export default class SortManager { constructor(save_manager) { this.element = $("#sortable") this.sorting_info = {} this.initialize_sort() this.element.data("current-order", this.order) this.sort_property = this.element.data("sort-property") this.save_manager = save_manager this.initialize_alpha_sort_button() } initialize_sort() { this.element.sortable({handle: ".card-header"}) this.element.on("sortstop", this.stopped_sorting) this.element.on("sortstart", this.started_sorting) } persist() { this.element.addClass("pending") this.element.removeClass("success") this.element.removeClass("failure") let persisting = $.post( `/concern/${this.class_name}/${this.id}.json`, this.params() ).done((response) => { this.element.data('version', response.version) this.element.data("current-order", this.order) this.element.addClass("success") this.element.removeClass("failure") }).fail(() => { this.element.addClass("failure") this.element.removeClass("success") }).always(() => { this.element.removeClass("pending") }) return persisting } params() { let params = {} params[this.singular_class_name] = { "version": this.version } params[this.singular_class_name][this.sort_property] = this.order params["_method"] = "PATCH" return params } get_sort_position(item) { return this.element.children().index(item) } register_order_change() { if(this.order.toString() != this.element.data("current-order").toString()) { this.save_manager.push_changed(this) } else { this.save_manager.mark_unchanged(this) } } get stopped_sorting() { return (event, ui) => { this.sorting_info.end = this.get_sort_position($(ui.item)) if(this.sorting_info.end == this.sorting_info.start) { return } this.register_order_change() } } get started_sorting() { return (event, ui) => { this.sorting_element = $(ui.item) this.sorting_info.start = this.get_sort_position(ui.item) } } get id() { return this.element.data("id") } get class_name() { return this.element.data("class-name") } get singular_class_name() { return this.element.data("singular-class-name") } get order() { return $("*[data-reorder-id]").map( function() { return $(this).data("reorder-id") } ).toArray() } get version() { return this.element.data('version') } get alpha_sort_button() { return $("*[data-action='alpha-sort-action']") } initialize_alpha_sort_button() { let that = this this.alpha_sort_button.on("click", function() { that.sort_alpha() } ) } sort_alpha() { // create array of { title, element } objects let array = [] let children = this.element.children().get() children.forEach(function(child) { let title = $(child).find("input.title").val() array.push( { title: title, element: child } ) }) // sort array by title of each object array.sort(function(o1, o2) { let a = o1.title.toLowerCase() let b = o2.title.toLowerCase() return a < b ? -1 : (a > b ? 1 : 0); }); // replace contents of #sortable with elements from the array this.element.empty() for (let child of array) { this.element.append(child.element) } this.register_order_change() } }