc' # # The _symbolic_name_ is an optional parameter. You may replace _type_ # with an ActiveRecord::Base subclass or anything that works with: # # to_s.classify.constantize # # The id of the model will be a hash of the symbolic name. # def create_record(*args) dataset_session_binding.create_record(*args) end # This will instantiate your model class and assign each attribute WITHOUT # using mass assignment. Validations will be run. Very nice for complex # structures or hard to keep right validations, but potentially a bit # slower, since it runs through all that ActiveRecord code. # # create_model :type, :symbolic_name, :attr1 => 'value', :attr2 => 'value', :etc => 'etc' # # The _symbolic_name_ is an optional parameter. You may replace _type_ # with an ActiveRecord::Base subclass or anything that works with: # # to_s.classify.constantize # # The id of the record will be kept from the instance that is saved. # def create_model(*args) dataset_session_binding.create_model(*args) end # Dataset will track each of the records it creates by symbolic name to # id. When you need the id of a record, there is no need to go to the # database. # # find_id :person, :bobby => 23425234 # # You may pass one name or many, with many returning an Array of ids. # def find_id(*args) dataset_session_binding.find_id(*args) end # Dataset will track each of the records it creates by symbolic name to # id. When you need an instance of a record, the stored id will be used to # do the fastest lookup possible: Person.find(23425234). # # find_model :person, :bobby => <#Person :id => 23425234, :name => 'Bobby'> # # You may pass one name or many, with many returning an Array of # instances. # def find_model(*args) dataset_session_binding.find_model(*args) end # This is a great help when you want to create records in a custom helper # method, then make it and maybe things associated to it available to # tests through the Dataset::ModelFinders. # # thingy = create_very_complex_thingy_and_stuff # name_model thingy, :thingy_bob # name_model thingy.part, :thingy_part # # In tests: # # thingies(:thingy_bob) # parts(:thingy_part) # def name_model(*args) dataset_session_binding.name_model(*args) end # Converts string names into symbols for use in naming models # # name_to_sym 'my name' => :my_name # name_to_sym 'RPaul' => :r_paul # def name_to_sym(name) dataset_session_binding.name_to_sym(name) end end class SessionBinding # :nodoc: attr_reader :database attr_reader :model_finders, :record_methods attr_reader :block_variables def initialize(database) @id_cache = {|h,k| h[k] = {}} @record_methods = new_record_methods_module @model_finders = new_model_finders_module @block_variables = raise "Must provide a database" if database.nil? @database = database end def copy_block_variables(dataset_block) dataset_block.instance_variables.each do |name| self.block_variables[name] = dataset_block.instance_variable_get(name) end end def create_model(record_type, *args) insert(Dataset::Record::Model, record_type, *args) end def create_record(record_type, *args) insert(Dataset::Record::Fixture, record_type, *args) end def find_id(record_type_or_meta, symbolic_name) record_meta = record_meta_for_type(record_type_or_meta) if local_id = @id_cache[record_meta.id_cache_key][symbolic_name] local_id else raise, symbolic_name) end end def find_model(record_type_or_meta, symbolic_name) record_meta = record_meta_for_type(record_type_or_meta) if local_id = @id_cache[record_meta.id_cache_key][symbolic_name] record_meta.record_class.find local_id else raise, symbolic_name) end end def install_block_variables(target) block_variables.each do |k,v| target.instance_variable_set(k,v) end end def name_model(record, symbolic_name) record_meta = database.record_meta(record.class) @model_finders.create_finder(record_meta) @id_cache[record_meta.id_cache_key][symbolic_name] = record end def record_meta_for_type(record_type) record_type.is_a?(Record::Meta) ? record_type : begin record_class = resolve_record_class(record_type) database.record_meta(record_class) end end def name_to_sym(name) name.to_s.underscore.gsub("'", "").gsub("\"", "").gsub(" ", "_").to_sym if name end protected def insert(dataset_record_class, record_type, *args) symbolic_name, attributes = extract_creation_arguments args record_meta = record_meta_for_type(record_type) record =, attributes, symbolic_name, self) return_value = nil @model_finders.create_finder(record_meta) ActiveRecord::Base.silence do return_value = record.create @id_cache[record_meta.id_cache_key][symbolic_name] = end return_value end def extract_creation_arguments(arguments) if arguments.size == 2 && arguments.last.kind_of?(Hash) arguments elsif arguments.size == 1 && arguments.last.kind_of?(Hash) [nil, arguments.last] elsif arguments.size == 1 && arguments.last.kind_of?(Symbol) [arguments.last,] else [nil,] end end def new_model_finders_module mod = dataset_binding = self mod.module_eval do define_method :dataset_session_binding do dataset_binding end end mod.extend ModelFinders mod end def new_record_methods_module mod = do include RecordMethods end dataset_binding = self mod.module_eval do define_method :dataset_session_binding do dataset_binding end end mod end def resolve_record_class(record_type) case record_type when Symbol resolve_record_class record_type.to_s.singularize.camelize when Class record_type when String record_type.constantize end end end end