require "spec_helper" describe CFoundry::V2::Base do let(:target) { "" } let(:base) { } describe "helper methods for HTTP verbs" do let(:rest_client) { base.rest_client } let(:path) { "some-path" } let(:options) { { :some => :option} } let(:url) { target + "/" + path } let(:args) { [path, options] } shared_examples "handling responses" do |verb| context 'when successful' do context 'and the accept type is JSON' do let(:options) { {:accept => :json} } it 'returns the parsed JSON' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return(:status => 200, :body => "{\"hello\": \"there\"}") expect(subject).to eq(:hello => "there") end end context 'and the accept type is not JSON' do let(:options) { {:accept => :form} } it 'returns the body' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return :status => 200, :body => "body" expect(subject).to eq "body" end end end context 'when an error occurs' do let(:response_code) { 404 } it 'raises the correct error if JSON is parsed successfully' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return( :status => response_code, :body => "{\"code\": 111, \"description\": \"Something bad happened\"}" ) expect {subject}.to raise_error(CFoundry::SystemError, "111: Something bad happened") end it 'raises the correct error if code is missing from response' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return( :status => response_code, :body => "{\"description\": \"Something bad happened\"}" ) expect {subject}.to raise_error CFoundry::NotFound end it 'raises the correct error if response body is not JSON' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return( :status => response_code, :body => "Error happened" ) expect {subject}.to raise_error CFoundry::NotFound end it 'raises a generic APIError if code is not recognized' do stub_request(:any, '').to_return :status => response_code, :body => "{\"code\": 6932, \"description\": \"Something bad happened\"}" expect {subject}.to raise_error CFoundry::APIError, "6932: Something bad happened" end context 'when a timeout exception occurs' do before { stub_request(:any, url).to_raise(::Timeout::Error) } it 'raises the correct error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error CFoundry::Timeout, /#{url} timed out/ end end context 'when an HTTPNotFound error occurs' do before { stub_request(:any, url).to_return(:status => 404, :body => "NOT FOUND") } it 'raises the correct error' do expect {subject}.to raise_error CFoundry::NotFound, "404: NOT FOUND" end end context 'when an HTTPForbidden error occurs' do before { stub_request(:any, url).to_return(:status => 403, :body => "NONE SHALL PASS") } it 'raises the correct error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error CFoundry::Denied, "403: NONE SHALL PASS" end end context "when any other type of error occurs" do before { stub_request(:any, url).to_return(:status => 411, :body => "NOT LONG ENOUGH") } it 'raises the correct error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error CFoundry::BadResponse, "411: NOT LONG ENOUGH" end end it 'includes the request and response hashes when it raises errors' do stub_request(:any, url).to_return(:status => 411, :body => "NOT LONG ENOUGH") begin subject rescue CFoundry::BadResponse => e expect(e.response).to eq({ :status => "411", :headers => {}, :body => "NOT LONG ENOUGH" }) expect(e.request).to eq({ :headers => { "Content-Length" => 0 }, :method => verb, :body => nil, :url => "" }) end end end end shared_examples "normalizing arguments" do |verb| context "when multiple path segments are passed" do let(:segments) { ["first-segment", "next-segment"] } context "when an options hash is not supplied" do let(:args) { segments } it "makes a request with the correct url and options" do mock(rest_client).request(verb, "first-segment/next-segment", {}) { [request, response] } subject end end context "when an options has is supplied" do let(:args) { segments + [options] } it "makes a request with the correct url and options" do mock(rest_client).request(verb, "first-segment/next-segment", options) { [request, response] } subject end end end context "when a single path segment is passed" do context "when an options hash is not supplied" do let(:args) { ["first-segment"] } it "makes a request with the correct url and options" do mock(rest_client).request(verb, "first-segment", {}) { [request, response] } subject end end context "when an options has is supplied" do let(:args) { ["first-segment", options] } it "makes a request with the correct url and options" do mock(rest_client).request(verb, "first-segment", options) { [request, response] } subject end end end end let(:response) { { :status => "201", :headers => { "some-header-key" => "some-header-value" }, :body => "some-body" } } let(:request) do { :method => "GET", :url => "", :headers => { "some-header-key" => "some-header-value" }, :body => "some-body" } end describe "#get" do subject { base.get(*args) } it "makes a GET request" do mock(rest_client).request("GET", "some-path", options) { [request, response] } subject end include_examples "handling responses", "GET" include_examples "normalizing arguments", "GET" end describe "#post" do subject {*args) } it "makes a POST request" do mock(rest_client).request("POST", "some-path", options) { [request, response] } subject end include_examples "handling responses", "POST" include_examples "normalizing arguments", "POST" end describe "#put" do subject { base.put(*args) } it "makes a PUT request" do mock(rest_client).request("PUT", "some-path", options) { [request, response] } subject end include_examples "handling responses", "PUT" include_examples "normalizing arguments", "PUT" end describe "#delete" do subject { base.delete(*args) } it "makes a DELETE request" do mock(rest_client).request("DELETE", "some-path", options) { [request, response] } subject end include_examples "handling responses", "DELETE" include_examples "normalizing arguments", "DELETE" end end describe "#resource_match" do let(:fingerprints) { "some-fingerprints" } it "makes a PUT request to the resource_match endpoint with the correct payload" do stub = stub_request(:put, ""). with(:body => fingerprints). to_return(:body => "{}") base.resource_match(fingerprints) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end describe "#upload_app" do let(:guid) { "some-guid" } let(:bits) { "some-bits" } let(:fake_zipfile) {"#{SPEC_ROOT}/fixtures/empty_file") } it "makes a PUT request to the app bits endpoint with the correct payload" do stub = stub_request(:put, "{guid}/bits").to_return(:body => "{}") base.upload_app(guid, fake_zipfile) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end context "when there is no file to upload" do it "does not include 'application' in the request hash" do stub = stub_request( :put, "{guid}/bits" ).with { |request| request.body =~ /name="resources"/ && request.body !~ /name="application"/ }.to_return( :body => "{}" ) base.upload_app(guid) expect(stub).to have_been_requested end end end describe "#stream_file" do let(:app_guid) { "1234" } let(:instance_guid) { "3456" } let(:api_url) { "{app_guid}/instances/#{instance_guid}/files/some/path/segments" } let(:file_url) { "" } before do stub(base).token {"bearer foo") } end it "follows the redirect returned by the files endpoint" do stub_request(:get, api_url).to_return( :status => 301, :headers => { "location" => file_url }, :body => "" ) request = stub_request( :get, file_url + "&tail" ).with( :headers => { "Accept" => "*/*", "Authorization" => "bearer foo" } ).to_return( :status => 200, :body => "some body chunks" ) base.stream_file(app_guid, instance_guid, "some", "path", "segments") do |body| expect(request).to have_been_made expect(body).to eql("some body chunks") end end end end