require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../../example_helper") describe Micronaut::Runner do before do @runner = end describe '#configuration' do it "should return Micronaut.configuration" do @runner.configuration.should == Micronaut.configuration end end describe '#formatter' do it 'should return the configured formatter' do @runner.formatter.should == Micronaut.configuration.formatter end end describe 'Micronaut::Runner.at_exit' do it 'should set an at_exit hook if none is already set' do Micronaut::Runner.stubs(:installed_at_exit?).returns(false) Micronaut::Runner.expects(:at_exit) Micronaut::Runner.autorun end it 'should not set the at_exit hook if it is already set' do Micronaut::Runner.stubs(:installed_at_exit?).returns(true) Micronaut::Runner.expects(:at_exit).never Micronaut::Runner.autorun end end end