#`m`  stands for metal, which is a better test/unit test runner that can run
#tests by line number.
#[![m ci](https://secure.travis-ci.org/qrush/m.png)](http://travis-ci.org/qrush/m)
#![Rush is a heavy metal band. Look it up on Wikipedia.](https://raw.github.com/qrush/m/master/rush.jpg)
#<sub>[Rush at the Bristol Colston Hall May 1979](http://www.flickr.com/photos/8507625@N02/3468299995/)</sub>
### Install
#Install via:
#     gem install m
#`m` is Ruby 1.9+ only. Sorry, but `method_source`, `sourcify`, and `ruby_parser`
#all have trouble with 1.8 so I'm giving up and only supporting 1.9 for now.
#Patches are welcome!
### Usage
#Basically, I was sick of using the `-n` flag to grab one test to run. Instead, I
#prefer how RSpec's test runner allows tests to be run by line number.
#Given this file:
#     $ cat -n test/example_test.rb
#      1	require 'test/unit'
#      2	
#      3	class ExampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
#      4	  def test_apple
#      5	    assert_equal 1, 1
#      6	  end
#      7	
#      8	  def test_banana
#      9	    assert_equal 1, 1
#     10	  end
#     11	end
#You can run a test by line number, using format `m TEST_FILE:LINE_NUMBER_OF_TEST`:
#     $ m test/example_test.rb:4
#     Run options: -n /test_apple/
#     # Running tests:
#     .
#     Finished tests in 0.000525s, 1904.7619 tests/s, 1904.7619 assertions/s.
#     1 tests, 1 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
#Hit the wrong line number? No problem, `m` helps you out:
#     $ m test/example_test.rb:2
#     No tests found on line 2. Valid tests to run:
#      test_apple: m test/examples/test_unit_example_test.rb:4
#     test_banana: m test/examples/test_unit_example_test.rb:8
#Want to run the whole test? Just leave off the line number.
#     $ m test/example_test.rb
#     Run options: 
#     # Running tests:
#     ..
#     Finished tests in 0.001293s, 1546.7904 tests/s, 3093.5808 assertions/s.
#     1 tests, 2 assertions, 0 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips
#`m` also works with `ActiveSupport::TestCase` as well, so it will work great with
#your Rails test suites.
### License
#This gem is MIT licensed, please see `LICENSE` for more information.

### M, your metal test runner
# Maybe this gem should have a longer name? Metal?
module M
  VERSION = "1.0.0.pre"

  # Accept arguments coming from bin/m and run tests.
  def self.run(argv)

  ### Runner is in charge of running your tests.
  # Instead of slamming all of this junk in an `M` class, it's here instead.
  class Runner
    def initialize(argv)
      @argv = argv

    # There's two steps to running our tests:
    # 1. Parsing the given input for the tests we need to find (or groups of tests)
    # 2. Run those tests we found that match what you wanted
    def run


    def parse
      # With no arguments,
      if @argv.empty?
        # Just shell out to `rake test`.
        exec "rake test"
        # Parse out ARGV, it should be coming in in a format like `test/test_file.rb:9`
        @file, line = @argv.first.split(':')
        @line = line.to_i

        # If this file is a directory, not a file, run the tests inside of this directory
        if Dir.exist?(@file)
          # Make a new rake test task with a hopefully unique name, and run every test looking file in it
          require "rake/testtask"
          Rake::TestTask.new(:m_custom) do |t|
            t.libs << 'test'
            t.pattern = "#{@file}/*test*.rb"
          # Invoke the rake task and exit, hopefully it'll work!

    def execute
      # Locate tests to run that may be inside of this line. There could be more than one!
      tests_to_run = tests.within(@line)

      # If we found any tests,
      if tests_to_run.size > 0
        # assemble the regexp to run these tests,
        test_names = tests_to_run.map(&:name).join('|')

        # directly run the tests from here and exit with the status of the tests passing or failing
        exit Test::Unit::AutoRunner.run(false, nil, ["-n", "/(#{test_names})/"])
        # Otherwise we found no tests on this line, so you need to pick one.
        message = "No tests found on line #{@line}. Valid tests to run:\n\n"

        # For every test ordered by line number,
        # spit out the test name and line number where it starts,
        tests.by_line_number do |test|
          message << "#{sprintf("%0#{tests.column_size}s", test.name)}: m #{@file}:#{test.start_line}\n"

        # fail like a good unix process should.
        abort message

    # Finds all test suites in this test file, with test methods included.
    def suites
      # Since we're not using `ruby -Itest` to run the tests, we need to add this directory to the `LOAD_PATH`
      $:.unshift "./test"

        # Fire up this Ruby file. Let's hope it actually has tests.
        load @file
      rescue LoadError => e
        # Fail with a happier error message instead of spitting out a backtrace from this gem
        abort "Failed loading test file:\n#{e.message}"

      # Use some janky internal test/unit API to group test methods by test suite.
      Test::Unit::TestCase.test_suites.inject({}) do |suites, suite_class|
        # End up with a hash of suite class name to an array of test methods, so we can later find them and ignore empty test suites
        suites[suite_class] = suite_class.test_methods if suite_class.test_methods.size > 0

    # Shoves tests together in our custom container and collection classes.
    # Memoize it since it's unnecessary to do this more than one for a given file.
    def tests
      @tests ||= begin
        require "m/test_collection"
        require "m/test_method"
        # With each suite and array of tests,
        # and with each test method present in this test file,
        # shove a new test method into this collection.
        suites.inject(TestCollection.new) do |collection, (suite_class, test_methods)|
          test_methods.each do |test_method|
            collection << TestMethod.create(suite_class, test_method)